Olympic Games Abbreviations and Olympic Games Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Olympic Games terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Olympic Games abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Olympic Games terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Olympic Games Abbreviations
  1. AC : Also Competed
  2. WADA : Whrld Anti-Doping Agency
  3. WITH : Whthdrawn
  4. HAM : Hammer Throw
  5. HT : Hammer Throw
  6. DISC : Discuss Throw
  7. DISQ : Disqualified
  8. DSQ : Disqualified
  9. ELIM : Eliminated
  10. EWR : Equalled World Record
  11. TG : Touches Given
  12. JAV : Javelin
  13. GRW : Greco Roman Wrestling
Latest Olympic Games Meanings
  1. Greco Roman Wrestling
  2. Javelin
  3. Touches Given
  4. Equalled World Record
  5. Eliminated
  6. Disqualified
  7. Discuss Throw
  8. Hammer Throw
  9. Whthdrawn
  10. Whrld Anti-Doping Agency
  11. Also Competed