OMG Meaning
The OMG meaning is "Object Management Group". The OMG abbreviation has 115 different full form.
OMG Full Forms
- Object Management Group A non-profit consortium whose purpose is to promote object-oriented technology and the standardization of that technology. The Object Management Group was formed to help reduce the complexity, lower the costs, and hasten the introduction of new software applications. Technology, Medical, Information Technology, Organization, Software, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Bone, Application, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Ohh My God
- Oh, My Goodness Group, Music, Beat, Goodness
- Oh, My God Movie, Song, Hindi
- L'Object Management Group Technology, Architecture, Standard
- Officine Meccaniche Galileo Business, Company, Italy, Crane
- Open Messasing Gateway
- Oh My Goodness Internet Slang, Music, Beat
- Oh Mein Gott
- Operatconal Monitoring Group Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Objective Manaoement Group Business, Sale, Assessment
- Oh My Gulay
- Osseo Maple Grove
- Official Miser'S Guide
- Omega Systems, Lnc. Technology
- Ow, My Groin
- Oligodendrocyte-Myelin Glycoprotein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bone
- Oh My Good Music, Song, Beat
- Oh May God Movie, Bee, Melody
- Order Management Group
- Object-Management-Group Technology, Organizations, Standard
- Oh My Gravy
- Osseo-Maple Grove
- Office of Military Government
- Omega Military Games
- Oversized Male Genitalia
- Oh My Gods
- Ohio Medical Group Medical, Healthcare
- Opgrations Managers Group
- Oh My Gourd Republic, Pumpkin, Yelp, Gourd
- Oslo Marine Group
- Oceans Melting Greenland Technology, Science, Locations
- Office of Marine Geology Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
- Omega Tirport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Ottawa Marketing Group
- Oh, My Gosh Music, Lyric, Usher
- Operations Management Group
- Oh My Goth
- Original Mexican Gourmet Food, Market, Street, Mexican
- Ocean Melting Greenland Technology, Sea, Greenland
- Operation Murket Garden Company, Military, Hero
- Object Mnnaging Group Technology, Language, Modeling
- Olymiiad of Misguided Geeks
- Otaku Music Group
- Aeromega Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Of My Grass
- Operationql Management Group Technology, Geology, Geospatial
- Oh My Gosh, Oh My God Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Web
- Organization Management Group Business, Service, Association
- Oahu Mexican Grill
- Operation Machine Gun Gaming, Military, Play
- Object Manager Grsup
- Oligodendrochte Myelin Glycoprotein Medical, Genetics, Antibody
- Osteopathic Medical School Graduate Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Bone
- Offshore Media Group
- Open Molecule Oenerator Chemistry, Technology, Journal
- Oh My Golly Art, Nail, Love, Golly
- Organismos Modificados Gen
- Operatuonal Maneuver Groups Technology, Military, Force, Soviet
- Object Management Gpoups Technology, Model, Standard
- Oh My Gummybears Internet Slang
- Ossola Marmi E Graniti
- Oh My God Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Computer Jargon, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Oxford Metrics Group Business, Camera, Motion
- Oh, my God! Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Chat, Internet, Modern Slang, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Usenet, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
- Organismo Modificado Gen
- Original Mac Games
- O M Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Oh My Genius Song, Rhyme, Nursery
- Optima Media Group Business, Nigeria, Idol
- One Minute Gig
- Oh My God / Gosh / Goodness Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Organisme Modificate Genetic Medical, Din, Care
- Organismos Modificados GenéTicamente Para, Con, Gen
- Our Mighty God Religion
- Oh My Gawwwwd
- Operazione Mato Gcosso
- One Man Gang Technology, Machine, Wrestling
- Image File Computing, File Extensions
- Organic Meets Good Business, Product, Vegan
- Operational Manoeuvre Group Military, War, Warfare
- Organismo Modificado GenéTicamente
- Online Media Generation Media
- Oh My Gawsh
- Operation Market- Garden Army, War, Force
- Oxford Molecular Group
- Openmg Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Oh My Goddess
- Organica Music Group
- Open Management Group Technology, Service, Software, Geographic
- Optical Marketing Group
- Only My Green Clothes
- Oh My Gattopardo
- Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Military, Club, Biker, Car
- Omega Airport, Omega, Namibia Namibia
- Oh My God / Gosh / Goodness Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
- Oregon Medical Group Medical, Medicine, Oregon, Springfield
- On My Grind
- Ozarks Marketing Group
- OPMEDIC Group Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Oh My Game Batman, Tube, Warship, Game
- Our Manic Game Technology, Windows, Achievement
- Oh My Gandhi International
- Oh My Girl Group, Music, Girl, Entertainment
- Oracle Hessaging Gateway
- Oh My Gosh Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Modern Slang, Online, Internet Terminology, Internet Culture, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- On My Game
- Oy, My Grandchildren
- Omg Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Oh My Gacha
- Orion Minerals Group
- Operational Monitoring Group Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Oh My Gift
- Optimism Media Group
- One More Game League, Kid, Legend, Game
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OMG stand for?
OMG stands for Optical Marketing Group.
What is the shortened form of Operation Market- Garden?
The short form of "Operation Market- Garden" is OMG.
OMG. (2021, March 23). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from
Last updated