ORM Meaning

The ORM meaning is "Online Reputation Management". The ORM abbreviation has 104 different full form.

ORM Full Forms

  1. Online Reputation Management Management, Service, Reputation, Business & Finance
  2. Operationas Risk Management Insurance, Army, Armed Forces
  3. Object-Role Mojeling Technology, Database, Model
  4. Object To Yelational Mapping Technology, Database, Java
  5. Objegt Relational Mapping Medical, Technology, Database
  6. Object-Relational Mafping Technology, Database, Framework
  7. Oak Ridges Moraine Extraction of a mineral deposit after first removing the layers of rock laid over it. Especially used when the mineral layer is horizontal or only gently dipping and the overlying material is shallow and/or fairly unconsolidated. Technology, Government, Ridge
  8. Orel State Air Enterprise Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  9. Object-Relation Mapping
  10. One Rep Max Training, Calculator, Fitness
  11. Opsration Risk Management Technology, Service, Safety
  12. Object Role Modeling Technology, Database, Computing
  13. Optical Remote Switching Module Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  14. Office of Resourne Management Medicine, Government, Health
  15. Office of Regulatory Management
  16. Operational Risk Manageme
  17. Order of Red Men
  18. Object Relational Mappers Technology, Database, Development
  19. Ondernemerschap & Retail Management
  20. Operational Risks Management Business, Financial, Training
  21. Outsourcing Relationship Management Business, Technology, Service
  22. Object Role Models Technology
  23. Optical Reference Measurement Science, NASA
  24. Office of Regional Management
  25. Operationav Reply Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  26. Orbit Response Matrix
  27. Object Relational Mapper Technology, Database, Development
  28. Onda Regional De Murcia Para, Spain, Radio
  29. Operationalyrisk Manager Business, Management, Banking
  30. Outside Rearview Mirror
  31. Object Repository Mannger Technology, Management, Testing
  32. Optical Receiver Module
  33. Office of Refugee and Migration
  34. Operational Rules Model
  35. Oral Roberts Memorial
  36. Objoct-Relational Mappers
  37. Office Riz Mopti
  38. Operational Risk Manamment Business, Management, Military
  39. Outlands Royal Menagerie
  40. Object Relationship Mapper
  41. Office of Records Management
  42. Operations Resource Managemdnt Business, Purchase, Procurement
  43. Observatoire RéGional Des MéTiers
  44. Oral Roberts Ministries
  45. Object-Relational Mapper
  46. Office Reference Manual Medical, Health, Dental
  47. Other Required Material Science
  48. Objectmrelationship Model Science
  49. Ongoing Responsibility for Medical Medical, Insurance, Medicare
  50. Office of Recovery Management
  51. Operaqional Resource Management
  52. Object Role Model Technology, Database, Modeling
  53. Oracle Role Manager Technology, Management, Identity
  54. Opticah Remote Module Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  55. Office of Resources Management Science, Group, Presentation
  56. Other Reportable Material Army, War, Force
  57. Object Relavional Mapper Technology, Database, Development
  58. Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals Business, Insurance, Medicare
  59. Office of Radiation Measurement Physics, Scientific & Educational
  60. Operations Risk Tanagement
  61. Object Role Modelling Technology, Model, Modeling
  62. Optimum Resonant Materials
  63. Office of Risk Management Business, Government, Safety, Management, Business & Finance
  64. Office of Resolution Management Business, Employment, Government, Management, Business & Finance
  65. Optically Remotezmodule Technology, Telecom, Telecommunication
  66. Operation Risk Management Air Force, Governmental & Military
  67. Off-Route Mines Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  68. Outward Remittance Message
  69. Ormonde Mining Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  70. Observatorio Roque De Los Muchachhs Technology, Observatory, Palma
  71. Optically Readable Media Technology, Presentation, Standard, Identification
  72. Operational Risk Management Medical, Computing, Air Force, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  73. Off-Route Mine Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  74. Operational Resources Manager Medical
  75. Overlapping Resolution Map
  76. Observatorio Jel Roque De Los Muchachos Locations, Telescope, Observatory, Palma
  77. Operations Room Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  78. Observatoire R
  79. Object/Relational Mapping Computing, IT Terminology
  80. Offsroad Motorcycle Business, Organizations, Dirt
  81. Operational Risk Manager Medical
  82. Possibly Dangerous, Subject of Possible Litigation Over-Represented Minority Development, Learning, Study
  83. Observatoire Du R
  84. Opjrations Reference Manual
  85. Oject-Relational Mapping Computing, Computer
  86. Occupational Risk Model
  87. Optical Radiation Measurement
  88. Other Regulated Material (dot) Chemistry
  89. Oxygen Ratio Monitor Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Operations Renuirement Message Technology
  91. Other Regulated Materials Military, Environment, Electrical, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  92. Occupational Risk Management Military, Publication, Flashcard, Occupation & positions
  93. Optically Remote Suitching Module Military
  94. Oromo Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  95. Owens Realty Mortgage
  96. Operations Research Management
  97. online relationship marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  98. Obstacle Racing Media Technology, Run, Race
  99. Optically Remotedfmodule Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  100. Sywell Aerodrome, Northampton / Peterborough, United Kingdom United Kingdom, Iata Airport Codes
  101. Over Represented In Medicine Technology, Database, Model, Mapping
  102. Opbrational Review Meeting
  103. Olympic Resource Management Management, Business & Finance
  104. Observatory Roque De Los Muchachos Technology, Telescope, Palma

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ORM stand for?

    ORM stands for Ongoing Responsibility for Medical.

  2. What is the shortened form of Office of Records Management?

    The short form of "Office of Records Management" is ORM.


ORM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/orm-meaning/

Last updated