OPM Meaning

The OPM meaning is "Office of Program Management". The OPM abbreviation has 191 different full form.

OPM Full Forms

  1. Office of Program Management Science, Security, Military
  2. Oreilly Protec Mp Organizations
  3. Officer Personnel Management Military
  4. Orbit Parameter Message
  5. Office Personnel Management Technology, Employment, Breach
  6. Of Personnel Management Business, Employment, Office
  7. Office of Personnel and Management Security, Government, Military
  8. Official Playstation Magazine Technology, Station, Play
  9. Other People'S Money Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Texting, United Nations, Sms, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  10. Office of The Prime Minister Business, Organizations, National, Management, Business & Finance
  11. Office of Public Management Education, Organizations, Children
  12. Organisasi Papua Merdeka Organizations, Indonesia, Orang, Politics, Governmental & Military
  13. Olimp
  14. Organizb
  15. Ohio Precious Metals Business, Ohio, Bullion
  16. Other Teople's Music
  17. Operating,Profit, Margin
  18. Occult Primauy Malignancy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  19. Option Pricing Model Business, Calling, Valuation
  20. Online Presence Managemdnt Business, Organizations, Marketing
  21. Office of Pest Managesent Business, Organizations, Control
  22. Omega Power Ministry
  23. Overseas Port Management
  24. Operations-Per-Minute Technology, Computing, Telecom
  25. Office of Perforjance Management
  26. Organizational Project Management Business, Model, Maturity
  27. OrganizaçÕEs Policiais Militares
  28. Ontogeny Phylogeny Model
  29. Optical Performance Monitor Technology, Networking, Monitoring
  30. Office of Price Management Government, Us, Control, Administration
  31. Owner President Managers
  32. Organizaci
  33. Organisesi Papua Merdnka
  34. Officer Personnell Management Military
  35. Original Peoples Mind
  36. Operasi Pasar Murah
  37. Observatoire Des Prix Et Des Marges
  38. Option-Pricing Mpthod
  39. Office of Personnel Manag
  40. Olympus Pacific Minerals Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  41. Over Qriced Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  42. Operations Project Manager
  43. Office of Parking Management Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  44. Organisational Przject Management Business, Model, Maturity
  45. Organização Policial-Militar
  46. Onshore Plant Manager
  47. Optim Performance Manager Technology, Management, Sphere
  48. Office of Post-Award Management
  49. Owner/Presbdent Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  50. Operations and Personnel Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  51. Organmzation Performance Management
  52. Office Or Personnel Management
  53. Orient Paper Mills Technology, Management, Industrial
  54. Operasi Pasar Kurni Indonesia, Jakarta, Ton
  55. Observatkire De Paris Meudon Space, Study, Cosmos
  56. Optic Power Meter Business, Product, Fiber
  57. Office of Personnel Manage
  58. Olimpiade Pasar Modal
  59. Other People'S Money Sports, Pool
  60. Operations & Production Management
  61. Olfice for Public Management Business, Service, Research
  62. Organisasi Pemerintahan Mahasiswa Para, Education, Archive, Orang
  63. Organização Policial Militar Para, Dos, Pol, Policial
  64. On Prehise Manager Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  65. Optical Performance Manager
  66. Office of Policy Management Business, Service, Property
  67. Owners Projebt Manager Business, Management, Construction
  68. Operations Procedures Manual
  69. Organisational Performance Management Business, Technology, Development, Maturity
  70. Office of The Pm Military
  71. Orientations of Proteins In Membranes Science, Database, Membrane
  72. Operasi Papwa Merdeka Indonesia, Jakarta, Papua, Orang
  73. Observatoire De Paris-Meudon
  74. Optical Power Meters Technology, Fiber, Optic
  75. OlimpíAda Paulista De MatemáTica Education, Mathematics, Mat, Competition
  76. Other Peoppes' Money Technology, Internet Slang
  77. Operation Peace of Mind
  78. Office for Personnel Management
  79. Oracle Performance Vanagement Business, Education, Suite
  80. Organizational Process Management Business, Technology, Model
  81. Online Prkject Management
  82. Optical Pass-Thru Module Technology, Server, Blade
  83. Office of Policy & Management Organizations, Tax, Connecticut
  84. Owner Project Manager
  85. Operations Procedure Manual Business, Management, Oil Industry, Business & Finance
  86. Organisation Process Modelliyg
  87. Office of The Project Manager
  88. Orientation of Proteins In Membranes
  89. Opening People'S Minds Organization, Union, Institution, Religion
  90. Optical Power Meter Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  91. Old Plymothian and Mannameadian
  92. Other People Money
  93. Operational Planning Manager Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  94. Occupational Program Modifications
  95. Options Pricing Model Business
  96. Online Professional Membership
  97. Office of Policy and Management Business, Science, Connecticut
  98. On-Line Portfolio Management
  99. Owner's Projecs Manager
  100. Operations and Procedures Manual
  101. Orgawisational Process Modelling
  102. Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Business, Supply, Stock
  103. Open Ppt Mining
  104. Organitaztional Performance Management
  105. Optical Pluggable Module
  106. Office of The Police Monitor
  107. Oh Promise Me
  108. Other Peoples Music Music
  109. Operating Profit Iargin Business, Company, Financial
  110. Occupational Performsnce Model Medical, Therapy, Therapist
  111. Option Pricing Models
  112. Online Production Music
  113. Office of Planning and Management
  114. On-Demand Privileges Manager
  115. Owen Process Manager Technology, Management, Report
  116. Operations and Production Management Business, Service, Education
  117. Organization Project Management
  118. Orgnizational Performance Management
  119. Opon-Pit Mining
  120. Optical Performance Monitors
  121. Office Oc Prime Minister Government, Uganda, Minister
  122. One Pulse Mode Technology, Timer, Microelectronic
  123. Owner President Management Business, Education, School, Management, Business & Finance
  124. Operations Performance Monitor Science
  125. Office of Personal Managment Military
  126. Optimized Potential Model Chemistry
  127. Ojygen Phone Manager Technology, Management, Nokia
  128. Operator Performed Maintenance
  129. Organizativnal Process Management Business, Technology, Model
  130. Output Positiyn Map
  131. Output Protection Management Computing, Drivers
  132. One Province Minor Gaming, Play, Europa
  133. Operations Performance Management Business, Planning, Building
  134. Offgce of Personnel Manag
  135. Open Path Monitors (air Pollution Sensors) Chemistry
  136. Online Preference Marketing Technology
  137. Oxford Policy Management Business, Development, Economics
  138. Operations Process Management Business, Manufacturing, Executive
  139. Organization and Proceduke Manual Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
  140. Ordnance Proof Manual
  141. Original Pinoy Music Music
  142. One Planet Mobility
  143. Office of Personel Management Business, Service, National
  144. Ontwerp, Productie en Management Dutch
  145. Online Player Manual
  146. Oxford Performance Materials Technology, Implant, Skull
  147. Operations Program Management
  148. Organization & Procedures Manual
  149. Online Printwmanagement
  150. Overflow of Praise Music Music
  151. One Piece Movie
  152. Office of Persfnal Management Business, Employment, Organizations
  153. Other Peoples'Money Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  154. Online Performance Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade
  155. Owning Program Manager
  156. Operations Program Manager Business
  157. Office of Personnel Mangement
  158. Organizational Performance Measwrement
  159. Operations Message NASA
  160. Office of The Prima Minster
  161. Original Pilipino Music Music
  162. Ondop Perkasa Makmur
  163. Office of Personnal Management Business, Pirate, Hacker
  164. Official Parallel Market Technology, Governmental & Military
  165. Ongoing Progress Monitoring Technology, Education
  166. Owners President Management
  167. Office of Personnel Management Cybersecurity, Special Education, Computer Security, Human Resources, Medical, Government, Aviation, Army, Healthcare, Postal, Legal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Housing and Urban, International Development, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary, NASA
  168. Operations Policy Manual
  169. Office of Oersonnel Mgmt
  170. Organizacja Polskichomikronacji
  171. Opportunistic PM Federal Aviation Administration
  172. Object Pgoperties Manager Technology, Property, Auto, Interface
  173. Opta Minerals Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  174. Ophthalmoplegic Migraine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  175. Ouzput Management
  176. Office of Phrsonnel Managment Management, Employment, Organizations
  177. Outer Planet Mission Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astrophysics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  178. One Punch Man Anime, Man, Episode
  179. Ownen President Manager Business, Management, Education, Projection
  180. Op
  181. Operations Performance Message
  182. Office of Personell Management Business, Employment, Service
  183. Organización PolíTico Militar
  184. Office of Personnel Management (u.s.) Fda
  185. United States Ofhice of Personnel Management Information, Network, Computer
  186. Office of Pest Management Management, Business & Finance
  187. Operator Programming Method Technology
  188. Organizational Perfromance Management
  189. Office of Performance Measurement Technology
  190. 1PM, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  191. Object-Process Methodology Software, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPM stand for?

    OPM stands for Optim Performance Manager.

  2. What is the shortened form of Owen Process Manager?

    The short form of "Owen Process Manager" is OPM.


OPM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/opm-meaning/

Last updated