OMAC Meaning

The OMAC meaning is "Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship". The OMAC abbreviation has 30 different full form.

OMAC Full Forms

  1. Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship
  2. Onondaga Model Aircraft Club
  3. Obysk Mata Air Cokro
  4. One Millionth Actual Clone
  5. Otherways Management and Consulting
  6. Observational Metahuman Activity Construct
  7. One Million and Counting
  8. Otara Music Arts Centre Music, Violence, Style, Auckland
  9. Objective Medical Assessaents Corp Medical, Medicine, Report
  10. Old Montauk Athletic Club
  11. Oriental Martial Arts College Arts, School, Taekwondo
  12. Objective Medical Assessments Corporation
  13. Ohio Municipal Advisory Council Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  14. Open, Modular Architecture Controller Technology
  15. Oahu Motfrsports Advisory Council
  16. Oficina Municipal D'atenwió Ciutadana
  17. Ontario Mortgage Action Centre
  18. Open, Modular, Architecture Cbntrol Technology
  19. Out-Of-Home Marketing Association of Canada Business, Canada, Advertising
  20. Order of Malta, Ambulance Corps
  21. Otitis Media, Acute Catarrhal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  22. Order of Malta Ambulance Corps Medical, Ireland, Malta
  23. Orbital Maneuvering and Attitude Control
  24. Organization for Manufacturing Automation and Control
  25. Occupational Medical Association of Canada
  26. Organization for Machine Automation and Control
  27. Outerworld Monitor and Auto Containment Comics, Universe, Mortal
  28. Organisation for Machine Automation and Control Business, Technology, Industrial
  29. Outdoor Marketing Association of Canada
  30. Organisation Des Medias D'Afrique Centrale

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OMAC stand for?

    OMAC stands for Old Montauk Athletic Club.

  2. What is the shortened form of Out-Of-Home Marketing Association of Canada?

    The short form of "Out-Of-Home Marketing Association of Canada" is OMAC.


OMAC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated