OM in Science Meaning

The OM meaning in Science terms is "Outed Medulla". There are 23 related meanings of the OM Science abbreviation.

OM on Science Full Forms

  1. Outed Medulla
  2. Operating Mekhods
  3. Office of Meteorology
  4. Outer Membrane The larger of the two membranes of a double membrane.
  5. Observation and Measurement
  6. Optical Microscopes
  7. Osleogenic Medium
  8. Optical Microscope
  9. Operational Model
  10. Order Management Module
  11. Operational Modeling
  12. Odontogenic Myxoma
  13. Over Modulation
  14. Observations Measurements
  15. Optical Model
  16. Orientational Melting
  17. Oocyte Maturation
  18. Optical Monitor
  19. Optic Morphology
  20. Ovum Mutant
  21. Optics Module
  22. Occupational Medicine The medical specialty concerned with the  epidemiology, prevention and treatment of disease commonly observed in industrial environments. These include the diseases and/or accidents which are primarily associated with particular occupations.
  23. Operations Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OM stand for Science?

    OM stands for Optics Module in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Over Modulation in Science?

    The short form of "Over Modulation" is OM for Science.


OM in Science. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated