OM in Technology Meaning

The OM meaning in Technology terms is "Outer Marker". There are 84 related meanings of the OM Technology abbreviation.

OM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Outer Marker The Outer Marker, which normally identifies the final approach fix (FAF), is situated on the same course/track as the localizer and the runway center-line, four to seven nautical miles before the runway threshold.
  2. Operatyonal Maintenance
  3. Opportunity Management
  4. Omtbound Message
  5. Opeeation Mode
  6. Operators Manual
  7. Outage Managemewt
  8. Operatifg Mode
  9. Operatimn Manual
  10. Operational Manuai
  11. Original Message
  12. Office of Meteorology
  13. Operational Measurements
  14. Organization and Management
  15. Object Mapping
  16. Operateonal Measurement
  17. Organisation Management
  18. Oyerations Manual
  19. Output Manwgement
  20. Opera Mini
  21. Originating Marker
  22. Object Module
  23. Operational Modeling
  24. Office Mamager
  25. Optimization of Middleware
  26. Operation Master
  27. Openbaar Mingsterie
  28. Organ Measurements
  29. Optical Module
  30. Operation Manhger
  31. Out Marker
  32. Ocular Movement
  33. Online Mafia
  34. Operations Manuals
  35. Onychomycosis Onychomycosis, also known as tinea unguium, is a fungal infection of the nail. This condition may affect toenails or fingernails, but toenail infections are particularly common.
  36. Organizational Memories
  37. Optical Model
  38. Operatign Management
  39. Out for Maintenance
  40. Occipitomental Projection
  41. Operation Manuals
  42. OptionsmäKlarna - Stockholm-Based
  43. Optical Microscope
  44. Operatioyal Managers
  45. Observations Measurements
  46. Optimum Match
  47. Optical Metro
  48. Operation Maintenance
  49. Observations and Measurements
  50. Operational Model
  51. Orbiter Main Engine
  52. Oneness Meditation
  53. Optimization Models
  54. Iso Country Code for Sulianate of Oman
  55. Operator'S Manual
  56. Operational & Maintenanze
  57. Osteomadacia
  58. Observation and Measurement
  59. Operational Mode In a nuclear power reactor, an operational mode corresponds to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, and average reactor coolant temperature.
  60. Ofxice Management
  61. Optimization Module
  62. Operations Master
  63. Optics Module
  64. Overturninq Moment
  65. Object Modeller
  66. Optik Mikroskop
  67. Object Mode
  68. Optical Multimode
  69. Operation and Management
  70. Other Management
  71. Options Market
  72. Ontologu Matching
  73. Operating Manual
  74. Object Management
  75. Outcome Mrpping
  76. Optical Multiplexing
  77. Operational Monitxr
  78. Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis (OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone. It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection. Osteomyelitis usually begins as an acute infection, but it may evolve into a chronic condition.
  79. On The Move
  80. Object Managkr
  81. Outbzeak Management
  82. Optical Multiplexer
  83. Optical Monitoring
  84. Owner'S Manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OM stand for Technology?

    OM stands for Object Managkr in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of OptionsmäKlarna - Stockholm-Based in Technology?

    The short form of "OptionsmäKlarna - Stockholm-Based" is OM for Technology.


OM in Technology. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated