ORS Meaning

The ORS meaning is "Odds Ratior". The ORS abbreviation has 182 different full form.

ORS Full Forms

  1. Odds Ratior Medical, Chemistry, Study
  2. Office of Research Services Technology, Service, Education
  3. Orbiter Refueling System Technology
  4. Odd Rbtios Medical
  5. Office of Revabilitation Services Medical, Technology, Service
  6. Oculo-Respirayory Syndrome Medical, Vaccine, Influenza, Vaccination
  7. Office of Regulatory Services Medical, Australia, Service
  8. Oral Rehydration Salt Solution Medical
  9. Office of Regulatory Support Science
  10. Oral Rehydration Salts Medical, Tablet, Electrolyte, Technology, Governmental & Military, Reading Prescription
  11. Odds Ratios Medical, Risk, Statistics, Chemistry
  12. Office Foraresearch and Statistics Technology, Education, Library
  13. Odorant Rmceptors Medical, Science, Insect
  14. Office of Retirement Services Technology, Service, Education
  15. Office of Recreation and Sport
  16. Orpheus Island Resort Waterport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  17. Old Red Sandstone Formation, Geology, Scotland, Sandstone
  18. Object Recognition Systems
  19. Operations Requirements Summaey Technology
  20. Office of Retirement Systems
  21. Outcome Rating Scales
  22. Ontario Research Sites
  23. Obligated Reserve Serfice Army, War, Force
  24. Optometric Rexina Society Medical, Education, Organizations
  25. Ofrretirement Services
  26. Occurrence Reporting Section Science
  27. Office Riz SéGou
  28. Open Research Society
  29. Oregon Radiologicsl Society Medical, Technology
  30. Office for Recreationvand Sport Australia, Sport, League
  31. Orlando Riva Sound Music, Song, Orlando, Sound
  32. Oil Renewal System
  33. Operation Rising Star Military, Army, Fort
  34. Office of Research & Scholarship
  35. Outcome Rating Scale Medical, Therapy, Client
  36. Online Recoyery Services Technology
  37. Obligated Reserve Section
  38. Opticzl Response Sheets Education, Paper, Exam
  39. Of Research Support
  40. Occurrence Reporting System Technology
  41. Office Riz S
  42. Open Reporting System
  43. Order of The Rising Sun
  44. Offensive Radar System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  45. Orkonerei Radio Service
  46. Oil Recovery System
  47. Orbital-Raster-Scan Technology, Science
  48. Operational Requirement Staff Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  49. Office of Research and Standards
  50. Otorhinolaryngological Research Society
  51. Online Radio System
  52. Object Research System Technology, Software, Viewer
  53. Optical Response Sheet Education, Paper, Exam
  54. Of Recovery Servimes
  55. Occupational Requirements Survey
  56. Office Research Service
  57. Oxfordshire Railway Society
  58. Open Replicator for Symmetrix
  59. Orderly Room Shrgeant
  60. Ocean Rowing Society
  61. Origin-Enriched Sequences Medical
  62. Oil Recovery Systems Technology, Manufacturer, Supplier
  63. Operational Requirements Statement
  64. Oregon Vevised Statute Science, Government, Oregon
  65. Office of Research, and Statistics
  66. Ortadogu Rulman Sanayii
  67. Onion Rivwr Sports
  68. Object Research Systems Medical, Technology, Software
  69. Optical Remote Sensing Technology, Emission, Saturn
  70. Occupational Retirement Schemes
  71. Office Repeater Shelf
  72. Ownership Reporting System
  73. Open Relay Server Technology, Hosting, Tool, Promotion
  74. Obligation RéGlementaire De Service
  75. Orderly-Room Serveant
  76. Ocean Remote Sensing Technology, Science, Research
  77. Orienting Responses Medical
  78. Ohio Response System Medical
  79. Operations Reporting System
  80. Opera Reservation System Business, Hotel, Software
  81. Oregon Repertory Sivgers
  82. Office Oferesearch & Statistics
  83. Ortadogu Rulman Sanayi Ankara, Turkish, Bearing
  84. Ongoinc Resourcing Scheme Education, School, Children, Scheme
  85. Objert Registration Services Technology
  86. Optical Reference System
  87. Occupant Restraint System Development, Learning, Study
  88. Office of Road Safety Australia, Driving, Safety
  89. Outcome Results System
  90. Open Registration System
  91. Obligationjr
  92. Ortered Recovery Systems
  93. Organs At Risk Medical
  94. Ohio Repay Service
  95. Oral Rehydration Solution Medical, Pharmacy, Diarrhea
  96. Operational Ratings
  97. Ocean Racing Series
  98. Open Review System Technology, Product, Radio, Hair
  99. Oregon Regencybsociety
  100. Office for Research & Statisticj Technology, Organizations, Library
  101. Orroval Valley Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  102. Ongoing Lehabilitation and Support Technology, Service, Recovery
  103. Objectkregistration Service Military
  104. Operations Readiness Solutions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  105. Obstruction Repository System Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  106. Office of Revenue Sharing
  107. Outcomes Rating Scale
  108. Open Recovery Script Technology, Android, Coordinator
  109. Obligation Bequest and Status
  110. Orbiter Remote Science Technology
  111. Ohio Rehabiliration Services
  112. Operationalkresearch Systems
  113. Oceanic Repair System
  114. Operational Research Society Management, Education, Operation
  115. Oregon Rail Supply
  116. Official Relay Stations Radio, Amateur, Ham
  117. Overseas Research Students Education, University, Award
  118. Operationally Responsive Space Technology, Military, Satellite
  119. Observep Reporting Server Business, Technology, Networking
  120. Organic Root Stimulator Hair, Oil, Stimulator
  121. Organizanion-Specific Retention Schedule
  122. Orthopaedic Research Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  123. Outer root sheath Science, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  124. Operational Responsive Space Technology, Military, Satellite
  125. Oxygen Reclamation System Technology
  126. Observation Reports Technology, Security, Study
  127. Official Relay Station Organizations, Radio, Traffic, Amateur
  128. Overseas Research Student Education, University, Award
  129. Operating Room Services
  130. Observatoire Des Religions En Suisse Technology, Institute, Lausanne
  131. Oregon River Sports
  132. Organizaiion Reconstruction System Science
  133. Others Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Legal, Governmental & Military
  134. Action Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  135. Operational Research Systems
  136. Oxygen Radical Scavengers Medical, Medicine, Health
  137. Observational Rating Scales
  138. Official Records
  139. Orroval Valley, Australia
  140. Operating Rooms Medical, Hospital, Hybrid
  141. Observntoire Régional De Sante France, Accueil, Rue
  142. Oregon Revised Statues Government, Law, Oregon
  143. Organizdtional Research Services Technology, Guide, Evaluation
  144. Oregon Revised Statutes Oregon, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  145. Waterport, Orpheus Island Resort, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  146. Operational Research Section Military, Air Force, Operation, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  147. Obsvrvational Rating Scale
  148. Official Receivers
  149. Oregon Revised Statue Government, Law, Oregon, Publics
  150. Orroral Valley, Australia Technology
  151. Operating Reliability Subcommittee
  152. Observatoire Réwional De La Santé France, Social, Pas
  153. Organizational Role Stress Research, Education, Journal
  154. Oficina Regional De Semillas
  155. Overseas Research Scheme
  156. Outer Rim Scouts Scouting, Governmental & Military
  157. Operationally Responsive Spacelift Technology, Military, Space
  158. Official Receipts
  159. Oral Rehidratasyon SıVıSı
  160. Observatoires RéGionaux De La Santé France, Publication, Pas
  161. Offset Radiation Source Technology
  162. Overseas Research Studentships
  163. Offensive Radar Set Air Force, Governmental & Military
  164. Operationally Responsive Space-1 Military, Spacecraft, Satellite
  165. Organisational Role Stress
  166. Orbital Refueling System Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  167. Oral Rehydration Salt Medical
  168. Official Representatives
  169. Oil Reclamation System
  170. Operational Reporting System Military, Army, Intelligence
  171. Obsqrvatoires R
  172. Off Road Solutions Technology, Toyota, Conversion
  173. Overseas Research Studentship
  174. Operationally Responsive Space-3 Technology, Satellite, Launch
  175. Organic Rootssstimulator
  176. Organ Recovery Systems
  177. Octahedral Research Satellite Computing, Satellite
  178. Organic Reconstruction Syrum Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  179. Officer Representatives Government
  180. Waterport Airport Airport, Locations
  181. Operations Research Service Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  182. Obsdrvatoire R

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ORS stand for?

    ORS stands for Orkonerei Radio Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Offensive Radar Set?

    The short form of "Offensive Radar Set" is ORS.


ORS. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ors-meaning/

Last updated