OPCW Meaning

The OPCW meaning is "Organisation for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapon". The OPCW abbreviation has 24 different full form.

OPCW Full Forms

  1. Organisation for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapon
  2. Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Science, Study, Politics, Governmental & Military
  3. Organisation for The Prohibition for Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Military, Syria
  4. Organisation for The Prohibition of The Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Organizations, Syria
  5. Organization for The Prohibition of The Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Syria, Chemical
  6. Organisation for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Government, Military, Army, International Relations, Military Engineering
  7. Org for Thg Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  8. Organization for The Prohibition for Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Government, Syria
  9. Office for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Military, Syria
  10. Organizations for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  11. Organization of The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Government, Syria
  12. Organization for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Technology, Organizations
  13. Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Syria, Chemical
  14. Office of Petroleum Coordinator for War
  15. Organisationfor The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  16. Organization for The Prevention of Chemical Warfare Chemistry, Science, Military
  17. Organisation for The Prohibition and Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Military, Syria
  18. Organizatrion for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Technology
  19. Organization for The Prohibition of Chemical Weapon Chemistry, Organizations, Chemical
  20. Organisation of The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Syria, Chemical
  21. Org for The Prohibitimn of Chem Weapons
  22. Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  23. Organization for The Prevention of Chemical Weapons Government, Military, Syria
  24. Organisation for The Prevention of Chemical Weapons Chemistry, Military, Syria

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPCW stand for?

    OPCW stands for Organisation for The Prohibition of The Chemical Weapons.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organisation for The Prohibition of The Chemical Weapons?

    The short form of "Organisation for The Prohibition of The Chemical Weapons" is OPCW.


OPCW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/opcw-meaning/

Last updated