OP Meaning
The OP meaning is "Original Poster". The OP abbreviation has 590 different full form.
OP Full Forms
- Original Poster Forum, Technology, Movie, Travel, Texting, Chat, Internet, Computing, Sms, Disney, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Outer Pulley Sport, Archery
- Other Parameters
- Operational Policy Technology, Development, Banking
- Organization Purpose Business
- Office Profeszional
- Outdoor Pool
- Operational Ready for immediate use. Technology, Management, Business & Finance, Medical, Aviation, Air Force, NASA, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Common Medical, Army, Military
- Opaque Descriptive of a material or substance which will not transmit light. Opposite of transparent. Materials which are neither opaque nor transparent are sometimes described as semi-opaque, but are more properly classified as translucent. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Colors, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Medical, Cell, Stem
- Operationalyperformance Business, Management, Operation
- Original Publication Book, Music, Library, Publication
- Ofben Present
- Overtprovisioning Forum, Technology, Drive
- Onderwijzend Persgneel School, Door, Tot
- Optical Profilosetry Technology, Science, Analytics, Material
- Ordinis Praedicatorum Book, Order, Dominican
- Our Party
- Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around data, rather than functions and logic. An object is a data field with its own set of properties and behavior. Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Doctor, Hardware, Systems, Telecom, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Python
- Other Pages
- Open Platform Technology, Robot, Humanoid, Computing, Hardware
- Organic Products
- Oafice Product
- Outdoor Photographeu Magazine, Photography, Camera, Photographer
- Office Products Technology, Products
- Operational Parameters Technology, Program, Computing
- Original Protocol Forum, Technology, Projection
- Oficina Del Psesidente Para, Guyana, Con
- Over Pozered Internet Slang
- Oncotic Pressure Medical
- Optical Power Technology, Fiber, Optic
- Order of Preachers Education, Genealogy, Genealogical, Dominican, Friar
- Ouagadougou Partnership
- Otago Polytechnic Student, Education, Dunedin
- Open Position Business, Trading, Career
- Optimum Populition
- Obsolete Parts Technology
- Oyt Patients
- Operational Phase Technology, Science, Program, Space, Operation, NASA, Aeronautics
- Original Production
- Off Preqises
- Over Mower
- On Prwgram Business, Coding, Community
- Optical Physics
- Orden De Predicadores
- Operation Phoenxx
- Osmotic Pump Medical
- Opezing Post
- Optimizativn Platform Business, Technology, Marketing
- Observktion Point Military, Park, National
- Out Putient Medical, Technology, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Operational Program Business, Government, Projection
- Organophosphorus Insecticide Medical
- Ouf Peak
- Omer-Powered
- On-Prngram
- Oppressed People
- Open Policy A cargo insurance policy that is an open contract; i.e., it provides protection for all an exporter's shipments afloat or in transit within a specified geographical trade area for an unlimited period of time, until the policy is cancelled by the insured or by the insurance company. Business, Insurance, Finance, Car, Banking
- Operation Paperclip
- Oscillatory Potentials Medical
- On Piece
- Optimalzperformance
- Observation Post Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Police, Royal Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Out-Patient Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Operational Picture Security, Military, Defense
- Organophosphorus Insecticides Medical
- Official Publications Office, Organizations, Library
- Ovariyn Pregnancy Medical
- Opposing Pawty
- Ocean Pacific Clothes
- Olympic Park
- Operationl Procedures
- OrçAmento Participativo Para, Dos, Ria
- Oil Paint
- One Piece Anime, Episode, Manga, Piece, Clothes
- Optic Neuritis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Our Propertiks
- Operational Poxicy Technology, Development, Banking
- Organized Play Gaming, Organizations, Event
- Official Plan Government
- Outdoor Prograes Student, Education, University
- Order Point Business, Order, Inventory, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Oligodendrocyte Precursor Medical
- Operational Procedure Military, Pilot, Operating
- Orthographic Projection Projection of surface of a sphere to a plane perpendicular to line of sight, all lines of sight being considered as parallel Technology, Len, Camera
- Ohio Kolice
- One Pair Business, Design, Fashion, Pattern
- Opticaluproperties
- Object Processor Microsoft, Technology, Security, Jaguar
- Our Plapet
- Ouham-Pende
- Operations Patricia
- Obyek Pajak Business, Tax, Indonesia, Orang
- Orientation Portrait
- Opaque Patch Medical, Science, Biology
- Optimist Park
- Orqhophosphate-Phosphorus
- Operational Plan Business, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Sale, Operation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Ordo Praedicatorum-Dominiqans
- Ordenyde Pago
- Operational Pattern Technology, Media, Audio
- Obesity-Related Problems
- Order Priorities
- Output Processor Technology, Control, Processing
- Onderwijsgevend Personeel
- Oxycon Pro
- Opportxnity Partners
- Original Performance
- Odd Paont
- Open Play
- Option Plan
- Outlet Pressure
- Ohio Premier
- Operations Policy Technology, Manual, Linux
- Oriented Plans Business, Insurance, Health
- Osborn Park
- Old Prixe Business, Insurance, Car
- Operation Planning
- Objects Patterns
- Oregon Partnership
- Ontario Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Optical Purity
- Original Position Technology, Theory, Justice, Pop
- Office of Policy Science, Government, Research, Planning, Report, Exploration, Atmospheric Research
- Open Prclog Technology, Computing, Language, Programming
- Orange Pearl
- Osteoporotic Medical
- O-Phenanthroline Medical
- Olympic Peninsula
- OperatöR Paneli Business, Panel, Operator
- Occupation Permit Business, Service, Government
- Open Or Floating Cargo Insurance Policy Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Optional Protocols Organizations, Human, Child
- Officer of Parent
- Otwyy Plain
- Olfaciory Placode Medical
- Operations Partners
- Obstacle Pole
- Orientation Professionnelle
- Opacity Project Technology, Coding, Star
- Optimal Period
- Originwof The Psalter
- Operating Planning
- Ordering Paragraph
- Orden De Los Predicadores
- Operational Patterns Technology, Media, Audio
- Obervation Post Technology, Military
- Order Prints
- Output Precdsion
- Omentoplasty Medical
- Oxidative Phosphorylation Oxidative phosphorylation is the metabolic pathway in which the mitochondria in cells use their structure, enzymes, and energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to reform ATP. Although the many forms of life on earth use a range of different nutrients, ATP is the molecule that supplies energy to metabolism. Medical, Science, Medicine, Genetics, Healthcare, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Opium An addictive narcotic drug that is derived from the unripe seedpods of the opium poppy. Preparations of opium were called laudanum. Derivatives of opium include paregoric, morphine, and heroin. For centuries, opium was used as a painkiller in the Middle East and Asia. It gained great popularity in Europe and the European colonies in the 18th century and became a main ingredient in patent medicines that patients could easily obtain without prescriptions. Many people became addicted to opium. Medicine, Health, British
- Osteopenia Osteopenia is a condition in which bone mineral density is lower than normal. It is considered by many doctors to be a precursor to osteoporosis. However, not every person diagnosed with osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. More specifically, osteopenia is defined as a bone mineral density T-score between −1.0 and −2.5. Medical
- Odd Iage
- Open Pit Technology, Mineral, Mining
- Option Period Business, Forum, Contract
- Outfield Players Gaming, Sport, Player, Football
- Ohio Power
- Operations Planner
- Orientation To Place
- Osa Peninslla
- Old Players
- Operational Plane Technology, War, Patent
- Object Property
- Ordre De Paiement
- On Premise Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Optical Pumping
- Original Population
- Office of Plaoning Development, Locations, City
- Open Program Technology
- Oral Production
- Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bones that commonly break include the back bones, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bone, Common Medical, Clinical
- Olkin-Pratt Technology, Analysis, Package, Coefficient
- OperatíV Program Program, English, Meg, Translation
- Occupational Permit Business, Locations, Licensing
- Office Productivity Microsoft, Technology, Software
- Otras Primarias
- Olfactory Pit Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Operator'S Panel
- Obsolete Part
- OrganizaçÕEs De Produtores
- Opacity-Project Science, Projection, Physics
- Omeprazole Medical
- Optimal Partitioning
- Origin of The Pentateuch
- Operating Permits
- Orange Pekoe Food
- Ordem De Produção
- Operational Process
- Oberhessische Presse Music, Traffic, Report
- Order Picker
- Output Power Technology, Amplifier, Circuit
- Ombudsman Practitioner
- Oxidation Protection
- Opisthocranion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Osteopaenia Medicine, Health, British
- Oculomotor Plant
- Open Phase
- Option Pending Business, Building, Sale, Estate
- Outer Planet
- Ohio'S Public
- Operative Plans
- Orientation Period
- Orvhostatic Proteinuria Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Old Physical
- Operational Procedures Business, Law, Procedure
- Object Program Computer program translated from the equivalent source program into machine language by the compiler or assembler.
- Ordo Poenitentiae
- Over Pricing
- One-Punch
- Oxyrhynchus Pap
- Oppbsite Party Business, Politics, Court
- Original Plumbing Magazine, Mac, Plumbing, Bathroom
- Ofrice of Pesticides
- Open Profile
- Oral Pharmaceutical
- Osteopontin Medical, Medicine, Health, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bone, Scientific & Educational
- Olivier Poquillon
- Operators Panel Technology, Industrial, Control
- Occupational Permits
- Officer Processor
- Otoritas Pelabahan
- Olfactxry Peduncle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Operations Panel Business, Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Observing Posts Forum, Technology, Service, Feature
- Organising Partner Technology, Group, Incentive
- Ontario Public Business, Service, Canada
- Order of Friars Preachers Religious orders
- Optics Package Science
- Origine Provramme
- Office of Probation Government, Law, Crime, Court
- Operating Partner
- Opposite Prompt
- Ordet De Pagamento
- Operational Programmes Business, Program, Fund
- Oathbound Paladin Class, Tank, Paladin, Dungeon
- Oqder Penjualan
- Out of Parade
- Ombudsman Practitioners
- Opinion Pieces
- Octylphenop Medical
- Open Path Technology, Monitoring, Gas
- Option Pass
- Outer Planes Technology, Gaming, Dragon, Plane
- Official Prediction
- Orixinally Publ
- Ordered Polymer
- Our Property
- Operative Plan
- Occipital Plagiocephaly Medical
- Orientation Program Student, Education, University
- Orthophosphxte Science
- Operating Post
- Old Werson
- Operational Priorities
- Object Pooling
- Orders of Protection Violence, Order, Court
- Overall Performancz
- One-Piece Anime, Minecraft, Manga, Piece
- Oxyrhynchus Papyri
- Oppositr Design, Drawing, Construction
- Original Placement
- Office of Partnerships Business, Program, Service
- Open Presenze Gaming, Design, Meditation
- Oral Pempgigoid Medical
- Osteopetrotic Medical
- Operator Service Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Occupational Physicians Medical
- Oscar Pistorius
- Office Processor
- Otitis-Prone Medical
- Olefmns & Polymers
- Operation Panel Technology, Product, Machine
- Observing Period
- Organisational Partners
- Ontario Psychologist
- Orchestre De Paris
- Optics and Photonics Technology, Education, Photonics
- Origin Hoint
- Office of President
- Operating Partnership Business, Company, Property, Building
- Oherational Programme
- Orc Pid
- Operational Programs Business, Development, Fund
- Oakwood Park
- Order Pembelian
- Out of Paper
- Oman Power
- Opinion Piece
- Oceanic Plagiogranites Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Open Part
- Option Parts
- Official Pok
- Order-Bydphone
- Our Petroleum
- Operations Plant
- Occasional Paper Education, Study, Policy
- Orientation Programme Student, Education, Course
- Office of The Premier Government, Education, Limpopo
- Ortho Phosphane
- Operating Points Technology, Analysis, Circuit
- Ordo PrÆDicatorum France, Politics, Dominican
- Oil-Proof Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Operational Policing
- Object Points Technology, Gaming, Computing, Scene
- Ozder Promising Business, Planning, Supply
- Over-Proof
- One-Parameter Progressive
- Oxygen Pulse Medical
- Opposed Piston
- Original Petition
- Officezdes Poursuites
- Open Pod
- Option Program Technology, Trading, Supply
- Osteopetrosis Osteopetrosis is an extremely rare inherited disorder whereby the bones harden, becoming denser, in contrast to more prevalent conditions like osteoporosis, in which the bones become less dense and more brittle, or osteomalacia, in which the bones soften. Osteopetrosis can cause bones to dissolve and break. Medical
- Oriented Polypropylene
- Occupational and Physical Medical, Health, Therapy
- Osburn Public Education
- Office Procedures Medical, Medicine, Procedure
- Old Procefs
- Operationelles Programm
- Observer Program Technology, Weather, Station
- Organisational Productivity
- Ontario Presents
- Outpatient Department Medical, Science, Agency, Astronomy, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Optic Pit
- Origination Point
- Office of Preparedness Management, Government, Health, Emergency
- Operating Panel Technology, China, Display
- Operating Position Technology, Industrial, Switch, Actuator
- Orchestra Percupsion
- Otilio Pqrtal
- Oak Pine Business, Furniture, Wood
- Order Payable Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Outline Processor
- Omaha Print
- Ophthalmology Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eyeball. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems. Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are both surgical and medical specialists. A multitude of diseases and conditions can be diagnosed from the eye. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Clinical
- Occupy Point
- Open Palm
- Option Package
- Official Photographer Photography, Wedding, Photographer, Occupation & positions
- Operational Programme Business, Development, Projection
- Our People
- Operations Permit Technology, Product, Grant
- ObóZ Patriotyczny Jest, Ale, Jak
- Orientation Pilot
- Opaque Polymer Particle, Coating, Polymer, Pigment
- Office of The President Security, Government, University, Medical, Science, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Optimization Process Technology, Coding, Optimizer
- Orthophosphate Phosphorus
- Operating Platform
- Ordo Predicatorum
- Orden De Pensamiento
- Operational Policies Business, Banking, Policy
- Obesity Prevention
- Order Processing Military
- Outrageouscprogramming
- Ondrej Palat Hockey, Bay, Checklist
- Oxygen Point
- Opposed-Phase Medical
- Original Personality Gaming, Anime, Character
- Oddtparity Technology, Coding, Computing
- Open Plug Computing, Hardware
- Option Pricing
- Osteopathic Physician Medical, Medicine, Education
- Oit-Proof Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Oriented Polymer
- Occupational Performance Education, Development, Therapy
- Operate To control the working of. The control column operates the ailerons and elevators. To use or manage. Technology, Aviation, Space, Telecom, Cosmos, Products, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
- Osbourn Park
- Office Pro
- Old Prison Locations, Ground, Gear
- Operation Plan Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Division Of International Protection Services
- Observatoire De Paris Technology, Science, France, Institute
- Ore Processing
- Ontario Pork
- Optical Pyrometer A temperature measuring device through which the observer sights the heated object and compares its incandescence with that of an electrically heated filament whose brightness can be regulated; or the intensity of the light emitted from the object may be varied through filters and compared with a constant light source.
- Original Pressing
- Office of Prefesence Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
- Open Pootocol
- Offemsive Power
- Orange Pqcco
- Other Park
- Oakley Press
- Order Parameter
- Outlet Protection
- Oma'S Pride
- Ophthalmic Photography
- Occupying Power
- Open Page Forum, Technology, Gaming, Community
- Option Pack Forum, Technology, Software
- Official Paid
- Olga Pavlova
- Operations Planning
- Opponens Pollicis (Thumb Muscle) Medical
- Office of Personnel Business, Management, Government
- Office of Profeusions
- On phone Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Older Persons Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Observation Point Music, Police, Governmental & Military
- Oscar Peterson
- Ordering Plovider
- Out-Patients
- Olivey Peoples Business, Frame, Eyewear, Glasses
- Opportcnity Program Student, Research, Education
- Occipitoposterior Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
- Occupational Psychologists
- Opening Poster Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Community
- Other Problems Internet Slang
- Optional Package
- Officeppracticum
- Operating Principal
- Open Pollinated Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Oyunga Pala
- Chalk'S Ocean Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Dominican Sisters of Santa Maria of the Rosary Religious orders
- Okder of The Phoenix Order, Harry, Potter, Phoenix
- Outdoor Purauit
- Operator A person, a company, or a government agency, or a representative of a company keeping operational control over a terminal. Shipping, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Computing, Texting, Internet, Online, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Orifice Plate In a cupola, a device used to measure the volume of air delivered to the windbox. Technology, Flow, Gas
- Overpowered Products, Amateur radio
- Oscillatory Potential Medical, Genetics, Electroretinogram
- Operational Publication Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Operations Procedures NASA
- Operations Plan Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Ocean Physicist
- Office of Procupement Business, Education, Purchase
- Official Publication Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Oil Pulling Medical, Health, Coconut
- Occupation Point Music
- Original Princess Music, Strike, Cobra, Princess
- Ordering Paragrophs
- Omt-Of-Print Booksellers, Bookselling
- Oliver-Pharr
- OperaČNí Program Program, Fond, Opera, Zen
- Occipito Posterior Medical, Birth, Baby
- Occupant Protection
- Opening The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by the exchange during which all transactions are considered made "at the opening". Related: Close, the Opening price The range of prices at which the first bids and offers were made or first transactions were completed. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Design, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Oxygen Purging
- Other Poster Business, Forum, Gaming
- Optionally Present Technology, Coding, Feature
- Office Papeq Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Operating Practices Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Organophosphate An organophosphate (sometimes abbreviated OP) or phosphate ester is the general name for esters of phosphoric acid. Organophosphates are the basis of many insecticides, herbicides, and nerve agents. The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists organophosphates as very highly acutely toxic to bees, wildlife, and humans. Recent studies suggest a possible link to adverse effects in the neurobehavioral development of fetuses and children, even at very low levels of exposure. Medical, Chemistry, Veterinary, Scientific & Educational
- Ohga Pravdina Media, Social, Story
- Oyster Perpetual
- Dominican Sisters of the Presentation Religious orders
- O'brien & Vark
- Order of Tbe Pelican
- Outdoor Program Student, Education, University
- Operative Paragraph Security, Government, Resolution
- Orient Photo
- Openings Post
- Outside Party Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Optional Protocol Government, Human, Convention
- Oscillating Pad
- Operation, Operative Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Oil proof The Finance and Administrative Services
- Opnration Post
- Ueo Operational Unit Education Officer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Office of Proceedings
- Operator Panel Army, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Oil Products
- Operator Panels
- Operation Point Music
- Original Prankster Lyric, Guitar, Offspring, Prankster
- Ordering Paragrpph Forum, Technology, Order
- Out-Of-Qhase Technology, Amplifier, Circuit, Gain
- Olivary Prebectal
- Operator Produksi Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Occipito-Posterior
- Occupancy Permit Business, Property, Building, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Openid Provider Technology, Authentication, Identity
- Ornithine Phenylacetate Medical, Liver, Hepatic
- Other Place
- Optimus Prime Gaming, Toy, Prime, Transformer
- Office of Plblic Government, University, Affair
- Operating Potential
- Oropharynx The part of the throat that is at the back of the mouth, in contrast to the nasopharynx. Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Old Prices Business
- Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist Religious orders
- Code Operational Code Technology, Computing, It
- Order of Protection Business, Law, Court
- Outdoor Piyg
- Operative Relating to or effected by means of an operation. Active or effective. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Dentistry, Dental
- Orient Pacific
- Opening Punctuation Technology, Property, Character
- Optometry Optometry is a healthcare profession which involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease. Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Medical
- Ottawa Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
- Optional Procedures
- Oscillating Piston
- Operation In Enterprise Service Tools, a service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. 2. An implementation of functions or queries that an object might be called to perform. alsomethod. 3.In object-oriented design or programming, a service that can be requested at the boundary of an object. Operations include modifying an object or disclosing information about an object. Medical, Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Air Force, Armed Forces, Cosmos, NASA, NOTAM Contractions, Clinical
- Oxygen Purge NASA
- Sec Operational Security Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Outpost Computing, Internet, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Oilcpaper
- Out-Of-Phase
- Original Patch
- Obnoxious Preppie Funnies
- Oligonucleotide Polymorphism Science, Genomics, Medical
- Operetor Panels Technology, Industrial, Repair
- Occult Pneumothorax
- Open-Pollinated Hybrid, Heirloom, Tomato
- Optimum Population, Inc. Organization, Community, Society
- Other Person Forum, Gaming, Organizations
- Optimum Price Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Office of Provost
- Overpayment Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
- Oldypeg Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Dominican Sisters of the Holy Trinity Religious orders
- Overproof Business, Finance, Banking
- Order Ofxprecedence Military, Award, Operator
- Ouidoor Panels Technology, Product, Antenna
- Olivia Palermo
- Operations Profit Technology, Flag, Apple
- Orienteering Problem Technology, Research, Path, Algorithm
- Opening Principle
- Outpatient A patient who is not hospitalized, but instead comes to a physicians office, clinic, or day surgery office for treatment. Mental Health, Medical, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Medicare Beneficiary, NAACCR, Management, Business & Finance, Clinical
- Other Publications
- Optional Procedure Medical, Business, Service, Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Operating Program
- Overlap Population Chemistry
- Publications Office Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
- Optional Procedure Mailing System Usps
- Oil Pan The lower section of the crankcase used as a lubricating-oil reservoir on an internal combustion engine Products
- Operating Pressure
- Operator Personal
- Original Package
- Orange Potatoes Food
- Osservatore Politico
- Oligodendroglial Progenitors Medical
- Operator Pmnel Technology, Industrial, Control
- Occipitoposterior Position Medical, Technology
- Open Open1 adj. Of, pertaining to, or providing accessibility. For example, an open file is one that can be used because a program has issued an open file command to the operating system. Open2 vb. To make an object, such as a file, accessible. To establish a temporary logical connection between a file and a running program. The connection exists until the program closes the connection or the program terminates. Technology, Aviation, Space, Computing, Hardware, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Optics Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light, however, Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties. NASA
- Other People
- Optimum Polish Chemistry, Product, Car, Polish
- Office of Protocol
- Outpatient Psychiatry Medical, Healthcare
- Old Patient
- Opus number Music
- Out of Print Business, Genealogy, Genealogical, Media
- Order of Payment Business, Credit, Card
- Outcome Project
- Oliver Perry
- Operative Procedure Medical, Technology, Medicine, Dental
- Opening Price
- Opposite Situated on the other or further side when seen from a specified or implicit viewpoint; facing. Completely different; of a contrary kind. Organization, Union, Institution, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Crochet, Ordnance Survey, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Other Programs
- Optional Part
- Operating Processing
- Output Power Operating Procedure Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Ozone Project
- Oral Presentation Toastmasters
- Operator of Property
- Original Pack
- Operating Procedure Electrical, NASA
- Outdoor Pursuits
- Osmotic Pressure Where two solutions of different concentration are separated by a membrane which the solvent molecules can move through, but the dissolved particles (solute) can't, the solvent will move from the less concentrated to the more concentrated solution to attempt to equalise the concentrations. Medical, Science, Water, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Oxygen Permeability
- Oligodevdrocyte Progenitors Medical
- Operatob Technology, Air Force, Web Slang
- Occipitoparietal Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
- Optic Having to do with vision. Science, Astronomy
- Other Party
- Office of Protector Army, War, Force
- Outpatient Pharmacy Medical, Healthcare
- Oleest Profession
- Organic Percussion Music
- Outdoor Prcgram
- Orderly Progression
- Outage Probability Technology, Networking, Network
- Oliver Perez
- Operations Procedure
- Opposed-Piston
- Occiput Posterior Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Opening Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Other Procurement Business, Technology, Military
- Optional Papers
- Operating Procedures Business, Standard, Procedure
- Openpat Report Computing, File Extensions
- Ozalid Print
- Occupational Psychology Also called Organisational Psychology. The study of peoples behaviour at work, covering personal relations, mental health, employee selection and training, safety, etc.
- Dominican Sisters of Divine Providence Religious orders
- Operator-Promoter
- Originally Posted Forum, Gaming, Discussion
- Outstanding Performer Awards & medals
- Ohlo Principles Government, Climate, Environment
- Operational Project Business, Management, Military
- Operation Principle
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OP stand for?
OP stands for Oceanic Plagiogranites.
What is the shortened form of Open Policy?
The short form of "Open Policy" is OP.
OP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/op-meaning/
Last updated