OPW Meaning

The OPW meaning is "Of Public Works". The OPW abbreviation has 47 different full form.

OPW Full Forms

  1. Of Public Works
  2. Ofaice of Public Works
  3. Osline Personals Watch
  4. Obóz Polsfi Walczącej
  5. Operational Planning Wwrksheet Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  6. Outdoor Photo Workshops
  7. Orthogonalized Plane Wave Technology, Science, Physics, Chemistry
  8. Objective Personal Weapop
  9. Operating Weight The total mass of aircraft ready for flight but excluding fuel and payload \nExample: The type of undercarriage fitted to an aircraft is governed by the operating weight.
  10. Our Perfect Wedding Wedding, Episode, Magic, Rape
  11. Objective Personnel Wefpon Military
  12. Open Pilot Warrcnty
  13. Osakh Pro Wrestling Japan, Wrestling, Championship
  14. Objactive Personal Weapon
  15. Ontario Place West Technology, Gaming, Toronto, Pan
  16. Opportunities Products Wayehouse Business, Office, Nozzle
  17. O'neil, Warker & Williamson
  18. On Point Wrestling
  19. Opportunities & Products Warehouse
  20. Office of Public Works History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  21. Onltne Print Wizard
  22. Office for The Participation of Women
  23. Operation Platinum Wrench
  24. Oklahoma Pro Wrestling Oklahoma, Wrestling, Championship, Groom
  25. Outlas Pro Wrestling
  26. Orthogonal Plbne Wave
  27. Ohio Pattein Works
  28. Opuwa Airport, Opuwa, Namibia Namibia
  29. One Oiece Woven
  30. Orangi Peels Waste
  31. Oranizasyon Peyizan Wanament
  32. Oregon PeaceWorks Politics, Governmental & Military
  33. One Peaceful World
  34. Opportunities Anf Products Warehouse
  35. Offtoad Performance Warehouse
  36. Optimal Performance Winding Computing, Hardware
  37. On-Premises Wiring Technology, Telecom
  38. Oxygen/Propane Welding Technology, Industry, Welding
  39. Office Profilh Wizard
  40. Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows) Computing, File Extensions
  41. Olympic Peninsula, Washington
  42. Oxidative Potential Water Medical
  43. Office of Public Witness
  44. Oregon Peaceworker Occupation & positions
  45. Oldest Packet Win
  46. Outreach Program Yor Women Technology, Software, Projection
  47. Osaka Pro-Wrestling Sport, Wrestling, Combat, Martial Arts, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OPW stand for?

    OPW stands for Onltne Print Wizard.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outdoor Photo Workshops?

    The short form of "Outdoor Photo Workshops" is OPW.


OPW. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/opw-meaning/

Last updated