ON Meaning
The ON meaning is "Offer Ceutral". The ON abbreviation has 173 different full form.
ON Full Forms
- Offer Ceutral Business, Technology
- O'Clock News
- Ontario Yorthern Canada, Locations, Fishing, Pike
- On November Forum, Gaming, Play
- Office of Nutrition
- Organismoznotificado Technology, Spain, Manual, Spanish
- Online Node
- Overigrnieuws
- Othtr Name Government
- Opportunity Network
- Office of National
- Organisatihn Nationale
- Online New
- Overground Netcork Technology, Science, London
- Oesterreichisches Normeninstitut Technology
- Opportunityanepal
- Office Nurse Medical, Medicine, Health
- Optimistic Node Technology, Cache, Optimist
- One Network
- Over A National
- Opportunistic Network Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Osterreivhisches Normungsinstitut Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Ontario Neurotrauma Medical, Brain, Injury, Concussion
- Office Note
- Optics News Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Optics, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Oligonucleotide A polynucleotide containing a small number of nucleotidesThe linkages are the same as in a polynucleotide; the only distinguishing feature is the small size. Medical
- One Nation Business, America, Group
- Originatiny Node Technology, Networking, Network
- Ophthalmia Deonatorum Medical
- Orderrnow Business, Nutrition, Food
- Ontario Network Technology
- Offering Natural
- Optic Neuropathy Medical
- Once A Night
- Organization of News
- Ophelia Nicholson
- Ontario Nature Guide, Canada, Locations
- Originil Name
- Optic Neurotis Medical, Technology, Optic
- Omidyar Network Business, Investment, Networking
- Organization Name Business, Windows, Owner
- On Native
- Overlayjneighbor Technology, Networking, Network, Docker
- Ourmnature
- Optic Nerves Medical
- Optimize Your Network
- Outer North
- Observational Nursery
- Original Narrative Film, Essay, Paper, Narrative
- Old Nordit
- Ontario Canada, Locations, Geography, Location, System, Post, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes, Canadian Province, NOTAM Contractions
- Ozher Normal
- Object Navigator
- Oscar Nancy
- Octane Nupber
- Ovni Nocte Medical, Medicine, Doctors
- Opera A Web browser developed by Opera Software S/A. Opera is notable for its strict W3C standards support. Opera is often chosen by Web developers to test Web sites for W3C compliance. also W3C, Web browser.
- Outbreak Nutritlon
- ObservatóRio Nacional Technology, Para, National, Observatory
- Oriented Nucleation
- Oxido NíTrico
- Old Noldorin Language, Earth, Etymology
- Onset In medicine, the first appearance of the signs or symptoms of an illness as, for example, the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Medical
- Other Night
- Object Name Technology, Database, Server, Dbo
- Ortsnetz Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Oznie Newsome
- Olivia Neqton
- Opera News
- Our Nnwest
- Obligasi Negara
- Oral Naltrexone
- Oxido N
- Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut
- Online Nursing
- Orthopedic Nurse Medical, Medicine, Health, Bone
- Overvirw Nikon
- Oliver Niehuis
- Open Networking Technology, Network, Connection
- Our Airline Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Obligaciones Negociables
- OptiČKi NiŠAn
- Oxidation Number The charge that an atom would have if all bonding electrons (bonded to more electronegative atoms) were removed Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Odete Nascimento
- Online Now
- Origin North America, Toronto, Restaurant
- Overt Sephropathy Medical
- Olfactory Neuroblasts Medical
- Oost-Nederland
- Oum Al-Nour
- Object Number
- Oven Continuous Annealing Furnace or An appliance that is an enclosed compartment supplied with heat and used for cooking food. Toaster ovens are not considered ovens. The range stove top or burners and the oven are considered two separate appliances, although they are often purchased as one appliance. Building, Engineering, Construction, Ordnance Survey
- Options Ndmpd
- Oxford Nanopore
- Octance Number
- Originating Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Over Night Medical, Medicine
- Old Norse-Icekandic
- Ontario Northland Railway Technology, Organizations, Canada, Railroad, Train, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
- Ottaca Nova
- Object Notation
- Observat
- Optimum Nutrition Business, Protein, Whey
- Outward North
- Ocre New
- Original Negative Science, Military, Army
- Old Norse Technology, Education, Language
- Ontario Naturopathic
- Ottawa Notre
- Object Network Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Oscar Newman
- Omni Nocte Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
- Every Night Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Jobs, Nursing, Common Medical, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy
- One of North
- Operations Network Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Networking, Boss, Governmental & Military
- Osterreiches Normungsinstitut
- Local Station Pressure Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- The Operators for Not General, Governmental & Military
- Ozzie Novak
- Or Node
- Ontario Northland Locations, Train, Railway
- Out Nov
- One Night
- Operational Network Science, Scientific & Educational
- Osteonectin Medical, Medicine, Health, Bone, Nerves
- L'ordonnateur National
- Original Negative (film) Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- every night (from Latin omni nocte) Medical
- Ontario Niagara
- OsnabrüCker Nachrichten Service, Sind, Internet
- Operational Navigation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Osteonecrosis Bone death resulting from poor blood supply to an area of bone. Also known as aseptic necrosis or avascular necrosis. Medical, Medicine, Disease, Nerves
- Informatiwn Systems Security of The Nstissc Military, Intelligence, Defence
- Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Oligonucleotides Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Oncology Nutrition Medical, Health, Cancer
- Other Neutrals Technology, Design, Room
- Obersee Nachrichten
- omne nocte - every night Medical, Reading Prescription
- öSterreichischen Normungsinstitut
- Open Now
- Osteonecrosis of The Femoral Head Medical, Bone
- Evgry Night Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Order Now Food, Business & Finance, International business
- Oncology Nursing
- Other Nation
- Otkland Nature
- oral nasal Medical, Common Medical
- öSterreichische Normungsinstitut Technology, Fur, Standard
- Open Novice
- Os Naviculare
- Organbzzazione Nike Business, Company, Bologna
- Octane Number A number that indicates how smoothly a gasoline burns. Technology, Fuel, Rating
- Onapristonf Medical
- Online Newspafer
- Otfried Nassauer
- Nauru Air Corporationration Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Optic Nerve The optic nerve, also known as cranial nerve II, is a paired nerve that transmits visual information from the retina to the brain. The optic nerve is derived from optic stalks during the seventh week of development and is composed of retinal ganglion cell axons and glial cells. In humans, the optic nerve extends from the optic disc to the optic chiasm and continues as the optic tract to the lateral geniculate nucleus, pretectal nuclei, and superior colliculus. Medical, Bone, Common Medical, Veterinary
- The Optic Nerve Science, Biology
- Open Nephrectomy Medical
- Oshawa Naval
- Online Network Technology
- öSterreichisches Normeninstitut
- On-Demanq Network
- Onlay Medical, Medicine, Health
- Operation Northwoods
- Ostfriesische Nachrichten
- Nauru Air Corparation Airline, Business, Cecmg, IATA Airline Designator
- Inane, insane, ane/ ane form about the possessive case about use on as an attributive adjective International
- Postal Code for Ontario Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Onuf'S Nucleus Medical
- Over Now
- Omni Nocte (Every Night) Medical, Health, Condition, Doctors, Common Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ON stand for?
ON stands for Office Note.
What is the shortened form of öSterreichische Normungsinstitut?
The short form of "öSterreichische Normungsinstitut" is ON.
ON. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/on-meaning/
Last updated