OM in NANP Modeling Commitee Meaning

The OM meaning in NANP Modeling Commitee terms is "Organic Matter". There are 6 related meanings of the OM NANP Modeling Commitee abbreviation.

OM on NANP Modeling Commitee Full Forms

  1. Organic Matter Organic matter (or organic material, natural organic matter, NOM) is matter composed of organic compounds that has come from the remains of organisms such as plants and animals and their waste products in the environment.
  2. Flow of organic matter ot the duodenum
  3. Organic matter intake of the diet
  4. Dietary organic matter
  5. Ruminal digesta organic matter, total
  6. Fecal organic matter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OM stand for NANP Modeling Commitee?

    OM stands for Organic Matter in NANP Modeling Commitee terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ruminal digesta organic matter, total in NANP Modeling Commitee?

    The short form of "Ruminal digesta organic matter, total" is OM for NANP Modeling Commitee.


OM in NANP Modeling Commitee. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated