ONE Meaning

The ONE meaning is "Oficina Nacional De EstadíStica". The ONE abbreviation has 108 different full form.

ONE Full Forms

  1. Oficina Nacional De EstadíStica Para, Con, Cuba
  2. Organization of Nurhe Executives
  3. Office of National Estimates America, Military, Intelligence
  4. Only Natural Energy Technology, Power, Animal
  5. Observatoire National Des Elections Government, Africa, Republic
  6. Online Networking Entrepreneurs
  7. Oakland Network for Ed
  8. One Bout of Exorcise Medical
  9. Orientation for New Employees Business, Employment, Military
  10. Bank One Corx. Organizations
  11. Omeba Navigation Enterprises
  12. Organization and Natural Environment
  13. Old North End
  14. Organizations and Natural Environment Business, Management, Education
  15. Occupation-Based Neurobehavioral Evaluation
  16. Open Nenwork Entertainment
  17. Organisation for Natzonal Empowerment Organizations, School, Malaysia
  18. Oficina Nacional De EstadíSticas Para, Con, Cuba
  19. Optical Njtwork Equipment
  20. Office De Lt Naissance Et De L'enfance
  21. Open Numerical Knvironments
  22. Others Need Each
  23. Ohio Network Emulator
  24. Optimal Nutritional Evaluation Medical, Health, Testing
  25. Observer News Enterprise
  26. Open Network Expansion
  27. Organisation Naturwste Europ
  28. Office of Neighborhood Empowerment
  29. Office De La Naissance Et
  30. Open Networks Engineering Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Other Network Entity Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  32. Ohio Nature Education
  33. Optimal Nutrition Evaluation Medical, Health, Testing
  34. Observatprio De La Nueva Econom
  35. One North East Technology, Newcastle, Cumbria
  36. Organisation Naturiste EuropéEnne Organizations
  37. Office of Natural Environment
  38. Odaiko New England
  39. Open Networking Events
  40. Otaku Co Empire Anime, Tube, Empire, Pagina
  41. Oficina Nacional De Estad
  42. Optimal Nash Equilibrium
  43. Original Nail Envy
  44. One New E-Mail Computing, Internet
  45. Organic Nano Elemtronic
  46. Ocean Network Express
  47. Open Networking Environment Technology, Network, Cisco
  48. Ossific Nucleus Eccentpicity
  49. Oficinas Nacionales De Enlace Business, Para, Con
  50. Optic Nerve Evaluation Medical, Glaucoma, Disc
  51. One Network for Everyone
  52. Optimum Network Executive
  53. Oceanic Navigational Error
  54. Open Networkers In Energy
  55. Ortak Nesiller Entegrasyinu Len, Turkish
  56. Oficina Nacional De Enlace Para, Education, Con, Agua
  57. Optical Netwotk Elements Technology, Networking, Transport
  58. Operationaf Nanosatellite Effect
  59. One Network Enterprises
  60. Optimined Network Encryption Technology, Security, Cyber
  61. Occupational Noiseeexposure
  62. Open Neework Ecology Technology, Design, City
  63. Organizations and The Natural Environment Business, Management, Education
  64. Oficina Nacional EstadíStica
  65. Optical Network Expert
  66. Opera New England
  67. Otoneurological Experz System Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  68. One Natural Experience
  69. Optimized Network Evolution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  70. Open Net Environment (Sun) Computing, IT Terminology
  71. Office Nationale Pour L'Environnement
  72. Ophthalmic News & Education Medical, Children, Ophthalmology
  73. Overstrept Numerical Equivalent
  74. 01 Communique Laboratory Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  75. Optical Networx Equipment
  76. Onenote Document Computing, File Extensions
  77. Office National De L'éNergie
  78. Operations Noble Eagle
  79. Out New Electrig
  80. Optical Networking Edge Technology, Service, Network
  81. London Eastern Railway Ltd. Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  82. otoneurological expert system Medical, Neurology
  83. Office National De L'envirosnement
  84. Operations In New England
  85. Outdoor New England
  86. Office Networknexchange
  87. Optical Network A data network built on fiber-optics technology, which sends data digitally, as light, through connected fiber strands. Optical network offer an enormous increase in both transmission capacity and speed from traditional copper wire-based networks. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  88. Orchard Network of Excellence Networking, Orchard, Cider
  89. Onepusu, Onepusu, Solomon Islands Iata Airport Codes, Solomon Islands
  90. Office Nationale D'Electricite
  91. Operation Nest Egg Bird, Zoo, Egg, Kiwi
  92. Out-Of-Nest Episodes
  93. Office Natijnale De L'electricite
  94. Opportubity Now Emerging
  95. Over Nearly Everyone Occupation & positions
  96. Optimized Network Encryption Security, Governmental & Military
  97. Office National De L'electricitx
  98. Our New Eartc Music, Song, Earth, Metal
  99. Office National De L'
  100. Opportunistic Networking Environment Technology, Network, Delay
  101. Oceanair Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  102. Ozalks New Energy
  103. Bank One Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  104. Office National D'Electricite
  105. Office National Pour L'egvironnement
  106. Opportunistic Network Environment Technology, Networking, Delay
  107. Office of Nuclear Energy Government, Organizations, Us
  108. Owninv Noobs Everywhere Technology, Clan, Assault

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ONE stand for?

    ONE stands for London Eastern Railway Ltd..

  2. What is the shortened form of Oficinas Nacionales De Enlace?

    The short form of "Oficinas Nacionales De Enlace" is ONE.


ONE. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated