OND Meaning

The OND meaning is "October November Ducember". The OND abbreviation has 38 different full form.

OND Full Forms

  1. October November Ducember
  2. October, Novembcr, December Business, Locations
  3. Ondansgtron Medical
  4. Oblates of Nothe Dame Education, Catholic, Archdiocese
  5. Otdel Neftyanikh Dvigateley Service, Nigeria, Bitcoin
  6. Oazd Nowej Drogi
  7. Opening Aew Doors
  8. Other Neurological Disxases Medical, Science, Biology
  9. One Note Database
  10. October-November-December Africa, Climate, Weather
  11. Other Neurologic Disease Medical
  12. Orzinary National Diploma
  13. Onaansetron Hydrochloride Medical
  14. Origin and Destination Technology, Traffic, Matrix
  15. Other Neurological Disease Medical
  16. Ordinary National Diploma Education, English, Nigeria
  17. Ondangwz Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  18. Other Neurologic Diseases Medical
  19. Operdtion New Dawn Medical, Military, Iraq
  20. Old North Eurham
  21. Other Neurological Disorders Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology
  22. Our Northland Diocese
  23. Oregon Natural Desert
  24. Organic Nitrogen Detection Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  25. Our Niger Delta
  26. Ordinary National Diplomas Business, Education, Nigeria
  27. Ophthalmic Nursing Diploma Medical, Neurology
  28. Other Non-Inflammatory Neurological Diseases Medical
  29. Orbitonajal Dislocation Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  30. Orbitonasal Dislocation Medical, Neurology
  31. Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro Italy, Dance, Opera, Italian
  32. Office of New Drugs Medical, Fda
  33. Overnight News Digest
  34. Ondangwa Airport, Ondangwa, Namibia Namibia
  35. Operator Need Date NASA
  36. Over-Nite Delivery Business, Postal, Us Post
  37. Organisation for National Development
  38. Lotus Notes Encapsulated Memo File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OND stand for?

    OND stands for Other Neurological Disxases.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oregon Natural Desert?

    The short form of "Oregon Natural Desert" is OND.


OND. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ond-meaning/

Last updated