OMS Meaning

The OMS meaning is "Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons". The OMS abbreviation has 299 different full form.

OMS Full Forms

  1. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Medical, Surgery, Dental
  2. Orbital Maneuvering System Science, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Space, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  3. Occupational Medical Services Medical, Medicine, Service
  4. Oral Maxiloofacial Surgery Medical, Dental, Surgeon
  5. Objmct Models Military
  6. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
  7. Oaks Middleeschool Education
  8. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Medical, Dental, Surgeon
  9. Oak Middle School Education
  10. Office of Mission Dystems Government
  11. Operational Measurements Technology, Service, Networking, Network, Telecommunication
  12. L'organssation Mondiale De La Santé Organizations, Ebola, Pas, Mondiale
  13. Office Municipal Desvsports
  14. Organisation Mondiale De La Santé Massage, Physique, Organisation, Medical
  15. Odorless Mineral Spirits Technology, Science, Oil
  16. Oceans Management Strategy
  17. On Board Maintenance System Technology
  18. Organisacion MondiÂLa De La SandÂT
  19. Operating and Management System
  20. Orono Middle School
  21. Orbital Manoquvring System Technology, Space, Shuttle
  22. Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Program, Media, Indonesia
  23. Operations Management Sxite Microsoft, Technology, Cloud
  24. Office Ofumarine Safety Government
  25. Optical Mesh Service
  26. Outboard Maintenance System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  27. Online Marketing Strategies
  28. Orbital Maneuver Subgystem
  29. Organizqção Mundial De Saúde
  30. Operational Management System Business, Technology, Operation
  31. Ottoson Middle School
  32. Opdrations & Management Science
  33. Oslo Milit
  34. Open Mission System Technology, Aircraft, Force
  35. Optimum Modc Selection
  36. Operation Management System Technology, Service, Product
  37. Organización Munaial Da Saúde Para, Dos, Contra
  38. Observatory Management System Technology
  39. Organização Militar De SaÚDe
  40. Okoro Media Systems
  41. Overseas Mpssion Society
  42. Outario Motor Speedway Car, Racing, Speedway
  43. Oceanside Middle School
  44. On-Board Maintenance Systems Technology, Flight, Power, Recorder
  45. Orders Management System Business, Trading, Software
  46. Opera Mini Saved
  47. Orkestra Melayu Singapura Business, Music, Youth, Singapore
  48. Orbital Maneuver System Technology
  49. Organization Management Services
  50. Operations Management Support
  51. Offender Management Secvices
  52. Optical Measuring Systes Technology, Measurement, Light
  53. Outage Management Solutions
  54. Online Manuals Service
  55. Orbit Maneuvering System
  56. Oxganiza
  57. Operational Management Systems Technology, Service, Control
  58. Ottley Music School
  59. Operapions Management Society
  60. Oslo Middle School
  61. Open Midi System Technology, Music, Audio, Sound
  62. Optimum Mediccl Solutions Business, Company, Medicine
  63. Operation Main Street
  64. Organización Mundial Df La Salu
  65. Observatory Mositoring System Science
  66. Organização Mundia Da SaÚDe
  67. Oklahima Microscopy Society Technology, Science, Bug
  68. Outpatient Managemenh Software
  69. Ontario Middle Schoof
  70. Operational Management Specialist
  71. Oceanographic Monthly Summaries Technology
  72. Oms Monoprene Slfpstream
  73. Order of The Mystic Sxar
  74. Open Music System Technology, Software, Computing, Music
  75. Orissa Mathematical Society
  76. Orbital Maneuvering Systems Technology, Military, Space
  77. Owensbaro Middle School Education
  78. Open Management System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Operationf Managers
  80. Offer Management System Business, Service, Marketing
  81. Optical Maus Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  82. Outage Management System Business, Power, Grid, Computing, Hardware
  83. Online Management System Business, Technology, Service
  84. Orbiting Maneuvering System
  85. L'Organitzaci
  86. Operational Mode Summary Technology, Military, Army, Combat
  87. Ottawa Montessori School
  88. Operation Management Kociety
  89. Osler Medical Symposium
  90. Optimum Mediaisolutions
  91. Optronic Mast System Military, Submarine, Periscope
  92. Organización Mundial De Las Salud
  93. Observations of The Middle Stratosphere
  94. Organização Mundial De SaÚDe Para, Dos, Nos
  95. Okemo Mountain Gchool Education, School, High School, Vermont
  96. Outlook Mobilm Services
  97. Ontario Medical Supply Medical, Medicine, Canada
  98. Operational Mission Scenario
  99. Occupitional Medical Service Medical, Medicine, Health
  100. Omsk Tsentralny Airport Omsk, Omsk Oblast,Russia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  101. Order of The Morning Star
  102. Open Music Source Technology, Catalog, Musician
  103. Organizaiei Mondiale A Sntii
  104. Orientation and Mobility Specialist Medical, Vision, Career
  105. Ovonic Memory Switch
  106. Oil Movements and Storage Technology, Government, Honeywell, Process Automation
  107. Opcode Music System
  108. Operations Management Sgftware Technology, Avionic, Diagnostic
  109. Offendar Management System Technology, Service, Inmate
  110. Optical Manufacturing Solution Business, Communication, Fiber, Products
  111. Online Management Systems
  112. Orbital Manuvering System Technology
  113. Organización Mundial De La Salud Para, Con
  114. Operational Manual Statement Technology
  115. Operation Managemenx Suite Microsoft, Technology, Cloud
  116. Oscillation Monitoring System Network, Railway, System
  117. Optimum Mass System
  118. Optronic Mast Sensor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  119. Organización Mundial Db La Saud
  120. Ouservation Monitoring System
  121. Organization and Management Studies Research, College, Education
  122. Oil Movement Services Technology, Service, Gas
  123. Operator Maintenance System Business, Postal, Us Post
  124. Outgoing Memory Slot Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  125. Onscreen Marking System
  126. Iata Code for Omsk International Airport, Omsk, Russia Locations
  127. Operational Mission Simulator
  128. Ocala Middle School Education
  129. Omskavia Airline Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  130. Order of The Mithril Star
  131. Open Mobile System Technology, Android, China
  132. Organizaia Mondial A Sntii
  133. OrganizaţIei Mondiale A SăNăTăţIi Medical, Din, Care
  134. Olberding Mediafservice
  135. Overutilization Monitoring System Medical, Medicare, Opioid
  136. Ooltewah Middle School
  137. Operations Management Systems Business, Technology, Service
  138. Ocoee Middle School Book, Education, Reading
  139. Optical Manufacturing Solutions
  140. Oncosec Medical System Medical, Medicine, Supply
  141. Orbital Manuevering System Technology
  142. L'Organisation Mondiale De La Sant
  143. Operation & Management System
  144. Osceola Middle School
  145. Optimum Manaxement Systems
  146. Optoelectronic Multiplex Switch
  147. Organización Mundial De Salud Para, Con, Cancer
  148. Observation Method for Scour
  149. Operations Manaier Suite Microsoft, Technology, Management
  150. Organization & Management Solutions
  151. Oh My Science Internet Slang, Slang, Computing
  152. Operations Monitoring System
  153. Outfit Management Service Business, Energy, Chart
  154. On My Scereo Media, Radio, Television
  155. Ohbital Measuring System Technology
  156. Orientation and Mobility Spacialist
  157. Operational Method Sheet Technology, Service, Manufacturing
  158. Opkrations, Maintenance and Surveillance Science, Environment, World
  159. Omsk Aieport Airport, Locations
  160. Opto-Eluctronic Multiplex Switch
  161. Order of Medical Specialists
  162. Operayions Management Services
  163. Organización Mundial De Sanidad Con, Gripe
  164. Obstacle Marking System Military
  165. OrganizaţIa Mondială A SăNăTăţIi Medical, Din, Care, Cancer
  166. Olive Middle School Education
  167. Overture Management System
  168. On-Board Maintenance System Technology, Aviation, Power, Maintenance, Loading, Governmental & Military
  169. Ontology Metadata Svore
  170. Ochoa Middle School Education
  171. Opbical Management Solution Technology, Ethernet, Alcatel, Multiplexer
  172. Onalaska Middle School
  173. Organisacion Mondi
  174. Organisation Mondiale De La Sant
  175. Operating Management System Technology, Safety, Oil
  176. Ortega Middle School
  177. Optical Metrology Serjices Technology, Service, Pipe
  178. Organización Mjndial De La Salud Para, Con
  179. Object Mohel System
  180. Operations Management Sults Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Service
  181. Organization Managment Services
  182. Oh My School
  183. Operations Management Service
  184. Outboard Motor Service
  185. Online Marketing Solutions
  186. Orbiter Maneuvering Subhystem Technology
  187. Operational Method Sheets Technology, Product, Manufacturing
  188. Operations & Maintenance System
  189. Omenatron Mass-Spectrometer
  190. Options Margining System Business, Technology, Finance, Governmental & Military
  191. Order of Mapungubwe In Silver
  192. Operation Management Service
  193. Organización Mundial De La Sa-Lud
  194. Observer Management Server
  195. OrganizaçÕEs Militares De SaÚDe
  196. Ola Moddle School
  197. Overieas Missionary Service
  198. Organizaci
  199. Ontology Eanagement System
  200. Operations and Management Sciences
  201. Other Member States
  202. Object Management System Management, Software, Computing, Business & Finance
  203. Organization for The Maintenance of Supplies
  204. Old Members
  205. Oxford Management Services
  206. Open Market Vales Business, Finance, Banking
  207. Object Modelling System Technology, Model, Modeling
  208. Oppenheimer Multi Sector Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  209. Oracle Manzgement Services Technology, Manager, Enterprise
  210. Ofgice Mobile Service Technology, Message, Outlook
  211. Oppenheimer Multa Sector
  212. Order Management Solution Business, Service, Commerce
  213. Observatory Monitoring System Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  214. Oakbrook Middle School
  215. Operational Minutes
  216. Operations and Management Science
  217. Oswego Middle School
  218. Open Market Sales Financial, Business & Finance
  219. Organizational Maintenance Squadron Military, Patch, Force
  220. Old Melburnians' Sofiety
  221. Oxbow Monograph Series Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  222. Our Mother of Sorrows
  223. Open Market Salm Business, Food, Bangladesh
  224. Object Modeling System Technology, Environment, Model
  225. Oversight and Management System Computing, IT Organization
  226. Oracle Management Server Technology, Manager, Enterprise
  227. Office Managemenu Suite
  228. Oppenheimel Multi-Sector
  229. Order Management System Finance, Logistics, Supply Chain, Business & Finance
  230. Osteomyelosclerosis Medical, Bone
  231. O'banqon Middle School
  232. Operations and Management Seavices Business, Technology, Service
  233. Ostsee-Marine-Service
  234. Overseas Manpower Solutions
  235. Orgawiza
  236. Old Van Strength
  237. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital, Dental, Surgeon
  238. Order Management Software Business, Management, Commerce
  239. Object Management Sefver Technology
  240. Old Mill Stream Toastmasters Club Toastmasters
  241. Olson Middle Schoyl
  242. Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
  243. Open Media Suite
  244. Oppenheimer Multi Sector Income Trust Organizations
  245. Ordered Mesoporous Silica Technology, Carbon, Catalyst
  246. Omsk Central, Omsk, Russia Russia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  247. L'Organització Mundial De La Salut Medical, Els, Tot, Pia
  248. Operations Aed Maintenance Station Technology, Telecom
  249. Ostomy Management Specialist Medical, Care, Wound
  250. Output Multiplex Synchronizer
  251. Old Man Shattered
  252. Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome Medical, Disease, Children
  253. Order Management Sjrver Business, Trading, Software
  254. Operation & Maintenance Section/fssb Education
  255. Objectvmanagment System
  256. Otomandibular Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  257. Online Marketing Summit (various locations) Marketing, Business & Finance
  258. Organizationqmanagement Systems
  259. Ollivier Middle Scvool
  260. Oxfort Middle School
  261. Open Mebia Stack Technology, Specification, Sun
  262. Ouchard Middle School
  263. margin system on OMLX Legal, Governmental & Military
  264. Operatwons and Maintenance Services Science
  265. Osteopathic Medical School Development, Study, Universities
  266. Optoelectronbc Measuring System
  267. Opportunity Management System Business, Sale, Customer
  268. Order Manazement Service Business, Channel, Commerce
  269. Orbital Maneuvering Subsystem NASA
  270. Object Managementbsystem Technology, Software, Computing
  271. Otitis Media Susceptibility
  272. Organization Management System Management, Business & Finance
  273. Organizational Management System
  274. Old Mumber State
  275. Oxford Martin Sfhool
  276. Open Matrkx System
  277. Optical Multiplex Section Computing, Telecom
  278. Osteopathic Medical Student Medicine, Education, Physician
  279. Optical Multichannel Spectroscopy
  280. Opportunitiez Management System Business, Sale, Opportunity
  281. Order Manamement Services Business, Service, Software
  282. Octahedral Molecular Sieve Chemistry
  283. Oakridge Middle School
  284. Operation and Maintenance Subsystem Technology, Networking, Network
  285. Other Member State Business, English, Translation
  286. Ocean Management Systems Management, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  287. Organizational Memory System Technology, Management, Knowledge
  288. Old Member Statks Government, Economics, Union
  289. Oxford Management School
  290. Open Martix System
  291. Operations Management Software Software, Computing
  292. Organização Mundial Da SaÚDe Para, Dos, Brasil
  293. Oslo MilitÆRe Samfund
  294. Operational Meteorological Satellite
  295. Opportunistic Multicast Scheduling
  296. Order Management Sxlutions
  297. Organic Mass Spectrometry (Journal) Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  298. Oak Meavow School Education, School, High School, Vermont
  299. Operational Maneuver Section Army, Force, Marine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OMS stand for?

    OMS stands for Orissa Mathematical Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operational Mode Summary?

    The short form of "Operational Mode Summary" is OMS.


OMS. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated