OPE Meaning

The OPE meaning is "Office of Postsecondary Education". The OPE abbreviation has 90 different full form.

OPE Full Forms

  1. Office of Postsecondary Education Government, Office, Department, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  2. Out-Of-Pocket Expenses
  3. Oshkosh Placement Exchange Student, Education, Affair, Occupation & positions
  4. Office of Program Evaluation Government, Education, Projection
  5. Outside Plant Module Equipment Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  6. Objectif Plein Emploi
  7. Online Product Engineering
  8. Other Personnel Expenses Government, Us, Oregon
  9. Ofertas PÚBlicas De Empleo
  10. Operator Product Expansions
  11. Out of Pocket Expense Travel
  12. Oshakati Premier Electric
  13. Office of Procurement Executive
  14. Outside Plant Engineer
  15. Organismo PÚBlico Ejecutor
  16. Online Practice Exam Education, Law, Study
  17. Other People Energy Business, Energy
  18. Oferta PÚBlica De Empleo Para, Con, Plaza
  19. Operator Product Expansion Science, Theory, Quantum, Chemistry
  20. Oscillating Piston Engine
  21. Office of Practitioner Enrollment Business
  22. Outros PaíSes Da Europa
  23. One Pion Exchange Science
  24. Other People'S Experience Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Octylphenol Ethoxylates Medicine, Health, Care
  26. Ontology of Physical Exercises
  27. OrçAmento Participativo Das Escolas
  28. Office of Post-Secondary Education College, Education, University
  29. Outline On Political Economy
  30. One Photon Excitation
  31. Other Payroll Expense
  32. Office of The Procurement Executive Business, Department, Purchase
  33. Occupational Protective Equipment
  34. Only Pro Evolutions
  35. Optical Proximity Effect Technology, Pattern, Correction
  36. Office of Postdoctoral Education
  37. One Person Enterprise
  38. Other Payroll Expenses
  39. Office of Public Employment Organizations
  40. Observation Procedure Execution
  41. Only Postive Energy Business, Energy
  42. Office of Policy and Efficiency
  43. Optical Probe Experiment Science
  44. Out of Pocket Expenses
  45. Onboard Proficiency Enhancement
  46. Oslo Private Etterforskningsbyra
  47. Office of Public Engagement America, Government, House
  48. Overall Performance Evaluation
  49. Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation
  50. Online Professional Education
  51. Office of Policy and Evaluation
  52. Optical Packet Edge Technology
  53. Outdoor Product Exchange
  54. Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary
  55. Optare Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  56. Offre Public D'éChange
  57. Overseas Plant Exports
  58. Outdoor Power Equipment Business, Tool, Mower
  59. Oil Price Escalation
  60. Optimized Processing Element
  61. Oru Protective Enclosure NASA
  62. Off Process Environment Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  63. Overall Production Efficiency Technology, Maintenance, Mill
  64. Outdoor Photo Expo
  65. Ohio Partnership for Excellence
  66. Operations Project Engineer
  67. Oral Peripheral Examination Medical, Healthcare
  68. Office of The President-Elect
  69. Overall Process Effectiveness
  70. Outboard Processing Environment Technology
  71. Oficina Permanente Especializada
  72. Operational Processing Equipment
  73. Oferta P
  74. Oregon, Pacific, and Eastern Railway Company Technology, Governmental & Military
  75. Overall Plant Effectiveness
  76. Our Planet Earth
  77. Oficina De Proyectos Europeos Business, Para, Research
  78. Ozone Production Efficiency Technology, Science, Research, Chemistry
  79. Outline of Political Economy Government, Us, Control, Administration
  80. Oregon Pacific and Eastern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  81. Office of Planning and Evaluation Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  82. Overall Plant Efficiency Business, Presentation, Maintenance
  83. Other Project Element Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  84. Offre Publique D'
  85. Overseas Processing Entities Program, Processing, Refugee, Resettlement
  86. Outdoor Product Equipment
  87. Optiview Protocol Expert Awards & medals
  88. Other Plant Equipment Technology
  89. Offre Publique D'éChange
  90. Overseas Processing Entity Program, Organizations, Refugee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPE stand for?

    OPE stands for Operator Product Expansions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outdoor Product Equipment?

    The short form of "Outdoor Product Equipment" is OPE.


OPE. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ope-meaning/

Last updated