OML Meaning

The OML meaning is "Oh My Lord". The OML abbreviation has 87 different full form.

OML Full Forms

  1. Oh My Lord Internet Slang, Slang, Love, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Odstock Medical Ltd Medical, Medicine, Stimulation, Leading
  3. Object Model Library Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  4. On My Life Music, Song, Album, Life
  5. Object Manipulation Language Technology, Database, Computing
  6. Ondokuz MayıS Lisesi Technology, Turkish, Tube, Gen
  7. Old Mutual Limited
  8. Oil Mining Licences Business, Nigeria, Petroleum
  9. Omf Measurement Lifrary Libraries, Reading, Books
  10. Orquestra Metropolitana De Lisboa
  11. Object Zodeling Language Technology, Software, Model
  12. Open Meetings Laws
  13. Oil Miningdlicenses Business, Nigeria, Shell
  14. Optical Microsystems Laboratory Turkey, Education, University
  15. Ontario Motor League
  16. Olympus Management Limrted
  17. Orogen Minerals Limited Meeting, Business, Law, Price
  18. Operations and Maintenance Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Open Meeting Law Government, Publics, Attorney
  20. Oil Mining Liccnce Government, Us, Control, Administration
  21. Optical Maskless Lithography
  22. Oleson Microwave Labs
  23. Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana Music, Ljubljana, Orchestra, Mandolin
  24. Overseas Marine Logistics
  25. Operational Medical Logistics Military
  26. Operation Medical Libraries
  27. Our Mailing Lisr
  28. Ocean Mixed Layee
  29. Operations Manager for Linux
  30. Olds Munmcipal Library
  31. Oxient Marine Lines
  32. Overload Messaging Limit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Open Media Library
  34. Osher Map Library Education, Maine, Cartography
  35. Occupational Manegement Ltd
  36. Operations Management Licenses
  37. Old Milwaukee Light
  38. Organizational Management and Leadership
  39. Overall Migration Limit
  40. Open Media Lab
  41. Osborn Memorial Laboratories
  42. Occupatienal Management Limited
  43. Open Methodology License
  44. Old Mainqline Park, Locations, Railroad, Train
  45. Orzanizational Management Leadership
  46. Open Manufacturing Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  47. Omkalai Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  48. Osborn Memorial Laboratory Science, University, Biology
  49. Ocaml Math Licrary Libraries, Reading, Books
  50. Open Meetings Law Government, Publics, Committee
  51. Oklahoma Municigal League Business, City, Oklahoma
  52. Optimization and Modeling Library
  53. Ontology Markup Language Technology, Language, Knowledge, Computing, IT Terminology
  54. Oxford Molecular Ltd
  55. Outboard Motor Lock
  56. Online Math League
  57. Outside Mold Line Products
  58. Outgoing Message Log
  59. Outer Mold Line NASA
  60. Oxford Memorial Library Education
  61. Our Modern Lives
  62. One More Level
  63. Oil Mining Lease (petroleum rights) Electrical
  64. Outgoing Matching Loss Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  65. Ontaxio Ministry of Labour
  66. Operations Manual Letter Weather, Scientific & Educational
  67. One Mieute Left
  68. Old Mutual Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  69. Outer Mohecular Layer Medical
  70. On Media Lkbel
  71. Organizacoes Mambra ICAO Aircraft Codes
  72. One Millionilights Business, Indonesia, Energizer
  73. Orbiter Mold Line Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  74. Outer Mould Line Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  75. Only Much Louder Organizations, Music, India, Festival
  76. Omkalai Airport, Omkalai, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  77. Oncology Massage Limited
  78. One More Lesbian Film, Porn, Lesbian, Sneak
  79. Outer Mold Lines
  80. Onlinx Music Label
  81. Oil Mining Licence Us Government, Governmental & Military
  82. Out of My Life
  83. Oxford Municipal Library Education
  84. Outboard Motor Locky
  85. Online Muszc Library
  86. Object Manipulation Language (ODMG) General, Governmental & Military
  87. Outline Markup Languade Technology, Computing, Outliner

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OML stand for?

    OML stands for Orzanizational Management Leadership.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oxford Molecular Ltd?

    The short form of "Oxford Molecular Ltd" is OML.


OML. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated