OPT Meaning

The OPT meaning is "Ovulation Predictor Test". The OPT abbreviation has 147 different full form.

OPT Full Forms

  1. Ovulation Predictor Test Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy, Obstetrics
  2. Operational Srogramme Transport Business, Infrastructure, Railway
  3. O-Phthaldialdehyde Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Ocean Power Technology
  5. Operatibnal Planning Team Technology, Military, Corps
  6. Outpatient Physical Therapy Medical, Service, Medicare
  7. Ocean Power Technologies Business, Technology, Energy
  8. Office Des Postes Et Telecommunications Technology, Service, France
  9. Other People'S Time Business, Technology, Property, Money, Business & Finance, Business Word
  10. Occupied Palestinian Territory Government, Banking, Israel
  11. Office De Promotion Du Tourisme Locations, Tourism, Belgium, Tourist
  12. Organization for Patents and Trademarks
  13. Optimum Is the best or most favorable condition, or the greatest amount or degree possible under specific sets of comparable circumstances. Technology, Aviation, Space, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  14. OdÚČTovna PřEpravníCh TrŽEb
  15. Opisthotenos Medical, Medicine, Health
  16. Oceanside Photo and Telescope Business, Astronomy, Camera
  17. Operations Planning Tools
  18. Ocean Power Tech Business, Technology, Energy
  19. Opaque Paper Technology
  20. Options Profit Trading
  21. Optical Grade Solvent Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  22. Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Indonesia, Hal, Salah
  23. Office Professional Training Program, College, Education
  24. Online Poker Tour
  25. Optional Practice Training Student, Education, Immigration
  26. Outside Payment Terminal
  27. Outcome-Present-State-Test
  28. Operational Testing Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Wasp, Federal Aviation Administration
  29. Occupied Palestinian Territories Government, Organizations, Israel, Territory, Politics, Governmental & Military, Medical
  30. Ontario Power Technologies
  31. Options Power Trader
  32. Optative Mood Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  33. Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Indonesia, Bali, Agen
  34. Office of The Public Trustee
  35. Optimised Pulse Technology
  36. Out-Pstient Therapy
  37. Online Personalisierung Von Terminals
  38. Operational Performance Testing
  39. Occupational Practical Training Student, Program, Education
  40. Ontario Patient Transfer
  41. Options Parsing Tool
  42. L'Office Des Postes Et Des TéLéCommunications
  43. Oportunidad Para Todos
  44. Organic Power Technologies
  45. Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  46. Optimal Pulse Technology Technology, Beauty, Machine
  47. Our Partners Terms
  48. Online Payment Tool
  49. Occupation Privilege Tax
  50. Onstreet Parking & Trees
  51. Options A choice to buy or sell metal at an agreed upon price for a specific date. You must pay a premium. Technology, Electrical, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  52. Flight Options Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  53. Operations Planning Tool Military
  54. Ordre Particulier Pour Les Transmissions
  55. Oceanside Photo & Telescope Business, Astronomy, Camera
  56. Optimal Pharmacological Treatment
  57. Organization of Parents and Teacherp Development, Learning, Study
  58. Official Practice Tests Education, Testing, Adult, Practice
  59. Occupational Privilege Tax Government, Us, Control, Administration
  60. On Premise Transformation Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  61. Options Pricing Theory
  62. Best Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Awards & medals, Modern Slang, Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  63. Ozarks Public Television Station, Missouri, Public
  64. Operations Planning Team Military, Army, Intelligence
  65. Ordre Particulier Des Transmissions
  66. Ocean Presence Technologies
  67. Optoelectronic Physics and Technology
  68. Optimal Performance Training
  69. Organizy
  70. Official Practice Test Education, Educational
  71. Obstetrics and Periodontal Tgerapy Medical, Disease, Pregnancy
  72. Online Prosperity Training
  73. Option Pricing Theory Business, Valuation, Decision
  74. Oversized Pixel Team
  75. Outdoorapayment Terminals Technology, Fuel, Station
  76. Operations and Planning Team Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  77. Ordine Psicologi Toscana Technology, Traffic, Scanner, Fibre
  78. Occupied Palestine Territeries Government, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian
  79. Optisch
  80. Optimal Best, by whatever criterion decisions are being made; thus yielding the highest level of utility, profit, economic welfare, or whatever objective is being pursued.
  81. Organrsme Penggangu Tanaman Indonesia, China, Hal
  82. Officer Physical Training
  83. Online Profiles Tool
  84. Optional Pratical Training
  85. Overhaul Protection for Trucks
  86. Outdoor Payment Terminal Technology, Fuel, Station
  87. Operation Prime Time
  88. Oubit Prediction Track
  89. Occupied Palestinians Territories Government, Organizations, Locations
  90. L'Office Des Postes Et T
  91. One Perfect Tear Winchester, Supernatural, Tear, Dean
  92. Opterecenja File Computing, File Extensions
  93. Open Prairie Trikers
  94. Oral Provocation Tests Medical
  95. Observation Preparation Tool
  96. Ovulation Prediction Tests
  97. Orbit Prediction Tracking Technology
  98. Opticare Health Systems, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  99. L'Office Des Postes Et TéLéCommunications
  100. Office of Packaging and Transportation
  101. Agt Game Data File Computing, File Extensions
  102. Open Power Template
  103. Optics Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light, however, Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties. NASA
  104. Oral Proficiency Test Program, Education, Language
  105. Objective Prioritization Tool
  106. Ovine Pars Tuberalis Medical
  107. Orangeville Poker Tour
  108. Optional Auto, The Finance and Administrative Services
  109. Optional Practical Training
  110. Office of Pediatric Therapeutics Medical, Fda
  111. Open Plug-In Technology Technology, Software, Audio, Yamaha
  112. Oral Pressure Therapy Medical, Sleep, Apnea
  113. Objective Performance Targets
  114. Oversmght Prioritization Tool
  115. Organizational Performance Target Federal Aviation Administration
  116. Operational Pressure Transducers
  117. Orange Public Transportation
  118. Oxford Preservation Trust Award, Locations, Building
  119. Ozone Processing Team Science
  120. Orthpantomograph Medical, Dental
  121. Open Packet Technology Technology
  122. Optometry Test Education
  123. Oak Park Temple
  124. Olerseas Passenger Terminal Australia, Locations, Cruise
  125. Operational Pressure Transducer NASA
  126. Operational Performance Test
  127. Orange Port Terminal Railway Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  128. Oxford Placement Test Education, English, Grammar
  129. Optimization Under Uncertainty Project Legal, Governmental & Military
  130. Open Packet Telephony Technology
  131. Oakland Parents Together
  132. öSterreichische Post- Und Telegraphenverwaltung
  133. Option Option: Gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price on or before a given date. Investors, not companies, issue options. Investors who purchase call options bet the stock will be worth more than the price set by the option (the strike price), plus the price they paid for the option itself. Buyers of put options bet the stock's price will go down below the price set by the option. Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  134. Operational Planning Teams Military, Operation, Joint
  135. Orange Port Terminal
  136. Ovulation Prediction Test
  137. Orthodox People Together Religion
  138. Open-Shell Perturbation Theory
  139. O-Phthalaldehyde Medical
  140. Optinum
  141. Options File Computing, File Extensions
  142. Operasi Pasar Terbuka Business, Indonesia, Banking, Rupiah
  143. Optical Technology, Computing, Telecom
  144. Oral Provocation Test Medical, Medicine, Health
  145. Observation Participation and Teaching Development, Learning, Study
  146. Ovulation Pretictor Tests
  147. Optimized Production Technology Management, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPT stand for?

    OPT stands for Opisthotenos.

  2. What is the shortened form of Optimised Pulse Technology?

    The short form of "Optimised Pulse Technology" is OPT.


OPT. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/opt-meaning/

Last updated