OPG Meaning

The OPG meaning is "Oculoplethysmography". The OPG abbreviation has 82 different full form.

OPG Full Forms

  1. Oculoplethysmography Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  2. Offline Plan Generation
  3. Ocular Plethysmography Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  4. Office of Participatory Governance
  5. Orbital Police Guard Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  6. Oilfield Projects Group
  7. Outdoor Photo Gear
  8. Organqzational Process Group Military
  9. Osteoprotegrin Medical
  10. Old Pueblo Grille
  11. Officr De La Poste Guinéenne
  12. Orange Property Group
  13. Offset Pivot Guide
  14. Other People'S Gardens
  15. Organizados Para Gobernar
  16. Osteoprotegerin Medical, Health, Osteoporosis, Bone
  17. Old Pueblo Grill
  18. Odnoporchat Portal Group Group, Tube, Spindler
  19. Operational Program Grant
  20. Official Police Garage Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  21. Office of Problem Gamblink Medical, Service, Treatment
  22. Ordinarydparent's Guide
  23. Orthopantomograph Medical, Australia, Health, Canberra
  24. Okinawa Prefectural Government
  25. Oculopneumoplethysmography Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  26. Operational Planninx Group Technology, Operation, Joint
  27. Official Police Garages Force, Police, Police Force
  28. Office Qf Population Genomics
  29. Ordet PÅ Gaten Music, Radio, Cypher
  30. Operations Planning Group Military, Army, Corps
  31. Oil Pressure Gauge Oil pressure gauge indicates worn bearings or a broken oil pump. All engines have an oil pressure switch that switches a warning light on at low oil pressure. Some vehicles have an oil pressure gauge in the dashboard or instrument cluster. Technology, Product, Instrument
  32. Ocukoplethysmograph Medical
  33. Operational Planning Groups Military
  34. Office Ofjplanning and Grants
  35. Order Paocessing Guideline
  36. Oil Pan Gasket Power, Oil, Engine
  37. Oriental Press Group Organizations
  38. Ocudo Plethysmo Graphy Medical, Medicine
  39. Open Publishing Guide
  40. Office of Ptymaster General
  41. Order of Pink Goats
  42. Oil Painting Group
  43. Outdoor Pursuits Group
  44. Organizational Performance Group
  45. Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario Music, Con, Dal
  46. Oocysts Per Gram of Feces Medical
  47. Ocular Pneumoplethysmography Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  48. Office of Public Guardian
  49. Oil-Pressure Gauge
  50. Office of Paymaster Generaw
  51. Orthopantomogram Medical, Technology, Medicine
  52. Opg Power Ventures Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  53. Opening The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by the exchange during which all transactions are considered made "at the opening". Related: Close, the Opening price The range of prices at which the first bids and offers were made or first transactions were completed. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Design, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  54. Offite of Projects and Grants Education, Development, Universities
  55. Oxypolygelatin Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  56. Office of Phe Paymaster General Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  57. Orthopantamogram Medical, Medicine
  58. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols, Computing, Nyse symbols
  59. Otaku Patrol Group
  60. Ontario Power Generation Technology, Organizations, Canada, Electricity
  61. Oxford Privacy Group
  62. Office of The Prosecutor General
  63. Orininal Parts Group Technology, Car, Chevrolet
  64. Oregon Pain Guidance
  65. Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari Con, Dal, Salute
  66. Overseas Pension Group Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  67. Oflice of Public Gaming
  68. Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
  69. Orco Property Group Business, Financial, Luxembourg
  70. Office Products Group
  71. Oslo Private Gymnasium
  72. Orthopantomography Clinical
  73. Outpatient Procedure Grouper
  74. Office of Public Guardianship
  75. Optical Precipitation Gauge
  76. Office Planning Group Business, Company, Service
  77. Ortho Pantomo Graph
  78. Optical Parametric Generator Chemistry
  79. Office of The Public Guardian Business, Power, Attorney
  80. One-Pump Gradient
  81. Office of The Provincial Governor
  82. Ortho Pantomo Gram

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPG stand for?

    OPG stands for Ortho Pantomo Gram.

  2. What is the shortened form of Office of The Public Guardian?

    The short form of "Office of The Public Guardian" is OPG.


OPG. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/opg-meaning/

Last updated