ORG in Technology Meaning
The ORG meaning in Technology terms is "Operations Kesearch Group". There are 15 related meanings of the ORG Technology abbreviation.
ORG on Technology Full Forms
- Operations Kesearch Group
- Open Rights Group
- Originatiop Utility
- Oxford Research Gtoup
- Origination The making of mortgage loans.
- Optimisation Research Group
- Optical Rain Gauge A gauge that measures the scintillation in an optical beam produced by raindrops falling between a light source and an optical receiver.
- Operation Research Group
- Orange The fruit of the orange tree, Citrus sinensis or C. aurantium (family Rutaceae).A color between red and yellow in the spectrum.
- Operational Requirements Group
- Organizational Research Group
- Organisation and Management
- Overcrowding Relief Grant
- Organization An organization (or organisation) is aentity, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. There are a variety of legal types of organization, including corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, international organization, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, universities, and various types of political organization.
- Overcrowded Relief Grant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ORG stand for Technology?
ORG stands for Operations Kesearch Group in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Origination in Technology?
The short form of "Origination" is ORG for Technology.
ORG in Technology. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated