OMV Meaning

The OMV meaning is "Open Market Value". The OMV abbreviation has 30 different full form.

OMV Full Forms

  1. Open Market Value Business, Car, Singapore
  2. Open-Market Value
  3. Original Market Value
  4. Outer Membrane Vesicles Medical
  5. Online Manga Viewer
  6. Organizatia Mondiala A Vamilor
  7. Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle Technology, Military, Army, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  8. Ongoing Monitoring and Verification
  9. Order of Malta Volunteers Organizations, London, Malta
  10. Onderzoeksschool Maatschappelijke Veiligheid
  11. Ordem Dos MéDicos VeterináRios Para, Dos, Animal, Ria
  12. Officine Meccaniche Venturini
  13. Orbiting Maneuvering Vehicle
  14. Ordem Dos M
  15. Officine Meccaniche Vicario
  16. On Machine Verification
  17. Osa Mountain Village
  18. Officine Meccaniche Venete
  19. Online Marketing Vault
  20. Oxford Miniature Vaporizer Medical
  21. Oblates of the Virgin Mary (religious order) Religious orders
  22. Overhaul Manual Vendor
  23. Open Market Valuation Business, Credit, Mortgage
  24. Outer Membrane Vesicle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  25. Obligatory Minimum Valency
  26. Outdoor Motion Viewer Technology, Media, Vault
  27. öSterr MineralöL Verwaltung
  28. Ospedale Maria Vittoria
  29. öSterreichische MineralöL Verwaltung
  30. Oxygen Manual Valve Technology, NASA, Aeronautics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OMV stand for?

    OMV stands for Ordem Dos M.

  2. What is the shortened form of Officine Meccaniche Venturini?

    The short form of "Officine Meccaniche Venturini" is OMV.


OMV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated