OOC Meaning

The OOC meaning is "Out-Of-Cycle". The OOC abbreviation has 82 different full form.

OOC Full Forms

  1. Out-Of-Cycle Technology, Software, Gen
  2. Out of Conference Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  3. Out-Of-Conference
  4. Options On Combo
  5. Oman Oil Co Business, Technology
  6. Object Oriented Concept General, Governmental & Military
  7. Out of Camera Technology, Photography, Camera
  8. Old Orchard Church
  9. Out of County
  10. Optical Orthogonal Code Technology, Networking, Network
  11. Out of Clas
  12. Office Rf Congressional
  13. Orders-On-Contract
  14. Out of Jam
  15. Old Oak Common Technology, London, Crossrail
  16. Optical Orthogonal Codes Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Oua of Chat
  18. Oman Oil Company Business, Energy, Projection
  19. Office of Comptroller
  20. Orber of Conditions
  21. Other Operating Costs
  22. Olare Orok Conservancy
  23. Opielok Offshore Carriers Business, Supply, Vessel
  24. Oat of Charcter
  25. Olympic Outdoor Center
  26. Offire of Compliance Employment, Government, Congress
  27. Order of Calanthk
  28. Ostfriesischer Oldtimer-Club
  29. Oklahoma On Call
  30. OperaçÕEs Oficiais De CréDito
  31. Out of Charakter
  32. Oman Olympic Committee Organizations, Muscat, Torch
  33. Out of Commission Gaming, Military, Magazine
  34. Orbicularis Yculi Medical
  35. Osse Overslag Centrale Business, Oss, Terminal
  36. Oil On Cuttings
  37. Out of Characjers
  38. Olympics Organizing Committee
  39. Out Od Cycle Forum, Technology, Gen
  40. Out of Charge Liquid, Toner, Resin, Charge
  41. Optimizing Oberon Compiler Software, Computing
  42. Out of Coffee
  43. Offrce of Counsel
  44. Orlando Orthopaedic Center
  45. Out of Cash Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  46. Olympic Organizing Committee Technology, Gaming, City
  47. Out of Couot
  48. Out of Character The part that covers character and non-role events is also called OOC. That is, real-life people and non-role events playing the characters in the role fall under OOC. Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Technology, Media, Computing, Texting, Roleplaying, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Gaming, GTA 5 RP
  49. Optimizing Oberon-2Bcompiler Technology, Software, Language
  50. Out of Code
  51. Officecof Construction
  52. Orlando Opera Company
  53. Object Oriented Concepts Technology, Software, Programming
  54. Omen of Clarity
  55. Owens Opportunityzcenter Education
  56. Out of Compliance Business, Technology, Management
  57. Open Online Course
  58. Out of Country
  59. Overseas Operator Zenter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  60. Out of Compewition Internet Slang, Journal, Archive, Character
  61. One Online Community
  62. Overleg Onderwijs Commissarissen Dutch
  63. Out of Coetinuity
  64. Overalh Operations Commander
  65. Out of Commann
  66. One Ocean Club
  67. Out of Carpet Funnies
  68. Out of Ckntent Forum, Gaming, Dragon
  69. Out On Campus Student, Education, University
  70. Out of Combat Forum, Gaming, Combat, Character
  71. One-Out-Club
  72. Offshore Operators Committee Electrical
  73. Out Ob Contract
  74. Operation Oswego County
  75. On-Orbit Control Space, Study, Cosmos
  76. O E C Compression Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  77. Out Uf Contact
  78. Operational Oceanography Center Science, Ocean, Ocean Science
  79. On-Off Control A simple control system in which the device being controlled is either full on or full off, with no intermediate operating positions. Also known as on-off system.
  80. Ore/Ozl Carrier
  81. Outqof Concentration Internet Slang
  82. Operational Objective Cameras

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OOC stand for?

    OOC stands for Out of Jam.

  2. What is the shortened form of Olare Orok Conservancy?

    The short form of "Olare Orok Conservancy" is OOC.


OOC. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 5). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ooc-meaning/

Last updated