ORP Meaning

The ORP meaning is "Office of Radiation Programs". The ORP abbreviation has 97 different full form.

ORP Full Forms

  1. Office of Radiation Programs Technology, Science, Environment
  2. Odrodzenie I Reformacja W Polsce
  3. Optional Retirement Plan Education
  4. Operational Readiness Platform Military, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
  5. Oncology Rehab Partners
  6. Office of River Protection Technology, Science, Management
  7. Okret Rzeczypospolitey Polskiey Army, War, Force
  8. Origo Resource Partners
  9. Off Road Parking
  10. Oxidation Reduction Potentials
  11. Ortho Research Protocol
  12. Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi Locations, Rome, Pilgrimage
  13. Ocean Research Project Science, Research, Plastic
  14. Optical Reference Point
  15. Originating Responsibility Plan
  16. Offline Raid Protection
  17. Oxidative Reduction Potential Technology, Health, Water, Alkaline
  18. Orthopaedic Research Protocol
  19. Open Runtime Platform Technology, Java, Compiler, Computing, Hardware
  20. Ostprignitz-Ruppiner Personennahverkehrsgesellschaft Berlin, Land, Brandenburg
  21. Ocean Reception Point Military, Army, Equipment
  22. Optical Reference Plane
  23. Offices RéGionaux De Placement
  24. Original Retail Price Business, Auction, Sale
  25. Open Router Project Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software
  26. Orville Rudemeyer Pygenski
  27. Occurrence Reporting Program Science
  28. Optical Recorder Peripheral
  29. Office R
  30. Office Routing Plus
  31. Organization and Representation Program
  32. Oxidation/Reduction Potential Technology, Science
  33. Open Role Playing Gaming, Play, Pastime
  34. Orquidea Real Photobook Technology, London, Water, Electrode
  35. Aerocorp Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Occupational Radiation Protection
  37. Operational Ration Packet Army, War, Force
  38. Office RéGional De Placement
  39. Organizaciones Regionales De Pesca Para, Con, Internacional
  40. Open Radical Prostatectomy
  41. Orpiment Mineral, Geology, Component
  42. Off Road Pipe
  43. Oxidative Redox Potential Science, Water, Monitor, Analyzer
  44. Oxidation-Reduction Potential Technology, Measurement, Water, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  45. Operational Ration Pack Military, Food, Ration
  46. Office of Retirement Policy
  47. Optimal Retirement Planner Business, Planning, Calculator
  48. Oncology Research Program Medical, Technology, Cancer
  49. Orissa Research Project
  50. Off Road Performance
  51. Oxidization Reduction Potential Technology, Water, Pool
  52. Output Routing Pool Technology
  53. Operating Room Personnel Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  54. Oconomowoc Residential Programs Business, Care, Traffic
  55. Optical Replication Processes Technology
  56. Overall Risk Probability
  57. Optimal Recognition Point Technology, Reading, Spritz
  58. Our Rare Pairings Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  59. Outpatient Rehabilitation Program Medical
  60. Oficina De Responsabilidad P
  61. Oxygen Redox Potential Technology, Water, Ozone
  62. Overall Responsible Party
  63. Okret Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Military, Force, Ship, Polish
  64. Ogame Report Processor Technology, Gaming, Tool
  65. Orapa, Botswana Botswana, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  66. Oficina De Responsabilidad PÚBlica
  67. Oxygen-Reduction Potential
  68. Outpatient Research Program
  69. Offices R
  70. Oil Recovery Plant
  71. Office Relocation Project
  72. Oxidation Or Reduction Potential
  73. Openrisc Reference Platform Software, Computing
  74. Oficina De Responsabilidad Profesional
  75. Oxydo-RéDuction Potentiel
  76. Outdoor Recreation Program
  77. Oxidizing-Reduction Potential
  78. Ohio Republican Party Government, Group, Ohio
  79. Objective Rally Point Military, Army, Area
  80. Offshore Research Partners
  81. Oxydo-R
  82. Outdoor Recreation Party Australia, Government, Group
  83. Oxidizing-Reducing Potential
  84. Ohio Replacement Program Military, Ohio, Submarine
  85. Ship of The Republic of Poland Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix, Ship Prefix
  86. Oxidant Reduction Potential
  87. Oxidation-Reduction Probe
  88. Outdoor Recreation Plan
  89. Oxidation Reduction Potential
  90. Ohio-Class Replacement Program Military, Dynamics, Ohio, Submarine
  91. Ozark Raceway Park
  92. Overhead Recovery Pool Technology
  93. Optional Response Poll
  94. Outdoor Recreation Planner Organizations, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning
  95. Optimization of Radiation Protection Physics, Scientific & Educational
  96. Ofs Retransmission Processor Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  97. Oyster Recovery Partnership Bay, Chesapeake, Oyster

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ORP stand for?

    ORP stands for Ofs Retransmission Processor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operational Ration Packet?

    The short form of "Operational Ration Packet" is ORP.


ORP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/orp-meaning/

Last updated