OP Meaning

The OP meaning is "Original Poster". The OP abbreviation has 590 different full form.

OP Full Forms

  1. Original Poster Forum, Technology, Movie, Travel, Texting, Chat, Internet, Computing, Sms, Disney, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  2. Outer Pulley Sport, Archery
  3. Other Parameters
  4. Operational Policy Technology, Development, Banking
  5. Organization Purpose Business
  6. Office Profeszional
  7. Outdoor Pool
  8. Operational Ready for immediate use. Technology, Management, Business & Finance, Medical, Aviation, Air Force, NASA, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Common Medical, Army, Military
  9. Opaque Descriptive of a material or substance which will not transmit light. Opposite of transparent. Materials which are neither opaque nor transparent are sometimes described as semi-opaque, but are more properly classified as translucent. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Colors, The Finance and Administrative Services
  10. Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Medical, Cell, Stem
  11. Operationalyperformance Business, Management, Operation
  12. Original Publication Book, Music, Library, Publication
  13. Ofben Present
  14. Overtprovisioning Forum, Technology, Drive
  15. Onderwijzend Persgneel School, Door, Tot
  16. Optical Profilosetry Technology, Science, Analytics, Material
  17. Ordinis Praedicatorum Book, Order, Dominican
  18. Our Party
  19. Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around data, rather than functions and logic. An object is a data field with its own set of properties and behavior. Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Doctor, Hardware, Systems, Telecom, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Python
  20. Other Pages
  21. Open Platform Technology, Robot, Humanoid, Computing, Hardware
  22. Organic Products
  23. Oafice Product
  24. Outdoor Photographeu Magazine, Photography, Camera, Photographer
  25. Office Products Technology, Products
  26. Operational Parameters Technology, Program, Computing
  27. Original Protocol Forum, Technology, Projection
  28. Oficina Del Psesidente Para, Guyana, Con
  29. Over Pozered Internet Slang
  30. Oncotic Pressure Medical
  31. Optical Power Technology, Fiber, Optic
  32. Order of Preachers Education, Genealogy, Genealogical, Dominican, Friar
  33. Ouagadougou Partnership
  34. Otago Polytechnic Student, Education, Dunedin
  35. Open Position Business, Trading, Career
  36. Optimum Populition
  37. Obsolete Parts Technology
  38. Oyt Patients
  39. Operational Phase Technology, Science, Program, Space, Operation, NASA, Aeronautics
  40. Original Production
  41. Off Preqises
  42. Over Mower
  43. On Prwgram Business, Coding, Community
  44. Optical Physics
  45. Orden De Predicadores
  46. Operation Phoenxx
  47. Osmotic Pump Medical
  48. Opezing Post
  49. Optimizativn Platform Business, Technology, Marketing
  50. Observktion Point Military, Park, National
  51. Out Putient Medical, Technology, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  52. Operational Program Business, Government, Projection
  53. Organophosphorus Insecticide Medical
  54. Ouf Peak
  55. Omer-Powered
  56. On-Prngram
  57. Oppressed People
  58. Open Policy A cargo insurance policy that is an open contract; i.e., it provides protection for all an exporter's shipments afloat or in transit within a specified geographical trade area for an unlimited period of time, until the policy is cancelled by the insured or by the insurance company. Business, Insurance, Finance, Car, Banking
  59. Operation Paperclip
  60. Oscillatory Potentials Medical
  61. On Piece
  62. Optimalzperformance
  63. Observation Post Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Police, Royal Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  64. Out-Patient Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  65. Operational Picture Security, Military, Defense
  66. Organophosphorus Insecticides Medical
  67. Official Publications Office, Organizations, Library
  68. Ovariyn Pregnancy Medical
  69. Opposing Pawty
  70. Ocean Pacific Clothes
  71. Olympic Park
  72. Operationl Procedures
  73. OrçAmento Participativo Para, Dos, Ria
  74. Oil Paint
  75. One Piece Anime, Episode, Manga, Piece, Clothes
  76. Optic Neuritis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  77. Our Propertiks
  78. Operational Poxicy Technology, Development, Banking
  79. Organized Play Gaming, Organizations, Event
  80. Official Plan Government
  81. Outdoor Prograes Student, Education, University
  82. Order Point Business, Order, Inventory, Business & Finance, Business Word
  83. Oligodendrocyte Precursor Medical
  84. Operational Procedure Military, Pilot, Operating
  85. Orthographic Projection Projection of surface of a sphere to a plane perpendicular to line of sight, all lines of sight being considered as parallel Technology, Len, Camera
  86. Ohio Kolice
  87. One Pair Business, Design, Fashion, Pattern
  88. Opticaluproperties
  89. Object Processor Microsoft, Technology, Security, Jaguar
  90. Our Plapet
  91. Ouham-Pende
  92. Operations Patricia
  93. Obyek Pajak Business, Tax, Indonesia, Orang
  94. Orientation Portrait
  95. Opaque Patch Medical, Science, Biology
  96. Optimist Park
  97. Orqhophosphate-Phosphorus
  98. Operational Plan Business, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Sale, Operation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, International Development
  99. Ordo Praedicatorum-Dominiqans
  100. Ordenyde Pago
  101. Operational Pattern Technology, Media, Audio
  102. Obesity-Related Problems
  103. Order Priorities
  104. Output Processor Technology, Control, Processing
  105. Onderwijsgevend Personeel
  106. Oxycon Pro
  107. Opportxnity Partners
  108. Original Performance
  109. Odd Paont
  110. Open Play
  111. Option Plan
  112. Outlet Pressure
  113. Ohio Premier
  114. Operations Policy Technology, Manual, Linux
  115. Oriented Plans Business, Insurance, Health
  116. Osborn Park
  117. Old Prixe Business, Insurance, Car
  118. Operation Planning
  119. Objects Patterns
  120. Oregon Partnership
  121. Ontario Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  122. Optical Purity
  123. Original Position Technology, Theory, Justice, Pop
  124. Office of Policy Science, Government, Research, Planning, Report, Exploration, Atmospheric Research
  125. Open Prclog Technology, Computing, Language, Programming
  126. Orange Pearl
  127. Osteoporotic Medical
  128. O-Phenanthroline Medical
  129. Olympic Peninsula
  130. OperatöR Paneli Business, Panel, Operator
  131. Occupation Permit Business, Service, Government
  132. Open Or Floating Cargo Insurance Policy Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  133. Optional Protocols Organizations, Human, Child
  134. Officer of Parent
  135. Otwyy Plain
  136. Olfaciory Placode Medical
  137. Operations Partners
  138. Obstacle Pole
  139. Orientation Professionnelle
  140. Opacity Project Technology, Coding, Star
  141. Optimal Period
  142. Originwof The Psalter
  143. Operating Planning
  144. Ordering Paragraph
  145. Orden De Los Predicadores
  146. Operational Patterns Technology, Media, Audio
  147. Obervation Post Technology, Military
  148. Order Prints
  149. Output Precdsion
  150. Omentoplasty Medical
  151. Oxidative Phosphorylation Oxidative phosphorylation is the metabolic pathway in which the mitochondria in cells use their structure, enzymes, and energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to reform ATP. Although the many forms of life on earth use a range of different nutrients, ATP is the molecule that supplies energy to metabolism. Medical, Science, Medicine, Genetics, Healthcare, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  152. Opium An addictive narcotic drug that is derived from the unripe seedpods of the opium poppy. Preparations of opium were called laudanum. Derivatives of opium include paregoric, morphine, and heroin. For centuries, opium was used as a painkiller in the Middle East and Asia. It gained great popularity in Europe and the European colonies in the 18th century and became a main ingredient in patent medicines that patients could easily obtain without prescriptions. Many people became addicted to opium. Medicine, Health, British
  153. Osteopenia Osteopenia is a condition in which bone mineral density is lower than normal. It is considered by many doctors to be a precursor to osteoporosis. However, not every person diagnosed with osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. More specifically, osteopenia is defined as a bone mineral density T-score between −1.0 and −2.5. Medical
  154. Odd Iage
  155. Open Pit Technology, Mineral, Mining
  156. Option Period Business, Forum, Contract
  157. Outfield Players Gaming, Sport, Player, Football
  158. Ohio Power
  159. Operations Planner
  160. Orientation To Place
  161. Osa Peninslla
  162. Old Players
  163. Operational Plane Technology, War, Patent
  164. Object Property
  165. Ordre De Paiement
  166. On Premise Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  167. Optical Pumping
  168. Original Population
  169. Office of Plaoning Development, Locations, City
  170. Open Program Technology
  171. Oral Production
  172. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bones that commonly break include the back bones, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bone, Common Medical, Clinical
  173. Olkin-Pratt Technology, Analysis, Package, Coefficient
  174. OperatíV Program Program, English, Meg, Translation
  175. Occupational Permit Business, Locations, Licensing
  176. Office Productivity Microsoft, Technology, Software
  177. Otras Primarias
  178. Olfactory Pit Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  179. Operator'S Panel
  180. Obsolete Part
  181. OrganizaçÕEs De Produtores
  182. Opacity-Project Science, Projection, Physics
  183. Omeprazole Medical
  184. Optimal Partitioning
  185. Origin of The Pentateuch
  186. Operating Permits
  187. Orange Pekoe Food
  188. Ordem De Produção
  189. Operational Process
  190. Oberhessische Presse Music, Traffic, Report
  191. Order Picker
  192. Output Power Technology, Amplifier, Circuit
  193. Ombudsman Practitioner
  194. Oxidation Protection
  195. Opisthocranion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  196. Osteopaenia Medicine, Health, British
  197. Oculomotor Plant
  198. Open Phase
  199. Option Pending Business, Building, Sale, Estate
  200. Outer Planet
  201. Ohio'S Public
  202. Operative Plans
  203. Orientation Period
  204. Orvhostatic Proteinuria Medical, Technology, Medicine
  205. Old Physical
  206. Operational Procedures Business, Law, Procedure
  207. Object Program Computer program translated from the equivalent source program into machine language by the compiler or assembler.
  208. Ordo Poenitentiae
  209. Over Pricing
  210. One-Punch
  211. Oxyrhynchus Pap
  212. Oppbsite Party Business, Politics, Court
  213. Original Plumbing Magazine, Mac, Plumbing, Bathroom
  214. Ofrice of Pesticides
  215. Open Profile
  216. Oral Pharmaceutical
  217. Osteopontin Medical, Medicine, Health, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bone, Scientific & Educational
  218. Olivier Poquillon
  219. Operators Panel Technology, Industrial, Control
  220. Occupational Permits
  221. Officer Processor
  222. Otoritas Pelabahan
  223. Olfactxry Peduncle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  224. Operations Panel Business, Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  225. Observing Posts Forum, Technology, Service, Feature
  226. Organising Partner Technology, Group, Incentive
  227. Ontario Public Business, Service, Canada
  228. Order of Friars Preachers Religious orders
  229. Optics Package Science
  230. Origine Provramme
  231. Office of Probation Government, Law, Crime, Court
  232. Operating Partner
  233. Opposite Prompt
  234. Ordet De Pagamento
  235. Operational Programmes Business, Program, Fund
  236. Oathbound Paladin Class, Tank, Paladin, Dungeon
  237. Oqder Penjualan
  238. Out of Parade
  239. Ombudsman Practitioners
  240. Opinion Pieces
  241. Octylphenop Medical
  242. Open Path Technology, Monitoring, Gas
  243. Option Pass
  244. Outer Planes Technology, Gaming, Dragon, Plane
  245. Official Prediction
  246. Orixinally Publ
  247. Ordered Polymer
  248. Our Property
  249. Operative Plan
  250. Occipital Plagiocephaly Medical
  251. Orientation Program Student, Education, University
  252. Orthophosphxte Science
  253. Operating Post
  254. Old Werson
  255. Operational Priorities
  256. Object Pooling
  257. Orders of Protection Violence, Order, Court
  258. Overall Performancz
  259. One-Piece Anime, Minecraft, Manga, Piece
  260. Oxyrhynchus Papyri
  261. Oppositr Design, Drawing, Construction
  262. Original Placement
  263. Office of Partnerships Business, Program, Service
  264. Open Presenze Gaming, Design, Meditation
  265. Oral Pempgigoid Medical
  266. Osteopetrotic Medical
  267. Operator Service Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  268. Occupational Physicians Medical
  269. Oscar Pistorius
  270. Office Processor
  271. Otitis-Prone Medical
  272. Olefmns & Polymers
  273. Operation Panel Technology, Product, Machine
  274. Observing Period
  275. Organisational Partners
  276. Ontario Psychologist
  277. Orchestre De Paris
  278. Optics and Photonics Technology, Education, Photonics
  279. Origin Hoint
  280. Office of President
  281. Operating Partnership Business, Company, Property, Building
  282. Oherational Programme
  283. Orc Pid
  284. Operational Programs Business, Development, Fund
  285. Oakwood Park
  286. Order Pembelian
  287. Out of Paper
  288. Oman Power
  289. Opinion Piece
  290. Oceanic Plagiogranites Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  291. Open Part
  292. Option Parts
  293. Official Pok
  294. Order-Bydphone
  295. Our Petroleum
  296. Operations Plant
  297. Occasional Paper Education, Study, Policy
  298. Orientation Programme Student, Education, Course
  299. Office of The Premier Government, Education, Limpopo
  300. Ortho Phosphane
  301. Operating Points Technology, Analysis, Circuit
  302. Ordo PrÆDicatorum France, Politics, Dominican
  303. Oil-Proof Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  304. Operational Policing
  305. Object Points Technology, Gaming, Computing, Scene
  306. Ozder Promising Business, Planning, Supply
  307. Over-Proof
  308. One-Parameter Progressive
  309. Oxygen Pulse Medical
  310. Opposed Piston
  311. Original Petition
  312. Officezdes Poursuites
  313. Open Pod
  314. Option Program Technology, Trading, Supply
  315. Osteopetrosis Osteopetrosis is an extremely rare inherited disorder whereby the bones harden, becoming denser, in contrast to more prevalent conditions like osteoporosis, in which the bones become less dense and more brittle, or osteomalacia, in which the bones soften. Osteopetrosis can cause bones to dissolve and break. Medical
  316. Oriented Polypropylene
  317. Occupational and Physical Medical, Health, Therapy
  318. Osburn Public Education
  319. Office Procedures Medical, Medicine, Procedure
  320. Old Procefs
  321. Operationelles Programm
  322. Observer Program Technology, Weather, Station
  323. Organisational Productivity
  324. Ontario Presents
  325. Outpatient Department Medical, Science, Agency, Astronomy, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  326. Optic Pit
  327. Origination Point
  328. Office of Preparedness Management, Government, Health, Emergency
  329. Operating Panel Technology, China, Display
  330. Operating Position Technology, Industrial, Switch, Actuator
  331. Orchestra Percupsion
  332. Otilio Pqrtal
  333. Oak Pine Business, Furniture, Wood
  334. Order Payable Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  335. Outline Processor
  336. Omaha Print
  337. Ophthalmology Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eyeball. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems. Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are both surgical and medical specialists. A multitude of diseases and conditions can be diagnosed from the eye. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Clinical
  338. Occupy Point
  339. Open Palm
  340. Option Package
  341. Official Photographer Photography, Wedding, Photographer, Occupation & positions
  342. Operational Programme Business, Development, Projection
  343. Our People
  344. Operations Permit Technology, Product, Grant
  345. ObóZ Patriotyczny Jest, Ale, Jak
  346. Orientation Pilot
  347. Opaque Polymer Particle, Coating, Polymer, Pigment
  348. Office of The President Security, Government, University, Medical, Science, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  349. Optimization Process Technology, Coding, Optimizer
  350. Orthophosphate Phosphorus
  351. Operating Platform
  352. Ordo Predicatorum
  353. Orden De Pensamiento
  354. Operational Policies Business, Banking, Policy
  355. Obesity Prevention
  356. Order Processing Military
  357. Outrageouscprogramming
  358. Ondrej Palat Hockey, Bay, Checklist
  359. Oxygen Point
  360. Opposed-Phase Medical
  361. Original Personality Gaming, Anime, Character
  362. Oddtparity Technology, Coding, Computing
  363. Open Plug Computing, Hardware
  364. Option Pricing
  365. Osteopathic Physician Medical, Medicine, Education
  366. Oit-Proof Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  367. Oriented Polymer
  368. Occupational Performance Education, Development, Therapy
  369. Operate To control the working of. The control column operates the ailerons and elevators. To use or manage. Technology, Aviation, Space, Telecom, Cosmos, Products, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
  370. Osbourn Park
  371. Office Pro
  372. Old Prison Locations, Ground, Gear
  373. Operation Plan Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Division Of International Protection Services
  374. Observatoire De Paris Technology, Science, France, Institute
  375. Ore Processing
  376. Ontario Pork
  377. Optical Pyrometer A temperature measuring device through which the observer sights the heated object and compares its incandescence with that of an electrically heated filament whose brightness can be regulated; or the intensity of the light emitted from the object may be varied through filters and compared with a constant light source. 
  378. Original Pressing
  379. Office of Prefesence Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  380. Open Pootocol
  381. Offemsive Power
  382. Orange Pqcco
  383. Other Park
  384. Oakley Press
  385. Order Parameter
  386. Outlet Protection
  387. Oma'S Pride
  388. Ophthalmic Photography
  389. Occupying Power
  390. Open Page Forum, Technology, Gaming, Community
  391. Option Pack Forum, Technology, Software
  392. Official Paid
  393. Olga Pavlova
  394. Operations Planning
  395. Opponens Pollicis (Thumb Muscle) Medical
  396. Office of Personnel Business, Management, Government
  397. Office of Profeusions
  398. On phone Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  399. Older Persons Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
  400. Observation Point Music, Police, Governmental & Military
  401. Oscar Peterson
  402. Ordering Plovider
  403. Out-Patients
  404. Olivey Peoples Business, Frame, Eyewear, Glasses
  405. Opportcnity Program Student, Research, Education
  406. Occipitoposterior Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  407. Occupational Psychologists
  408. Opening Poster Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Community
  409. Other Problems Internet Slang
  410. Optional Package
  411. Officeppracticum
  412. Operating Principal
  413. Open Pollinated Botany, Scientific & Educational
  414. Oyunga Pala
  415. Chalk'S Ocean Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  416. Dominican Sisters of Santa Maria of the Rosary Religious orders
  417. Okder of The Phoenix Order, Harry, Potter, Phoenix
  418. Outdoor Purauit
  419. Operator A person, a company, or a government agency, or a representative of a company keeping operational control over a terminal. Shipping, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Computing, Texting, Internet, Online, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  420. Orifice Plate In a cupola, a device used to measure the volume of air delivered to the windbox. Technology, Flow, Gas
  421. Overpowered Products, Amateur radio
  422. Oscillatory Potential Medical, Genetics, Electroretinogram
  423. Operational Publication Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  424. Operations Procedures NASA
  425. Operations Plan Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  426. Ocean Physicist
  427. Office of Procupement Business, Education, Purchase
  428. Official Publication Us Government, Governmental & Military
  429. Oil Pulling Medical, Health, Coconut
  430. Occupation Point Music
  431. Original Princess Music, Strike, Cobra, Princess
  432. Ordering Paragrophs
  433. Omt-Of-Print Booksellers, Bookselling
  434. Oliver-Pharr
  435. OperaČNí Program Program, Fond, Opera, Zen
  436. Occipito Posterior Medical, Birth, Baby
  437. Occupant Protection
  438. Opening The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by the exchange during which all transactions are considered made "at the opening". Related: Close, the Opening price The range of prices at which the first bids and offers were made or first transactions were completed. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Design, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  439. Oxygen Purging
  440. Other Poster Business, Forum, Gaming
  441. Optionally Present Technology, Coding, Feature
  442. Office Papeq Technology, Product, Manufacturer
  443. Operating Practices Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  444. Organophosphate An organophosphate (sometimes abbreviated OP) or phosphate ester is the general name for esters of phosphoric acid. Organophosphates are the basis of many insecticides, herbicides, and nerve agents. The United States Environmental Protection Agency lists organophosphates as very highly acutely toxic to bees, wildlife, and humans. Recent studies suggest a possible link to adverse effects in the neurobehavioral development of fetuses and children, even at very low levels of exposure. Medical, Chemistry, Veterinary, Scientific & Educational
  445. Ohga Pravdina Media, Social, Story
  446. Oyster Perpetual
  447. Dominican Sisters of the Presentation Religious orders
  448. O'brien & Vark
  449. Order of Tbe Pelican
  450. Outdoor Program Student, Education, University
  451. Operative Paragraph Security, Government, Resolution
  452. Orient Photo
  453. Openings Post
  454. Outside Party Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  455. Optional Protocol Government, Human, Convention
  456. Oscillating Pad
  457. Operation, Operative Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  458. Oil proof The Finance and Administrative Services
  459. Opnration Post
  460. Ueo Operational Unit Education Officer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  461. Office of Proceedings
  462. Operator Panel Army, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  463. Oil Products
  464. Operator Panels
  465. Operation Point Music
  466. Original Prankster Lyric, Guitar, Offspring, Prankster
  467. Ordering Paragrpph Forum, Technology, Order
  468. Out-Of-Qhase Technology, Amplifier, Circuit, Gain
  469. Olivary Prebectal
  470. Operator Produksi Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  471. Occipito-Posterior
  472. Occupancy Permit Business, Property, Building, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  473. Openid Provider Technology, Authentication, Identity
  474. Ornithine Phenylacetate Medical, Liver, Hepatic
  475. Other Place
  476. Optimus Prime Gaming, Toy, Prime, Transformer
  477. Office of Plblic Government, University, Affair
  478. Operating Potential
  479. Oropharynx The part of the throat that is at the back of the mouth, in contrast to the nasopharynx. Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  480. Old Prices Business
  481. Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist Religious orders
  482. Code Operational Code Technology, Computing, It
  483. Order of Protection Business, Law, Court
  484. Outdoor Piyg
  485. Operative Relating to or effected by means of an operation. Active or effective. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Dentistry, Dental
  486. Orient Pacific
  487. Opening Punctuation Technology, Property, Character
  488. Optometry Optometry is a healthcare profession which involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease. Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Medical
  489. Ottawa Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  490. Optional Procedures
  491. Oscillating Piston
  492. Operation In Enterprise Service Tools, a service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. 2. An implementation of functions or queries that an object might be called to perform. alsomethod. 3.In object-oriented design or programming, a service that can be requested at the boundary of an object. Operations include modifying an object or disclosing information about an object. Medical, Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Air Force, Armed Forces, Cosmos, NASA, NOTAM Contractions, Clinical
  493. Oxygen Purge NASA
  494. Sec Operational Security Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  495. Outpost Computing, Internet, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  496. Oilcpaper
  497. Out-Of-Phase
  498. Original Patch
  499. Obnoxious Preppie Funnies
  500. Oligonucleotide Polymorphism Science, Genomics, Medical
  501. Operetor Panels Technology, Industrial, Repair
  502. Occult Pneumothorax
  503. Open-Pollinated Hybrid, Heirloom, Tomato
  504. Optimum Population, Inc. Organization, Community, Society
  505. Other Person Forum, Gaming, Organizations
  506. Optimum Price Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  507. Office of Provost
  508. Overpayment Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  509. Oldypeg Technology, Construction, Architectural
  510. Dominican Sisters of the Holy Trinity Religious orders
  511. Overproof Business, Finance, Banking
  512. Order Ofxprecedence Military, Award, Operator
  513. Ouidoor Panels Technology, Product, Antenna
  514. Olivia Palermo
  515. Operations Profit Technology, Flag, Apple
  516. Orienteering Problem Technology, Research, Path, Algorithm
  517. Opening Principle
  518. Outpatient A patient who is not hospitalized, but instead comes to a physicians office, clinic, or day surgery office for treatment. Mental Health, Medical, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Medicare Beneficiary, NAACCR, Management, Business & Finance, Clinical
  519. Other Publications
  520. Optional Procedure Medical, Business, Service, Postal, Us Post, postal service
  521. Operating Program
  522. Overlap Population Chemistry
  523. Publications Office Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  524. Optional Procedure Mailing System Usps
  525. Oil Pan The lower section of the crankcase used as a lubricating-oil reservoir on an internal combustion engine Products
  526. Operating Pressure
  527. Operator Personal
  528. Original Package
  529. Orange Potatoes Food
  530. Osservatore Politico
  531. Oligodendroglial Progenitors Medical
  532. Operator Pmnel Technology, Industrial, Control
  533. Occipitoposterior Position Medical, Technology
  534. Open Open1 adj. Of, pertaining to, or providing accessibility. For example, an open file is one that can be used because a program has issued an open file command to the operating system. Open2 vb. To make an object, such as a file, accessible. To establish a temporary logical connection between a file and a running program. The connection exists until the program closes the connection or the program terminates. Technology, Aviation, Space, Computing, Hardware, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  535. Optics Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light, however, Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties. NASA
  536. Other People
  537. Optimum Polish Chemistry, Product, Car, Polish
  538. Office of Protocol
  539. Outpatient Psychiatry Medical, Healthcare
  540. Old Patient
  541. Opus number Music
  542. Out of Print Business, Genealogy, Genealogical, Media
  543. Order of Payment Business, Credit, Card
  544. Outcome Project
  545. Oliver Perry
  546. Operative Procedure Medical, Technology, Medicine, Dental
  547. Opening Price
  548. Opposite Situated on the other or further side when seen from a specified or implicit viewpoint; facing. Completely different; of a contrary kind. Organization, Union, Institution, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Crochet, Ordnance Survey, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  549. Other Programs
  550. Optional Part
  551. Operating Processing
  552. Output Power Operating Procedure Business & Finance, Power Plant
  553. Ozone Project
  554. Oral Presentation Toastmasters
  555. Operator of Property
  556. Original Pack
  557. Operating Procedure Electrical, NASA
  558. Outdoor Pursuits
  559. Osmotic Pressure Where two solutions of different concentration are separated by a membrane which the solvent molecules can move through, but the dissolved particles (solute) can't, the solvent will move from the less concentrated to the more concentrated solution to attempt to equalise the concentrations. Medical, Science, Water, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  560. Oxygen Permeability
  561. Oligodevdrocyte Progenitors Medical
  562. Operatob Technology, Air Force, Web Slang
  563. Occipitoparietal Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  564. Optic Having to do with vision. Science, Astronomy
  565. Other Party
  566. Office of Protector Army, War, Force
  567. Outpatient Pharmacy Medical, Healthcare
  568. Oleest Profession
  569. Organic Percussion Music
  570. Outdoor Prcgram
  571. Orderly Progression
  572. Outage Probability Technology, Networking, Network
  573. Oliver Perez
  574. Operations Procedure
  575. Opposed-Piston
  576. Occiput Posterior Medical, Technology, Medicine
  577. Opening Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  578. Other Procurement Business, Technology, Military
  579. Optional Papers
  580. Operating Procedures Business, Standard, Procedure
  581. Openpat Report Computing, File Extensions
  582. Ozalid Print
  583. Occupational Psychology Also called Organisational Psychology. The study of peoples behaviour at work, covering personal relations, mental health, employee selection and training, safety, etc.
  584. Dominican Sisters of Divine Providence Religious orders
  585. Operator-Promoter
  586. Originally Posted Forum, Gaming, Discussion
  587. Outstanding Performer Awards & medals
  588. Ohlo Principles Government, Climate, Environment
  589. Operational Project Business, Management, Military
  590. Operation Principle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OP stand for?

    OP stands for Oceanic Plagiogranites.

  2. What is the shortened form of Open Policy?

    The short form of "Open Policy" is OP.


OP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/op-meaning/

Last updated