OMPA Meaning

The OMPA meaning is "Ole Miss Parents Association". The OMPA abbreviation has 11 different full form.

OMPA Full Forms

  1. Ole Miss Parents Association
  2. Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority Business, City, Oklahoma
  3. Ohio Maple Producers Association Business, Ohio, Syrup
  4. Oficina De Marques Del Principat D'Andorra Business, Patent, Andorra
  5. Octamethyl Pyrophosphoramide Medical, Technology, Medicine
  6. Ontario Modern Pentathlon Association
  7. Otitis Media, Purulent, Acute Medical, Medicine, Health
  8. Otitis Media, Pharyngitis, Adenitis Medical
  9. Orinda Moraga Pools Association Association, Til, Orchestra
  10. Orinda Moraga Pool Association Pool, Valley, Swim
  11. Oregon Media Production Association Business, Oregon, Portland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OMPA stand for?

    OMPA stands for Oficina De Marques Del Principat D'Andorra.

  2. What is the shortened form of Otitis Media, Pharyngitis, Adenitis?

    The short form of "Otitis Media, Pharyngitis, Adenitis" is OMPA.


OMPA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated