OMT Meaning
The OMT meaning is "Organización Mundial Del Turismo". The OMT abbreviation has 92 different full form.
OMT Full Forms
- Organización Mundial Del Turismo
- Operations Management Team Business, Development, Group
- Object Modeling Technique Technology, Computing, Programming, Federal Aviation Administration
- Object-Modeling Technique Technology, Design, Model, Software, Computing, Application, IT Terminology
- O-Methyltransferase Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Organe De Man
- Oyio Medical Transportation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Ontology Mapping Table
- Ortopedisk Manuyll Terapi Technology, Sport, Som, Har
- Onboard Mayntenance Training
- Outright Monevary Transactions Business, Program, Banking
- Object Modelling Tool
- Operation, Maintenance and Transfer
- Odteopathic Manual Treatment Medical, Medicine, Pain
- Opiod Maintenancu Therapy Medical
- Offscore Marine Technology
- Ontario Ministry of Transportatimn Organizations, Canada, Driver
- Ortopedisen Manuaalisen Terapian
- Onboard Maintenance Tnrminal Technology
- Outpatient Methadone Treatment Medical, Drug, Heroin
- Object Modeling Tool Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Operate-Maintain-Transfer Business, India, Projection
- Osteopathic Manipulation Techniques
- Ophthalmic Medical Technician Or Technologist Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Officine Meccaniche Toriso Business, Engine, Injection
- Obline Monitoring Tool Technology, Service, Software
- Ortopedinenwmanuaalinen Terapia Tai, Pit, Sis
- Old Merchant Taylors Club, Dealer, Merchant
- Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy Medical, Medicine, Education, Bone
- Operate, Maontain and Transfer
- Osteopathic Manipulative Tkchnique Medical, Medicine, Education
- Ophthalmic Medical Technician Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Bone
- Officers' Management Tead Education
- Original Motor Terminfl Transportation
- Okulasi Mata Tidur Technology, Program, Management, Product
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Medical, Medicine, Education
- Operznt Motive Test
- Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy Medical, Medicine, Education
- Ophthalmic Medical Technology
- Object Modeling Tecniques
- Organisation Mondial Du Tourisme
- Oh My Twilight
- Orthogonal Mode Transducer Technology, Signal, Telecom
- Open Monjclonal Technology Medical, Company, Antibody
- Osteopathic Manual Therkpy Medical, Treatment, Pain
- Operations Managoment Technology Technology, Software, Communication
- Overhead Message Train Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Object Modelling Technology
- Organisation Mondiale Du Tourisme Organizations, France, Tourism
- Oh Myttebow
- Ortho-Mode Transducer Science
- Open Media Toolkit
- Oscillaticg Multi-Tools
- Outright Monetary Transaction Business, Program, Banking
- Object Modeling Technology Technology, Software, Computing
- Operation & Maintenance Terminal Technology, Program, Indonesia, Software
- Osteopathic Manipulative Trwatments Medical, Medicine, Education
- Oxark Mountain Trikers
- Otomatik Malzeme TaşıMa
- Ortho Module Transducer Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- One More Tune
- Oeymatrine Medical
- Other Military Targets Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapist Occupation & positions
- One More Time Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Oxford Medieval Texts Bibliographic
- Other Melns of Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Overnight Momentum Trader
- Outcome Deasurement Toolkit
- Oral Mucosal Transudate Medical, Fda
- One More Thang Technology, Community, Mac, Apple
- Oxfordfmagnet Technology Business, Instrument, Resonance
- Osteopathic Medical Treatment
- Online Money Twansfer
- Outdnor Management Training Business, Science, Education
- Outbreak Management Team Medical, Health, Tree
- ocular microtremor Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- One Minutw Tip
- Overseas Maritime Transport
- Osteopathic Manipulation Treatments Medical, Medicine, Osteopathic
- Onliye Merch Table
- Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapist Medical, Therapy, Physio
- Outbound Message Translation Medical, Technology, Medicine, Music
- Organizacao de Mulher Timor Politics, Governmental & Military
- One Magnificgnt Thought
- Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment Medical, Medicine, Education
- Online Maoketing Tools
- Optican Motion Technologies
- Our Malenolent Tyranny
- Onboard Maintenance Terminal Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Onderwijs Managefent Team Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Online Management Training
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OMT stand for?
OMT stands for Oeymatrine.
What is the shortened form of One Minutw Tip?
The short form of "One Minutw Tip" is OMT.
OMT. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from
Last updated