OLR Meaning

The OLR meaning is "Outgoing Longwave Radiation". The OLR abbreviation has 59 different full form.

OLR Full Forms

  1. Outgoing Longwave Radiation The radiative character of energy radiated from the warmer earth to cooler space, often derived from window channel measurements from satellites in polar orbit. Climatology, Meterology, Radiation, Scientific & Educational
  2. Objective Loudness Rating
  3. Organic Loading Rate Science, Reactor, Anaerobic, Chemistry
  4. Off Load Route Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  5. Overall Loudness Rating Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Open Lamp Regulation
  7. Oberon Linux Revival
  8. Oregon Literary Review
  9. Ofm Line Reader
  10. Outstanding Loss Reserve
  11. Open-Lamp Regulation
  12. Ontario Law Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
  13. Oregon Legal Research
  14. Optical Label Reader
  15. Office of Licensing and Regulation
  16. Otology, Laryngology, and Rhinology Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  17. On Line Registration
  18. Organic Loading Rates Medical, Reactor, Anaerobic, Wastewater
  19. Oregon Law Review
  20. Opinion Leader Research
  21. Off-Line Reader Technology
  22. Otology, Laryngology and Rhinology Medical
  23. On Line Reference Business, Postal, Us Post
  24. Ordinary Linear Regression Medical
  25. Operational Loss Replacement Military, Helicopter, Force
  26. Ocean Landings Resort
  27. Oriental Love Ring
  28. Oklahoma Lawqreview
  29. Our Lady of Ransom
  30. Open Loop Receiver
  31. Object Level Recovery
  32. Organic Load Rate Medical
  33. Offtaker of Last Resort
  34. Forward Operating Base Salerno Khost, Afghanistan Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  35. Open-Loop Resonator
  36. Optical Line Repeater
  37. Office of Learning Resources Medical, Common Medical
  38. Colaereos Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  39. Ordered Logistic Regression
  40. On-Load Refuelling
  41. Optical Layout Recognition
  42. On-Line Registry General, Governmental & Military
  43. Orange Lounge Radio Technology, Gaming, Podcast
  44. On-Line Review
  45. Off Line mail Reader Software, Computing
  46. Oral Lichenoid Reactions Medical
  47. Off Load Routes Aviation, Governmental & Military
  48. On- Line Resource Computing, Internet
  49. Oracle Local Repository Technology, Database, Grid
  50. Objective Loudness Ratio
  51. Office of Labor Relations Housing and Urban
  52. Oracle Local Registry Technology, Database, Grid
  53. Oxford Literary Review
  54. Order for Lifelong Restriction
  55. Outgoing Long-Wave Radiation Technology, Climate, Atmosphere, Legal, Governmental & Military
  56. Optimum Location Review Organizations
  57. Over Load Relay Technology, Control, Electricity, Starter
  58. Ordinal Logistic Regression Business, Research, Model
  59. Outgoing Longwave Radiance Technology, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OLR stand for?

    OLR stands for Ordinary Linear Regression.

  2. What is the shortened form of Open-Loop Resonator?

    The short form of "Open-Loop Resonator" is OLR.


OLR. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/olr-meaning/

Last updated