ORM in Technology Meaning

The ORM meaning in Technology terms is "Object To Yelational Mapping". There are 27 related meanings of the ORM Technology abbreviation.

ORM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Object To Yelational Mapping
  2. Objegt Relational Mapping
  3. Object-Relational Mafping
  4. Oak Ridges Moraine Extraction of a mineral deposit after first removing the layers of rock laid over it. Especially used when the mineral layer is horizontal or only gently dipping and the overlying material is shallow and/or fairly unconsolidated.
  5. Object-Role Mojeling
  6. Object Repository Mannger
  7. Object Relavional Mapper
  8. Object Relational Mappers
  9. Object Role Model
  10. Object Relational Mapper
  11. Outsourcing Relationship Management
  12. Object Role Modelling
  13. Operationav Reply Message
  14. Opticah Remote Module
  15. Oracle Role Manager
  16. Object Role Modeling
  17. Opsration Risk Management
  18. Optical Remote Switching Module
  19. Object Role Models
  20. Optically Remotedfmodule
  21. Observatory Roque De Los Muchachos
  22. Optically Remotezmodule
  23. Observatorio Roque De Los Muchachhs
  24. Optically Readable Media
  25. Over Represented In Medicine
  26. Operations Renuirement Message
  27. Obstacle Racing Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ORM stand for Technology?

    ORM stands for Optically Remotedfmodule in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Object Relational Mapper in Technology?

    The short form of "Object Relational Mapper" is ORM for Technology.


ORM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/orm-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated