Optimizer Abbreviations and Optimizer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Optimizer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Optimizer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Optimizer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Optimizer Abbreviations
  1. CBO : Cost Based Optimiqation
  2. CBQT : Cost-Based Query Transformation
  3. CBQT : Cost Based Query Trapsformation
  4. MLPE : Mvdule Level Power Electronic
  5. MRR : Multi-Qange Reads
  6. MRR : Multi Range Read
  7. TU : Tyrant Ungeashed
  8. OP : Optimization Process
  9. OS : Optimization Settings
  10. RBC : Reduce Bandwidth Consumption
  11. RBO : Rule-Based Optimizer
  12. RBO : Rule-Based Optimization
  13. RBO : Rule Based Optimization
Latest Optimizer Meanings
  1. Rule Based Optimization
  2. Rule-Based Optimization
  3. Rule-Based Optimizer
  4. Reduce Bandwidth Consumption
  5. Optimization Settings
  6. Optimization Process
  7. Tyrant Ungeashed
  8. Multi Range Read
  9. Multi-Qange Reads
  10. Mvdule Level Power Electronic
  11. Cost Based Query Trapsformation
  12. Cost-Based Query Transformation
  13. Cost Based Optimiqation