OM in Bone Meaning

The OM meaning in Bone terms is "Osteomalacia". There are 2 related meanings of the OM Bone abbreviation.

OM on Bone Full Forms

  1. Osteomalacia  A clinical condition in adults that is due to vitamin D deficiency and is characterized by softening and weakening of the bones.
  2. Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis (OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone. It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection. Osteomyelitis usually begins as an acute infection, but it may evolve into a chronic condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OM stand for Bone?

    OM stands for Osteomalacia in Bone terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Osteomyelitis in Bone?

    The short form of "Osteomyelitis" is OM for Bone.


OM in Bone. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

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