ORF Meaning

The ORF meaning is "Ontario Research Fund". The ORF abbreviation has 63 different full form.

ORF Full Forms

  1. Ontario Research Fund Science, Education, Innovation
  2. Open Reading Frames Medical, Science, Frame
  3. Open Reading Frame In molecular genetics, an open reading frame is the part of a reading frame that has the potential to code for a protein or peptide. An ORF is a continuous stretch of DNA beginning with a start codon, usually methionine (ATG), and ending with a stop codon (TAA, TAG or TGA in most genomes). Medical, Science, Genetics, Biology, Genomics
  4. Operational Readiness Float Military, Army, Marine
  5. Open Research Forum Technology, University, Japan
  6. October Rules Fest
  7. Ordonnances Des Rois De France
  8. Online Request Form
  9. Operations Research and Facilities Science
  10. Opening Reading Frame Development, Learning, Study
  11. Outbound Route Filtering Technology, Networking, Network
  12. Orbital Reference Frame Science
  13. Overlaps An Open Reading Frame Science, Biology
  14. One Race Films Technology, Austria, Streaming
  15. Open-Reading Frames
  16. Orifice A small hole or restricted opening used to control the flow of gasoline, oil, refrigerant, etc. or a fishway consisting of stepped pools connected by submerged holes. An opening of controlled size used to measure or control the flow of gases. An opening or passageway which can be have tapered edges. or An opening in a mold or finished product. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  17. Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta
  18. Official Representation Fund Military, Army, Intelligence
  19. Outrage Room Format
  20. Ontario Research Foundation
  21. Oral Reading Fluency Student, Education, Grade
  22. Oral Rehydration Fluid
  23. Office Revolving Fund
  24. Output Related Funding Military, Education, Ministry Of Defence
  25. Oman Royal Flight Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Oman
  26. Ontario Renaissance Festival Organization, Union, Institution
  27. Operation Resilient Families
  28. Oral Reconstruction Foundation
  29. Office of Research Facilities Technology, Science, Management
  30. Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities Medical, Service, Medicare
  31. Norfolk International Airport Norfolk, Virginia,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  32. Onshore Receiving Facility Technology, Oil, Gas
  33. Options Regulatory Fee Business, Trading, Supply
  34. Open Reading Flame Medical
  35. Office of Religious Freedom
  36. Orf Facebook
  37. Onshore Receiving Facilities
  38. Operations Research and Financial
  39. Open Read Frame Medical, Science, Biology
  40. Olympus Raw File Computing, File Extensions
  41. Open Relay Filter Technology, Enterprise, Edition
  42. Oxford Russia Fund Education, Russia, Scholarship
  43. Ortho Research Foundation
  44. Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility Medical, Healthcare
  45. Open Reintegration Fund
  46. Operations, Research, and Facilities
  47. Oklahoma Research Foundation
  48. Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, Virginia, United States Virginia, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  49. Open Regional Fund
  50. Operational Readiness Floats Military
  51. Oberhausen Rotor Furnace
  52. Open Reading Frame (DNA Sequence) Medical, Computing, Biotechnology, Genomics, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Human genome
  53. Open Reading Fragment Medical, Science, Biology
  54. Operational Reserve Forces
  55. öSterreichischer Rundfunk Fernsehen Film, English, German
  56. Olympus Raw Format Photography
  57. Open Reading Fram
  58. Operational Reserve Force Military
  59. The Open Reading Frame Science, Biology
  60. Old Retired Fart Occupation & positions
  61. Operating Room of The Future Medical, Technology, Room
  62. Sterreichischer Rundfunk Media, Radio, Television
  63. Österreichischer RundFunk (Austrian Broadcasting) Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ORF stand for?

    ORF stands for Open Reading Flame.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ontario Research Fund?

    The short form of "Ontario Research Fund" is ORF.


ORF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved January 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/orf-meaning/

Last updated