ONP Meaning

The ONP meaning is "Office of National Programs". The ONP abbreviation has 54 different full form.

ONP Full Forms

  1. Office of National Programs Business, Government, Us
  2. O-Nitrophenol Medical
  3. Open Networking Platform Technology, Software, Network
  4. Office National De P
  5. Orquestra Nacional Do Porto
  6. On-Premise Extension Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  7. Old Newspaper Technology, Forestry, Arboriculture, Chemistry
  8. OpéRateur National De Paye
  9. Ontario Naloxone Program
  10. Iata Code for Newport Municipal Airport, Newport, Oregon, United States Locations
  11. Organizzazioni Non Profit Business, Con, Sociale
  12. Olympic National Parks
  13. OpéRa National De Paris
  14. Only Natural Pet
  15. Address Complete, Subscriber Free, Charge Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  16. Organized Noize Productions
  17. Office of Naval Procurement Government, Us, Control, Administration
  18. Online Neuropsychology Project Education, Development, Universities
  19. Oncology Nurse Practitioner Medical, Nursing, Practice
  20. OrganizaçAo Nacional Dos Professores
  21. Office of National Preparedness Government, Military, Emergency
  22. Newport Municipal Airport Newport, Oregon,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  23. One Night Process Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Overseas Nursing Programme Education, Study, Nurse, Medical, Nursing
  25. Organisation Normandie Poney
  26. Office Nationale Pour La Population
  27. One Nation Party Nationalism
  28. Open Network Provision Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  29. Organic Natural Products
  30. Office National Des PêChes Publics, National, Casablanca
  31. Onafhankelijke Nijmeegse Partij Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  32. Olympic National Park Government, Locations, Trail, Insect and Spider Collections
  33. Oregon Newspaper Project
  34. Operation Na Pali
  35. Overseas Nurse Programme
  36. Operating Nursing Procedure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  37. Overly Nervous Person
  38. Newport Municipal Airport, Newport, Oregon, United States Oregon, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  39. Opera Napoletana Pellegrinaggi
  40. Office of Nonprescription Products Medicine, Health, Care
  41. Optical Nuclear Polarization Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  42. Open Next Program General, Governmental & Military
  43. Open Numbering Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  44. Optimal Network Performance
  45. Optical Network Planner Technology
  46. Owner Notification Program
  47. Open Network Provisioning Technology, Networking, Provision
  48. Onp - Optimal Network Performance Telecom
  49. Optical Networking Platform
  50. Overseas Nursing Program Service, Education, Nurse
  51. Open Network Platform Technology, Networking, Software
  52. őRséGi Nemzeti Park
  53. Operator Number Portability
  54. Overseas Nurse Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ONP stand for?

    ONP stands for Operating Nursing Procedure.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oncology Nurse Practitioner?

    The short form of "Oncology Nurse Practitioner" is ONP.


ONP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/onp-meaning/

Last updated