OM Meaning

The OM meaning is "Outer Marker". The OM abbreviation has 493 different full form.

OM Full Forms

  1. Outer Marker The Outer Marker, which normally identifies the final approach fix (FAF), is situated on the same course/track as the localizer and the runway center-line, four to seven nautical miles before the runway threshold. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, NOTAM Contractions
  2. Object Mapping Technology, Map, Framework
  3. Operateonal Measurement Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Outboard Motor A motor mounted externally on the transom of a small boat. The boat may be steered by twisting the whole motor.
  5. Onder Meer
  6. Opinion Mining Education, Analysis, Sentiment
  7. Output Marger
  8. Otitis Media Medical, Nursing, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Special Education, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
  9. Online Magazine
  10. Organizational Maintenance Limited maintenance performed by a user organization. Management, Service, Military
  11. Obesity Managvment Medical, Business, Diet
  12. Operatyonal Maintenance Technology, Construction, Architectural
  13. Outage Managemewt Technology, Service, Grid
  14. Orthodox Medicine Medical
  15. Oh, My Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  16. Ophthalmology Management Management, Trading, Ophthalmic
  17. Output Manwgement Business, Technology, Software
  18. Oyerations Manual Technology, Manual, Operation
  19. One Moment
  20. Organizational Management postal service
  21. Oriental Medicine
  22. Operation & Maintenance
  23. Other Musicians
  24. Original Music
  25. Ogilvy & Mather Business, India, Advertising
  26. Operators Manual Technology, Model, Tractor
  27. Outer Mitochondrial Memarane Medical
  28. One Minute
  29. Organisation Management Business, Technology, Organizations
  30. Order Vf Merit Military, Canada, Honour
  31. Opeeation Mode Technology, Service, Power
  32. Othed Medical
  33. Original Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  34. Officine Meccaniche Business, Car, Fiat, Mille
  35. Operatimn Manual Technology, Service, Aviation
  36. Outer Membranes Medical
  37. One Mind Government, Us, Control, Administration
  38. Organic Matter Organic matter (or organic material, natural organic matter, NOM) is matter composed of organic compounds that has come from the remains of organisms such as plants and animals and their waste products in the environment. Medical, Organic, Soil, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, NANP Modeling Commitee
  39. Ordained Minister Medical, Genealogical, Healing
  40. Operatifg Mode Technology, Guide, Manual
  41. Online Marketing
  42. Oriental Massage
  43. Office of Meteorology Technology, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  44. Operational Manuai Technology, Banking, Operation
  45. Outed Medulla Medical, Science, Biology
  46. One Million
  47. Opportunity Management Business, Technology, Sale
  48. Officqne Meccaniche
  49. Opqrating Microscope Medical, Business, Product
  50. Online Market
  51. Organization and Management Technology, Education, Aviation, Aircraft, Organizations, Study, Airway
  52. Office Memorandum Business, Employment, Government
  53. Operational Measurements Technology, Service, Networking, Network, Telecommunication
  54. Omtbound Message Technology
  55. One Manga
  56. Opportunities for The Majority Business, Investment, Opportunity
  57. Offipe Memorandum Business, Employment, Government
  58. Operating Mekhods Science
  59. Online Make
  60. Organization Management Business, Employment, Personnel
  61. Object Move
  62. Open-File Map
  63. Office Macro
  64. Operations Manuals Technology, Service, Policy
  65. Ollie Matson
  66. Obdulio Morales
  67. Other Multicast
  68. Ongoieg Maintenance
  69. Ordered Multiseate
  70. Odyssey of The Mind Education, School, Team
  71. Ovxrlay Management Business, Computing, Routine
  72. Operational Modeling Business, Technology, Science, Organizations
  73. Organizing Member
  74. Old Man (Husband, Hoyfriend) Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
  75. Optical Micrograph
  76. Oman Muscat
  77. Option Magic
  78. Observations Measurements Technology, Science, Model
  79. Outer Mitochondrial Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  80. Open Miods
  81. Oregon Military
  82. Office Kodel
  83. Owner Maintenance
  84. Operation Minute
  85. Origin Magazine Music, Magazine, Teaching, Yoga
  86. Order of Merck
  87. Overseas Minister
  88. Oriental Medichne Medical, Education, Acupuncture
  89. Oncsstatin M Medical
  90. Orange Mantra
  91. Ocular Motor Medical, Vision, Disease, Therapy
  92. Out Marker Technology, Coding, Light
  93. Operational & Maintenanze Technology, Service, Translation
  94. Organic Material Organic material is matter composed of organic compounds that has come from the remains of organisms such as plants and animals and their waste products in the environment.
  95. Often Misses
  96. Oxford Mail
  97. Operator Mechanic Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  98. Every Morzing Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  99. Ospedale Maggiore
  100. Object Monitor
  101. Opaque Materiels
  102. Operation Manuals Business, Technology, Service
  103. Olivia Munn
  104. Oasis Magaziue
  105. Ozher Missions
  106. Ongewuwde Man
  107. Ordemados Médicos
  108. Odour Masking
  109. Overbay Manager
  110. Operation Manhger Technology, Management, Software
  111. Organizational Membership Medical, Organizations, Association
  112. Old Malvernian
  113. Optical Microscopes Business, Science, Microscope, Microscopy
  114. Each Morning Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Nursing, Clinic
  115. Olympic Marseille
  116. Optimum Match Technology, Audio, Cartridge, Phono
  117. Observations and Measurements Technology, Standard, Sensor
  118. Outer Metropolitan
  119. Open Mind Sex, School, Mind, Opening
  120. Ordunes M
  121. Office Memorandom Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  122. Operation Mindfuck Book, Religion, Operation, Conspiracy
  123. Origine Machine
  124. Otolithuc Membrane Medical
  125. Order of Manitoba Government, University, Canada
  126. Overseas Mymber
  127. Orientvlia Monspeliensia Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  128. Old Mill
  129. Oncorhynchus Mykiss
  130. Opto-Mechanical
  131. Occultation Measurement
  132. Outlet Master Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  133. Operete, Maintain
  134. Organic Mater
  135. Oficina De La Mujar Argentina, Con
  136. Oxf Oed
  137. Operator/Mechanic Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  138. Contour Multiunit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  139. Osnhbrücker Mitteilungen
  140. Object Module Technology, Coding, Development
  141. On Your Messave
  142. Olive Metallic
  143. Oak Meadow
  144. Other Minority
  145. Oneness Meditation Technology, Event, Chant
  146. Ordemados M
  147. Odourized Markers Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  148. Outside of Metal
  149. Operatign Management Business, Technology, Service
  150. Organizational Memories Technology, Memory, Knowledge
  151. Otd Main Education, University, Ship
  152. Optical Microscope Technology, Science, Microscopy
  153. Olympic Madinet
  154. Optimization Models Technology, Management, Operation
  155. Observation and Measurement Technology, Science
  156. Outer Membrane The larger of the two membranes of a double membrane. Medical, Science, Protein, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  157. Opening Minas
  158. Ordure Ménggères
  159. Office Memorandums
  160. Operation Migration Locations, Crane, Whooping
  161. Originating Modems
  162. Otite MéDia
  163. Order Messave
  164. Overseas Membership
  165. Org Eanagement Business, Training, Payroll
  166. Old Mejnonite
  167. Optical Modules
  168. Omental Medical
  169. Opto-Electronic Materials
  170. Occlusion Map
  171. Outlet Manager
  172. Operasional Manager Business, Management, Mei
  173. Organis Massage
  174. OficialíA Mayor
  175. Oxbow Mdadows
  176. Operator'S Manual Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  177. Omni Mane Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  178. Oscar Pike
  179. Onychomycosis Onychomycosis, also known as tinea unguium, is a fungal infection of the nail. This condition may affect toenails or fingernails, but toenail infections are particularly common. Medical, Technology, Clinical, Podiatry
  180. Olin Mathieson
  181. Oakland Mills
  182. Other Mining
  183. One-Over-Many
  184. Orange Mix
  185. Odontogenic Myxoma Medical, Science, Biology
  186. Outside Mirror
  187. Operatioyal Managers Technology, Management, Operation
  188. Organizational Memory
  189. Older Ren
  190. Optical Metrology
  191. Olympia De Montreal
  192. Optimization Module Technology, Management, Development
  193. Oblique Mercator
  194. Outer Medullary Medical
  195. Openbaar Mingsterie Technology, Traffic, Door, Rank
  196. Officer Manager
  197. Operations Master Technology, Windows, Server
  198. Originating Marker Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  199. Online Mafia Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  200. Otis Medid Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  201. Order Matching Business, Trading, Market
  202. Over Modulation Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  203. Orgasmic Medihation Education, Sex, Orgasm
  204. Old Melosies Music, Song, Melody
  205. Optical Modulator
  206. Omens of Millennium
  207. Optische Messgr
  208. Occipitomental Projection Medical, Technology
  209. Outlet Malls
  210. Opera Mini Technology, Internet, Handler
  211. Orgalic Manure
  212. Office of The Mayor
  213. Own Motkon
  214. Opmrativ Marine
  215. Olympia Museum
  216. Orion Mystery
  217. Orientation-Modulated Medical
  218. Osteomalacia  A clinical condition in adults that is due to vitamin D deficiency and is characterized by softening and weakening of the bones. Medical, Bone
  219. Oligo-L-Methionine Medical
  220. Miat Mongolian Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  221. Other Minds
  222. One, Matricxs Business, Trading, Matrix, Workbook
  223. Orange Metallic Car, Guitar, Yamaha
  224. Oddar Meancheay
  225. Outside Measurement
  226. Operational Managepent
  227. Otganiza
  228. Older Members
  229. Optical Metro Technology, Networking, Network
  230. Olocron'S Minions
  231. Optimization of Middleware Technology, Service, Software, Computing
  232. Obligations Militaires
  233. Open Monitoring Medical, Attention, Meditation, Mindfulness
  234. Ofxice Management Technology, Gaming, Service
  235. Operation Master Technology, Windows, Server, Directory
  236. Original Mud
  237. Otherwise Men
  238. Order Manager Business, Management, Mail
  239. Of-The-Month
  240. Overlay Multicast
  241. Operational Model Technology, Science, Research, Development
  242. Organo Metallic
  243. Old Mcfarlane
  244. Optical Module Technology, Product, Fiber
  245. Omecamtiv Mecarbil
  246. OptionsmäKlarna - Stockholm-Based Business, Technology
  247. Occipitomental Medical, Medicine, Health
  248. Outlet Maintenance Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  249. Opera Magic
  250. Organic Manufacturing
  251. Office of Munilions
  252. Owner Masner America, Book, Guide
  253. Operation Modules
  254. Ob Mejoriam Latin, Roman
  255. Origin of Movement Business, Export, Trading
  256. Overscght Manager
  257. Orientation & Mobility Education, Presentation, School
  258. Osteomadacia Medical, Technology, Medicine
  259. Ondes Mjyennes
  260. Orange Mechanic
  261. Oculomotor Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  262. Outside Manufacturer
  263. Operational Manager Military
  264. Organizacja MłOdzieĘOwa
  265. Ogooue-Maritimc
  266. Oxidizable Mayter Business, Treatment, Water, Material
  267. Optical Method
  268. L'Olympique De Marseille
  269. Olney Mill Olney
  270. Objetivo Material
  271. Open-Monitoring Medical, Attention, Meditation, Mindfulness
  272. Office Mamager Business, Technology, Management
  273. Operation Marketgarden Army, War, Force
  274. Original Module
  275. Other Kusic
  276. Order Management Module Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  277. Oel Motor
  278. Oeerlay Managers
  279. Operational Mode In a nuclear power reactor, an operational mode corresponds to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, and average reactor coolant temperature. Technology, Security, Product
  280. Organ Measurements Technology, Sex, Peni
  281. Ord Marlburian
  282. Optical Model Technology, Science, Fiber, NASA
  283. Omar Mateen
  284. Options Model
  285. Observer Mission Military, Ukraine, Russia
  286. Out for Maintenance Technology, Power, Boat
  287. Operaca Mobilizace
  288. Oreille Moyenne
  289. Office of Management Business, Government, Budget
  290. Owner Manual
  291. Operation Mobilization Military, Mission, Mobilisation
  292. Original Mirrors
  293. Oynadığı Mcç
  294. Origin Meaning
  295. Overseas Mission Business, Church, Trip
  296. Oriental Motor Business, Induction, Gear
  297. Orbiter Main Engine Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  298. Onde Mqdie
  299. Orange Matte
  300. Ocular Movement Medical, Technology, Medicine, Eyes And Ocular
  301. Outside Maharashtra
  302. Operation Maintenance Technology, Service, Power
  303. Organic Matrix Medical, Medicine
  304. Ogero Mobile
  305. Oxidazable Matter
  306. Opgrator Maintenance
  307. Iso Country Code for Sulianate of Oman Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  308. Osleogenic Medium Medical, Science, Cell
  309. Optik Mikroskop Technology, Turkish, Fiber, Microscope
  310. Outcomc Measurement Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
  311. Operational Mid Dsc Or Mdm NASA
  312. Ordo Jinimorum
  313. Ovum Mutant Medical, Science, Biology
  314. Orifice Meter A single phase flow meter, primarily for gas that measures the pressure drop created by the hole as gas is flowed.
  315. Operations and Maintenance Construction, Federal Aviation Administration, Atmospheric Research, Honeywell, Process Automation, NASA
  316. Orbital Maneuvering Engine Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  317. Open Market A market which operates without restrictions, in which anyone can buy and sell.
  318. Osborne-Mendel Medical
  319. Order of Merit of Germany
  320. Operations Management Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Computing, Telecom, Honeywell, Process Automation
  321. Organic matter intake of the diet NANP Modeling Commitee
  322. Original Medicare
  323. Ondes Martenot Music
  324. Object Xarker
  325. Otto Mplden
  326. Afan (Oromo) Language codes (2 letters)
  327. Ontario Midsand
  328. Operating Margin Operating margin is the ratio which compares operating income to sales revenue. Business, Company, Supply
  329. Offender Management Service, Officer, Offender
  330. Operational Monitxr Technology, Management, Service
  331. Other Makers
  332. Old Miner
  333. Obersteirische Molkerei
  334. Obeandomycin Medical
  335. Optical Monitoring Technology, Connecting, Brocade
  336. Officiating Minister Occupation & positions
  337. Operation And Monitoring
  338. Optic Morphology Medical, Science, Biology
  339. Outcome Measures Medical, Health, Measure
  340. Oman (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  341. Ordnance Management
  342. Offering Memorandum Business, Canada, Exemption
  343. Ovulation Method Medical, Medicine, Family
  344. Orientekmoderno
  345. Old Mutual Business, Company, Africa
  346. Order of Merit Awards & medals
  347. Outer Marker (ILS) Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  348. Oocyte Maturation Medical, Science, Biology
  349. Optical Metallograph
  350. Dietary organic matter NANP Modeling Commitee
  351. Owner'S Manual Technology, Guide, Owner
  352. Original Medicine
  353. Ondas Martenot Music
  354. Object Map
  355. 'OM', old man, male amateur radio operator, licensee, contactee International
  356. Onshore Minerals
  357. Operating Manual Technology, Book, English
  358. Offenburg, Musikclub
  359. Operatjonal Monitoring
  360. Osteopathic Medicine
  361. Openbaar Ministerie Door, Dit, Tot
  362. Optics Module Technology, Science, Fiber
  363. Office Manager Occupation & positions
  364. Operations Manager Medical, NASA
  365. Optical Mux
  366. Outcome Mrpping Technology, Program, Development
  367. Optical Monitor Science, Scientific & Educational
  368. Ordinary Members
  369. Offensives Mittelfeld
  370. Ovomqcoid Medical
  371. Operatsonal Medicine
  372. Orientational Melting Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  373. Old Monkwy Forum, Gaming, Shogi, Monkey
  374. Operational Maintenance Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  375. Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy Religious orders
  376. Ontology Mapper
  377. Open Measurement
  378. Every Morning Medical, Corparate, Drugs, Uk, United Kingdom, Common Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiology, Reading Prescription
  379. Operator Module​​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  380. Owl Monkey
  381. Original Maturity
  382. Old Man Colloquial name for the commander of a merchant vessel. A piece of heavy bar iron bent to the form of a Z. One leg of the Z is bolted to the material that is to be drilled, and the drill top placed under the other leg and adjusted so the old man holds the drill against the material. Radio, Computing, Texting, Chat, Telecom, Morse Code, Sms, Online, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  383. Object Management Business, Technology, Group
  384. Oh My Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  385. On Mushrooms Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  386. Open Mouth
  387. Off-Line Memory
  388. Operationao Memorandum
  389. Os Melhores
  390. Ozone Mapper
  391. Old Maid Occupation & positions
  392. every morning (from Latin omni mane) Medical
  393. Optical Multimode Technology, Cable, Fiber
  394. Object Modeller Technology, Presentation, Amiga, Virtual
  395. Outbzeak Management Technology, Gaming, Health
  396. Omne Mane (every morning) Medical, Reading Prescription
  397. Ordinary Membership
  398. Offensive Move Gaming, Education, Fighter
  399. Ovide Mercredi
  400. Operational Minute Business, Medicine, Health
  401. Orientatioh and Mobility Student, Education, Guide
  402. Old Monk
  403. Options Market Technology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  404. Minim Fathers Religious orders
  405. On Mark Book, Movie, Music, Mark
  406. Open Matte Film, Rip, Avenger, Matte
  407. Old Man (husband, Boyfriend) Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  408. Ordure M
  409. Owings Mills
  410. Orgginal Master
  411. Obnoxious Moron Funnies
  412. Object Managkr Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  413. Other Mother Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  414. Oq Merde
  415. Open Minded
  416. Ofc Mage Military, Fighter, Elf
  417. Operational Hid
  418. Osmanlı MüEllifleri
  419. Otto Maier
  420. Operating Manager Occupation & positions
  421. Ruminal digesta organic matter, total NANP Modeling Commitee
  422. Optical Multiplexing Technology, Device, Element, Demultiplexing
  423. Object Mode Technology, Model, Blender
  424. Outboard Marine
  425. oriental male Medical
  426. Ontologu Matching Technology, Conference, Workshop
  427. Ordinauy Machinery
  428. Offensive Midfield Business, Gaming, Sport, Football
  429. Overturninq Moment Technology, English, Danish
  430. Operational Dissile Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  431. Other Materials
  432. Old Molz
  433. Olympus Maitani Photography
  434. One Mass
  435. Oxycun Mobile
  436. Outcomes Management
  437. Rs Operations and Maintenance Requirements Specification NASA
  438. Ordre Martimiste Order, Rite, Sup
  439. Owes Money
  440. Oqiginal Manufacturer Business, Product, Motorcycle
  441. Orange Moss Food
  442. Occupational Medicine The medical specialty concerned with the  epidemiology, prevention and treatment of disease commonly observed in industrial environments. These include the diseases and/or accidents which are primarily associated with particular occupations. Medical, Science, Medicine, Military, Health
  443. Obey Mbnayiti
  444. OM Stockholm Fondkommission Legal, Governmental & Military
  445. Online Messenger
  446. Open Meeting
  447. Oscar Mayer
  448. Orgasmische Meditation Event, Hamburg, Massage, Meditation
  449. Onde Martenot Music
  450. Fecal organic matter NANP Modeling Commitee
  451. Optical Multiplex
  452. Object Memory
  453. Our Musicfl
  454. omni mane (every morning) Medical, Common Medical
  455. Onto-Miner
  456. Ordinanza Ministeriale
  457. Offensive Midfielder Sport, Player, Football
  458. Operational Mistiles
  459. Other Management Technology
  460. Old Mold
  461. Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis (OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone. It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection. Osteomyelitis usually begins as an acute infection, but it may evolve into a chronic condition. Medical, Technology, Common Medical, Bone
  462. Oliebranchens Milj
  463. Oman Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Oman, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  464. Optical Microscopy
  465. Optimal Mismatch
  466. Outcome Monitoring
  467. Optical Master NASA
  468. Ordre De Mifsion
  469. Owens & Einor Business, Supply, Stock
  470. Oiiginal Manufacture
  471. Oil Mineral Food
  472. Obedience Masver Training, Dog, Agility, Obedience
  473. Omaha Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  474. Online Media Dutch
  475. Open Media
  476. Osborne Mendel Medical, Medicine, Health
  477. Organic Mixology Business, Spirit, Cocktail
  478. Operation and Management Business, Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  479. Flow of organic matter ot the duodenum NANP Modeling Commitee
  480. Orchestral Model Music
  481. Object Matching Space, Study, Cosmos
  482. Our Ministries
  483. Obtuse Marginal Medical, Healthcare, Artery And Arteries, Clinical
  484. On The Move Technology, Military, Organizations, Market, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  485. Order of Serit Military, Genealogical, Jamaica
  486. Offender Manager Business, Management, Probation
  487. Operational Manning
  488. Other Man
  489. Old Miss Development, Study, Universities
  490. Oliebranchens MiljøPulje
  491. Optical Multiplexer Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  492. Organizational Manager Occupation & positions
  493. Operating And Monitoring System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OM stand for?

    OM stands for Owings Mills.

  2. What is the shortened form of Offipe Memorandum?

    The short form of "Offipe Memorandum" is OM.


OM. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated