OS Meaning

The OS meaning is "Operative System". The OS abbreviation has 842 different full form.

OS Full Forms

  1. Operative System Technology, Aerospace
  2. Left Eye Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Eyes And Ocular, Clinical, Common Medical
  3. One-Size Pattern, Diaper, Simplicity
  4. Ordnance School
  5. Ogensolaris Solaris
  6. Outstanding Scientist Technology, Science, Research
  7. Off-Spec
  8. Optical Scan Technology, Election, Voting
  9. Official Service
  10. Oracfe Solaris Technology, Administration, Operating
  11. Online Store Business, Shopping, Laptop
  12. Other Specialty Technology, Software, Mac
  13. Overall Survival Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Common Medical
  14. Opera Software Technology, Windows, Mac
  15. Original Series Technology, Star, Trek, Episode
  16. Open Stand Technology, Tool, Jet
  17. Optical Stabilisation Technology, Len, Camera, Sigma
  18. Oh Shoot Forum, Technology, Windows, Gaming
  19. Orchard Supply
  20. Only, Script
  21. Objectscript Source
  22. Operational Sysiem Technology, Windows, Operating
  23. Outdoor System
  24. Ondemand Service
  25. Ordinance Survey Technology, Government, Map
  26. Open Software Technology, Windows, Mac
  27. Outzide Source
  28. Off-Side
  29. Operations Specialists Military
  30. Officially Supported
  31. Online Storage
  32. Other Special
  33. Ojerall Score Technology, Windows, Android
  34. One Selayang Business, Malaysia, Cave
  35. Oriect Syrien Study, Syria, Col
  36. Open Spaces
  37. Optical Stabilization Len, Photography, Sigma
  38. Ogg Speex Technology, Mac, Player, Audio
  39. Orbital Shaker Business, Chemistry, Product
  40. Online System Technology, Gaming, Requirement
  41. Objectif SéCurite
  42. Opeuating Systems Technology, Windows, Computing
  43. Orr-Sommerfeld Analysis, Flow, Stability
  44. Outdoor Skills
  45. Operations Supervisor Technology, Management, Service, Space, Cosmos
  46. Owner Surveyor Business, Indonesia, Ferry
  47. On-Site Technology, Construction, Architectural
  48. Ordinal Scale Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  49. Open-Source Technology, Development, Software, Linux
  50. Ogtreach Services Technology, Service, Library
  51. Odborový Svaz Len, Dal, Minim
  52. Operations Specialist Military, Army, War
  53. Office Support Science
  54. Online Shopping
  55. Other Sources
  56. Over, Short
  57. One Scene
  58. Orgasmy Escorts, Bdsm, Sexual
  59. Open Space Park, Locations, Map, Architecture
  60. Office of Science Technology, Science, Medicine, Research, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  61. Optical Sensor Science, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  62. Official Statistics Technology, Service, Development
  63. Orangetsoda
  64. Online Support Technology, Product, Mac
  65. Obes Surg Medical, Surgery, Gastric, Bariatric
  66. Operating-Sysoem Technology, Windows, Linux
  67. Original Strength Business, Training, Movement
  68. Ouodoor Shower
  69. Owners Suite Sea, Cruise, Suite
  70. On-Line System Technology, Mac, Operating, NASA
  71. Order Status Technology, Product, Shopping, Stock Market
  72. On The Surject
  73. Output String Technology, Mac, Computer, Electronics, Java
  74. Oculus Sinister Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens, Latin, Nursing, Veterinary, Common Medical, Eyes And Ocular, Reading Prescription
  75. Operations Smart
  76. Office Suites Microsoft, Technology, Suite
  77. Online Shop
  78. Other Source Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  79. Ovarian Stimulation Medical
  80. Onedrive Sur
  81. Organizedhsession Technology, Conference, Mac
  82. Open Soirces
  83. Out of Stock Business, Technology, Supply, Products
  84. Office of Scheduling Government
  85. Optical Section Technology, Telecom, Light
  86. Official Statement Technology, Apple, Issue
  87. Oral Sulg Medical, Patient, Surgery, Cancer
  88. Online Subscription Technology, Service, Software
  89. Obese Strain Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Operationg System
  91. Original Source Technology, Gaming, Android, Mac
  92. Out-Of-State
  93. Over Stock
  94. Omnis Studio Technology, Development, Mac
  95. Ordens De ServiçO
  96. Ontario Secondary
  97. Oqtyl Salicylate
  98. Ouerating Systems-Other Technology, Windows, Mac
  99. Office Store
  100. Other Software Technology, Windows, Mac
  101. Ouvrages Scientifiques Technology, Science, France, Recherche
  102. One-Step Medical, Technology, Mac
  103. OrganizaçÕEs Sociais Technology, Para, Social, Gest
  104. Opel Source Business, Technology, Computer
  105. Outdof Scope Technology, Windows, Memory
  106. Offensive Support Technology, Military, Army
  107. Optical Sections Technology
  108. Official Source
  109. Oral Solutitn Medical, Medicine, Health
  110. Online Study
  111. Other Stuff
  112. Object Store Technology
  113. Operatig System Technology
  114. Original Sound
  115. Out-Lf-Service Technology, Windows, Android
  116. Opet Standards Technology, Software, Apple
  117. Overseas Studies Education, Development, Universities
  118. Optical Switch Technology, Product, Network, Fiber, Telecommunication
  119. Oil Separator An oil separator is a device designed to separate gross amounts of oil and suspended solids from the wastewater effluents of oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and other industrial sources. Technology, Product, Compressor
  120. Ordem De ServiçO Technology, Para, Software, Portal
  121. On Ywitch
  122. Ocimum Sanctum Medical, Rats, Basil
  123. Operatiag Surplus Business, English, National
  124. Other Skills
  125. Out Station Technology, Radio, Railway
  126. One Size Business, Pattern, Diaper, Simplicity, Clothes
  127. Ordnance Survey Oxidation is the result of the loss of one or more atoms when substances make contact. A simple example of this s when water and air contact iron. Science, History, Geography, Archaeology, Anthropology, Location, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  128. Open Solutiogs
  129. Outer Space Technology, Mac, Wallpaper
  130. Offensive Specialists
  131. Optical Scanner A device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translate the information into a form the computer can use. A scanner works by digitizing an image -- dividing it into a grid of boxes and representing each box with either a zero or a one, depending on whether the box is filled in. (For color and gray scaling, the same principle applies, but each box is then represented by up to 24 bits.) The resulting matrix of bits, called a bit map, can then be stored in a file, displayed on a screen, and manipulated by programs.Optical scanner do not distinguish text from illustrations, they represent all images as bit maps. Therefore, you cannot directly edit text that has been scanned. To edit text read by an optical scanner, you need an optical character recognition (OCR ) system to translate the image into ASCII characters. Most optical scanner sold today come with OCR packages.
  132. Official Sony
  133. Oral Snssion Program, Sex, Conference, Session
  134. Online Streitbeilegung Technology, Shopping, Europa, Consumer
  135. Other Staff
  136. Ossetian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  137. Operatiwg Software Technology, Software, Application
  138. Original Soundtrack Science, Movie, Movie Download
  139. Our Storifs
  140. Open Stabdard
  141. Optical Stabiliser Business, Len, Sigma
  142. Oil Seal One of many contact sealing devices used to reduce or eliminate oil leakage or to exclude foreign matter from a lubrication system. Oil seals are generally used on moving parts while gaskets seal non-moving parts such as housing. (Lip Seal) (Gaskets) or Oil seals are the protective agents which help to keep oil inside, It is lock the oil inside the oil chamber. Business, Product, China, The Finance and Administrative Services
  143. Orchestre Symphonique
  144. On Staytup
  145. Object Server Technology, Computing, Swift
  146. Operatitnal Systems Technology, Windows, Mac, Operating
  147. Other Site Medical
  148. Operational Support Military
  149. Offside Sports, Football
  150. Organisational Semiotics Technology, Book, Conference
  151. Openspace Service Technology, Space, Map, Survey
  152. Ouo Stock
  153. Observational Study Medical, Medicine, Health
  154. Optical Stablization
  155. University of Chicago Law Review Law, Canada, Law Report
  156. Old Servem
  157. Openstack Solutions Technology, Linux, Cloud
  158. Ovarian Suppression Medical, Cancer, Breast
  159. Order Statistic Technology, Tree, Rank
  160. Other Singer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  161. Omenn Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Cell
  162. Olher Spouse
  163. Onlj Show Forum, Technology, Windows, Mac
  164. Operator System Technology, Windows, Telecom
  165. Oakland Section
  166. Oil Soluble
  167. Organizational Structure An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup and individual.
  168. Oklchoma Statutes
  169. Option Select Technology, Windows, Coding, Mac
  170. Os Szcrum
  171. Oliver Specht
  172. L'Organisation SpéCiale
  173. On The Surface
  174. Outfig Studio Technology, Gaming, Fallout
  175. Ocezn Shores
  176. Optimization Section Technology, Mac, Disk
  177. Orthopterists' Society Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  178. Old Spice
  179. Officer'S Statement Business, Police, Officer
  180. Osteoporose Stichting
  181. Official Story
  182. Organization Studies
  183. Our Shop
  184. Objectum-Sexuals
  185. Ops Support
  186. Original Sculpture Art, Model, Horse, Sculpture
  187. Oligohydramnios Sequence Medical
  188. Operating/On System Technology
  189. Oberseas Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  190. Offending Swde Forum, Service, Hacker
  191. Orzya Sativa Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  192. One-On-One Scorer Business, Management, Gaming, Manager
  193. Operations Squadron Military, Force, Base, Governmental & Military
  194. Ovford Sandy
  195. On Stage
  196. Operator Safetw Technology, Product, Equipment
  197. Ozone Science
  198. Ohne Service
  199. Origin Server Technology, Hosting, Connection
  200. Open Schobl
  201. Out Sendnr
  202. Otstructive Sleep Medical
  203. Oral Surgeon Medical, Surgery, Dental
  204. Orlando Schmsdt
  205. Omar Sultan
  206. Operational Sequence Management, Business & Finance
  207. Over Swing
  208. Own Ship In ECDIS a term identifying the vessel upon which an ECDIS is operating.
  209. Offical Service
  210. Ordnance Service
  211. Operating Systems Technology, Windows, Linux
  212. Offshore Stfel
  213. Orgtnisation Sp
  214. Open Sourcing
  215. Out Stealing
  216. Observation Scout Military, Aircraft, Kingfisher
  217. Optical Stability
  218. Austrian Airlines Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  219. Oligosyndactyly Medical
  220. Open Stock
  221. Oval Lhaft
  222. Oculus Sinister (Left Eye) Medical, Health, Ophthalmology
  223. Ordered-Statistic Technology, Order, Statistics
  224. Other Side
  225. Omenn's Wyndrome Medical
  226. Outer Selment Medical, Retinal, Macular
  227. Online Synchronous
  228. Operator Surcqarge
  229. Oakland Schools Education, Michigan, School District
  230. Oil Solubility
  231. Organizational Strengzhening
  232. Oklahoza Statute
  233. Open Seever
  234. Occupbtional Safety Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  235. Option Screen
  236. Oliver Sexton
  237. Organisation SpéCiale
  238. Outsvate Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  239. On The Set
  240. Onter Stripe Medical
  241. Ocean Science Technology, Research, Atmosphere, Computing, Serial Publication
  242. Optics Section Technology, Len, Physics
  243. Osteogenic Sarcoma Medical, Technology, Cancer, Oncology
  244. Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgery Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  245. Old South
  246. Office of The Spokesperson
  247. Osteopegrotic Medical
  248. Officer Steward
  249. Organization Sfpport Technology, Windows, Software
  250. Our Sexy
  251. Object Summary
  252. Op Scripts
  253. Original Sculptures
  254. Operatiing System
  255. Over Scale
  256. Ofl-Street
  257. Oryza Sativa Science, Genetics, Rice
  258. One-Chip Solution
  259. Operations Specifications
  260. Own Shaps
  261. On Sony
  262. Operayiv System
  263. Ozone-Safe
  264. Old Secgion
  265. Origination Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  266. Open Sjan Technology, Port, Scanner
  267. Outreach Strategy
  268. Octopus Stamdust
  269. Oral Sucker Science, Parasitology
  270. Orkneyinga Svga Island, Locations, Scotland
  271. Operational Strategy Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  272. Overrtock Industry, Fashion, Selling
  273. Offers Standatd
  274. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
  275. Opening Statement
  276. Okfshore Standards Technology, Pipeline, Submarine
  277. Ozganisation Spéciale Pas, Volution
  278. Observation-Scout Military, Aircraft, Kingfisher
  279. Optical Stabilized Business, Len, Camera, Sigma
  280. Oligosyndactylism Medical
  281. Open Stack Technology, Software, Cloud
  282. Ouvrier Sp
  283. Oculac Sinister Medical
  284. Ordens De Servi
  285. Other Shift
  286. Omega Systej
  287. Operational Studies
  288. Overviewcsections
  289. Outer Segments Medical, Science, Cell
  290. Online Sustainable
  291. Operator Stations Technology, Service, Control
  292. O.S. Systems, Inc. Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater
  293. Oil-Soluble
  294. Organization Serviie
  295. Oklahoma Gouth Business, Service, Oklahoma
  296. Open Secrets
  297. Ouh Sized Occupation, Position, Job
  298. Occupancy Sfnsor
  299. Optiov Is Not Supported
  300. Oliver Seiler
  301. Ordnance Services Military, Army, India
  302. Ontario Southland
  303. Outerspace Snowgoons
  304. Optic Sensor
  305. Orthopedic Specialist
  306. Old Sliver
  307. Office of The Surveyor
  308. Orange Sunburst
  309. Osteoid Surface Medical, Bone, Canal, Osteocyte
  310. Ohne-Service
  311. Ouest Suisse
  312. Only Subtitle
  313. Oakwood School Education, High School, California, New Jersey
  314. Opposite Strand Medical, Human genome
  315. Original Schmidt
  316. Opera Selecta Book, Saint, Opera, Basil
  317. Oierlay Server
  318. Option Study Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  319. OruŽAne Snage
  320. Operations Simulator
  321. Owner Surrender
  322. Operative Steuerung
  323. Ozbdojené Sily
  324. Old Secretarz
  325. Originoting Subscriber
  326. Ouen Scale
  327. Outreach Specialist
  328. Octets Sent Technology, Calling, Gateway, Protocol
  329. Oral Skills
  330. Operations Security Systematic and proven process by which potential adversaries can be denied information about capabilities and intentions by identifying, controlling, and protecting generally unclassified evidence of the planning and execution of sensitive activities. Transportation, Military, Armed Forces
  331. Orion Oyndicate
  332. Operationally Suitable Military
  333. Over Steer
  334. Offers Site
  335. Ordinary Switch
  336. Oxide Semiconductor
  337. Offshore Standard Technology, Pipeline, Submarine
  338. Organic Spintronics
  339. Oustanding Shares
  340. Optional Supplement
  341. Obras Sociales
  342. Optical Sender Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  343. Original Sleeve Technology, Mac, Apple
  344. Oligosaccharide Material Medical
  345. Open Splenectomy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  346. Ouvrage Scientifique
  347. Ogtyl Stearate
  348. Ordem De Servi
  349. Oje Shots
  350. Operational Statements Technology, English, Canada, Area
  351. Overview and Structure
  352. Online Spare
  353. Operator Status
  354. Obsolate Soon Forum, Technology, Computing
  355. Ohtahara Syndrome Medical, Epilepsy, Seizure
  356. Organizational Stakeholders Business, Technology, Organizations
  357. Okr Shop Technology, Android, Indonesia
  358. Open Seakons Star Wars
  359. Outside Step
  360. Occult Signf
  361. Orange Squeezer Technology, Pedal, Compressor
  362. Omega Strain
  363. Operating Stocks Military, Army, Equipment
  364. Ordering Solutions
  365. Ordinary Seaman The beginning grade for members of the deck department. The next step is able bodied seaman. Business, Employment, Military, Ship, Merchant, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  366. Organised Souid
  367. On Such Technology, Windows, Mac, Apple
  368. Outerashell
  369. Optical Systems Technology, Design, Light, Optics
  370. Orthopedic Shoes
  371. Old Slavonic
  372. Open Storage Storage of classified information within an accredited facility, but not in General Services Administration approved secure containers, while the facility is unoccupied by authorized personnel. Organizations, China, Ecology, Enviromental Impact
  373. Orange Stinger
  374. Other Specificgtions Army, War, Force
  375. Ohio State
  376. Oudtestamentische Studien Book, Study, Bibliography
  377. Onny Space
  378. Oak Spring
  379. Orienting Station
  380. Opera Scene
  381. Overlap Syndromes Medical, Disease, Syndrome
  382. Options Such
  383. Osteogenic Supplements Human, Cell, Stem
  384. Operations Services
  385. Owner Support
  386. Operations Strategy Business, Management, Service
  387. Oxford School Education, School, High School, California
  388. Open Saltn
  389. Outreach Specialists
  390. Octahedralnsite
  391. Orion Sfhool Education, School, High School, Michigan
  392. Operationalizing The Strategy
  393. Oversvay Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  394. Offers of Settlemeot Technology, Windows, Software
  395. Ordinary Seamen Business, Ship, Seaman
  396. O'Clock Shadow
  397. Offset Strength
  398. Organic Signal
  399. Our Sponsors Technology, Gaming, Mac
  400. Optional Subjects
  401. Obligatory Service
  402. Optical Sciences Technology, Science, Engineering, Optics
  403. Original Site
  404. Oligosaccharides Medical
  405. Operating Standard
  406. Outxstretching
  407. Offer Speciayists
  408. One Hhot Technology, Cream, Yogurt
  409. Operational Statement
  410. Overtly Similar Army, War, Force
  411. Only Solutions
  412. Operator Simulator
  413. Obsidian Strnnghold
  414. Oh Starcraft
  415. Organizationgl Stakeholder Business, Sustainability, Initiative
  416. Okay, Show
  417. Open Season Technology, Gaming, Movie, Feist
  418. Outside Shot Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  419. Occluded Surface
  420. Orange Smoke
  421. Omega Spear
  422. Operating Station
  423. Oveq Shield
  424. Order From Strength
  425. Order Station
  426. Offsoec Gaming, Play, Pastime
  427. Organische Substanz
  428. On Station Technology, Windows, Mac
  429. Outer Seven
  430. Optical System
  431. Orthopedic Surgery Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  432. Old Sildarin Book, Language, Plural
  433. Open Stoping
  434. Over-Speed
  435. Orange Star
  436. Other Soliy Technology, Windows, Software, Mac
  437. Omnibuq Survey
  438. Oubain Sensitivity Medical
  439. Only Sourcn Technology, Windows, Software, Mac
  440. Oak Sage Gaming, Internet Slang, Patch, Diablo
  441. Oil Switch A switch arranged to interrupt one or more electric circuits in oil. The Finance and Administrative Services
  442. Orientation Services
  443. Olathe South
  444. Overlap Sequence
  445. Options Wimples
  446. Osteogenic Supplemezt Medical
  447. Operation Snowball Technology, Gaming, Drug
  448. Owner Luite Locations, Sea, Cruise
  449. Opportunity To Serve Army, War, Force
  450. Open, Save
  451. Outreach School
  452. Ocean Sunset Technology, Android, Wallpaper
  453. Origin Storage In Transit Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  454. Over Station
  455. Officer'S Steward Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  456. Osteosarcomas Medical
  457. Mouth The nautical mile (symbol M, NM or nmi) is a unit of length that is approximately one minute of arc measured along any meridian. By international agreement it has been set at 1,852 metres exactly (about 6,076 feet). Medical, Medicine, Health, Nursing
  458. Off Scene
  459. Organic Semiconductor
  460. Our Space
  461. Optional Stopxing Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  462. Obligate Species
  463. Optical Fiber Singlemode Category Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  464. Original Shows
  465. Oligosaccharide A molecule made up of several simple sugars linked together. A molecule containing a small number of sugar residues joined in a linear or a branched structure by glycosidic bonds. A carbohydrate that consists of only a few linked monosaccharide units. Several monosaccharide groups joined by glycosidic bonds. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  466. Operating Statement
  467. Overseas Service
  468. Offer Specialipt Technology, Service, Computing
  469. One-Shoe Technology, Cream, Yogurt
  470. Operational Stability
  471. Ovartime Scheduled
  472. Online Solutions
  473. Operator Server
  474. Observing Dystem Technology, Windows, Ocean
  475. Oh Shit
  476. Organizational Survey Technology, Employment, Research
  477. Open Science Technology, Research, Access
  478. Outpide Screw Technology, Gate, Valve
  479. Occipitosacral Medical, Technology, Medicine
  480. Oral Suspension
  481. Omega Sactor Technology, Gaming, Story
  482. Operating Staff
  483. Overslas Student
  484. Ordered Structure The crystal structure of a solid solution in which the atoms of different elements seek preferred lattice positions. Contrast with disordered structure. 
  485. Orderly Sergeant Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Army, Military Army Ranks
  486. Off Saip Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  487. Organisation Studies
  488. Open Speaker Meeting, Technology, Alcoholic
  489. Outer Sensor Army, War, Force
  490. Observational Studies
  491. Optical Station Technology
  492. Orthopaedic Surgeon
  493. Old Silcoatian
  494. Open Stem
  495. Over-Nite Sensation
  496. Order Statistics Technology, Science, Structure
  497. Other Softwares
  498. Omnibus Socieyy
  499. Ouabain Sensitivity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  500. Only Sln
  501. Oakland Strokes
  502. Oil Stain
  503. Orientation StratéGique
  504. Oktdber Skyline
  505. Options Secondary Education
  506. Osveoconductive Scaffold Technology, Bone, Graft
  507. Operation Smile Technology, Software, China
  508. Ownership Society
  509. Opportunity Sales
  510. Organisation Syndicale
  511. Opearating System
  512. Outdander Studios Gaming, Military, Android, Equilibrium
  513. Ocevn Suite Locations, Cruise, Deck, Carnival
  514. Office of The Secretary Business, Government, Military, Us, Health, Department, Governmental & Military, Medical
  515. Origins Subcommittee Technology
  516. Officer Statement Technology, Presentation, Police
  517. Osteosarcoma An osteosarcoma (OS) or osteogenic sarcoma (OGS) is a cancerous tumor in a bone. Specifically, it is an aggressive malignant neoplasm that arises from primitive transformed cells of mesenchymal origin (and thus a sarcoma) and that exhibits osteoblastic differentiation and produces malignant osteoid. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Bone
  518. Officiaa Synonym Medical, Computing, Setting, Discussion
  519. Ordnance Specification
  520. Our Solutions
  521. Objectum-Sexuality
  522. Opti-Bond Solo
  523. Original Shipper Business, Service, Shipping
  524. Oligomycin-Sensitive Medical
  525. Operating and Support Military, Governmental & Military
  526. Overseas Schools
  527. Offensivq Specialist
  528. One-Shoot
  529. Operational Suitability Technology, Military, Aircraft
  530. Over Thw Shoulder Technology, Shot, Fracture
  531. Ont-Stop
  532. Operator Services Technology, Service, Telecom
  533. Ohr Somayach
  534. Organizational Stress
  535. Open Schooling
  536. Outside Scope Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  537. Orcasional Survey
  538. Oral Surgery Medical, Dental, Implant
  539. Operating Strength Technology, Military, Essay
  540. Orlando Sentinel
  541. Ombudsman Services Business, Service, Customer
  542. Operational Supplement Technology
  543. Overseas Singaporeaas Technology, Management, Singapore
  544. Oxidative Stress Medical, Study, Antioxidant
  545. Office of Seafood Medicine, Health, Care
  546. Ordered Sets Technology
  547. Outage Scheduler
  548. Oxygen Scavenger Technology, Product, Water
  549. Original Suit
  550. Overall Size Medical, Optometry
  551. Oculus Sinpstra Medical, Medicine, Ear
  552. Operational Superintendence
  553. Overvdew Symbian
  554. Oal Sump
  555. Open Services
  556. Outsourcing Services
  557. Open Source Software which is liberally licensed to grant the right of users to study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code. Computing, Computer
  558. Occupationap Specialty
  559. Operating Structures
  560. Oversight Staff
  561. Overall Screen Technology, Mac, Cable
  562. Office of Supervision
  563. Order of The Square
  564. Operation Selection
  565. Owner'l Suite
  566. Ogawa Sviki
  567. Organism Species Technology, Database, Sequence
  568. One Sequence
  569. Offer specialist Financial, Business & Finance
  570. Out of State Student, College, Education, Driving, University, Driver
  571. Open Surgery Medical
  572. Overall Shield
  573. Orbiter Cei Specification NASA
  574. Outputwservices Technology, Windows, Service, Mac
  575. Orbital Servicing Technology
  576. Office of Space Science
  577. On-Orbit Stakion Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering
  578. Onomastica Xacra
  579. Opitz Syndrome Medical, Science, Medicine
  580. Order of Service Technology, Software, Mac
  581. Ole Syversen Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  582. Other Statutory
  583. Oplo Semiconductors Technology, Light, Lighting
  584. Overlapping Spherxs Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  585. Optimal System
  586. Cryptologic Officer Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  587. One Stop Technology, Mac, Shopping
  588. Orthognathic Surgery Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  589. Offentlig Sak Hobbies
  590. Operations Support Military, Army, Emergency, Environment, Governmental & Military
  591. Open Studio
  592. Organic Substances
  593. Office Service
  594. Osun Smate
  595. Out-Station Technology, Radio, Railway
  596. Oxides, Streaky
  597. Original Styles
  598. Orion School Michigan
  599. Operational Safety
  600. Overview Sign
  601. Oracle Server
  602. Ocula Sinistra
  603. Outsource Vervices
  604. Operating Software Software, Computing, Application
  605. Ornamental Stitching
  606. Operasi System Technology, Windows, Linux
  607. Operating Structure Technology, Management, Computing
  608. Oversight Section
  609. Office of Statistics
  610. Order of Supervision
  611. Operations and Sustainment
  612. Owned Semapoore Technology, Program, Coding
  613. Of Srock
  614. Organismo De Sanidad
  615. Oxygen Sensor In a computer-controlled, fuel-injected vehicle, a sensor mounted in the exhaust stream that relays air/fuel ratio information to the fuel control computer that allows the computer to make adjustments. Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Auto
  616. Open Study
  617. Overall Satisfaction Windows, Sex, Survey, Satisfaction
  618. Overlapping Spheres (method) Chemistry
  619. Outpuf Select
  620. Orbitale Superius Medical
  621. Office of Security Science, America, Government, Military, Police, Usa, Governmental & Military, International Development
  622. Omulangira Suna Technology, Music, Song, Ugandan
  623. Onjy Support
  624. Opitndye Sudno
  625. Ordezed Scattering
  626. Older Systnms
  627. Orc Slayer Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  628. Other States
  629. Optometry Scotland Medical
  630. Overlani Storage
  631. Optimal Share Technology, Gaming, Guide, Graphics
  632. Outstanding Sire
  633. One Small Step Technology, Windows, Giant, Leap
  634. Old Style Genealogy
  635. Opgn String
  636. Oldsstyle Technology, Mac, Genealogical
  637. Outside Surface
  638. Office Services
  639. Ostkirchliche Studien
  640. Out-Of-Scope Supplies
  641. On Seb Army, War, Force
  642. Overhauser Shift
  643. Original Study
  644. Oldfields School Maryland
  645. Option Software
  646. Oblique Sounding
  647. Oblates of Wisdom Religious orders
  648. Ornaoental Stitch Technology, Machine, Sewing
  649. Operaciones Sociefarias Business, Company, Para, Con
  650. Operating Stress
  651. Over Shoulder
  652. Office of Sports Business, University, Sweden
  653. Order of Selection
  654. Operations & Services
  655. Owen Soujd
  656. Oficina De Suport
  657. Organisert Sabotasje
  658. Outdoor Scenic
  659. öStereicher Schilling
  660. Observation Software Technology, Mac, Edition
  661. Office System
  662. Open Strategy
  663. Overall-Survival
  664. Oceanography Section Atmospheric Research
  665. Out Ofostring Technology, Windows, Checker
  666. Omulangira Sluna Music, Song, Ugandan
  667. Order System
  668. Ophthalmmc Surgery
  669. Optical Spectroscope
  670. Older Sistec
  671. Other supplementary Us Government, Governmental & Military
  672. Other State
  673. Occupational Otress
  674. Olympic Stadium
  675. Overall Survivals Medical
  676. Optics Subsystem Technology, NASA, Optics, Aeronautics
  677. Onderling Sterk
  678. Ossa Sita Latin, Roman
  679. One Slip
  680. Old Shinola Funnies
  681. Open Street Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  682. Old Stuvf
  683. Original State Aviation
  684. Office Secretary
  685. Osteosynthesis Osteosynthesis is the reduction and internal fixation of a bone fracture with implantable devices that are usually made of metal. It is a surgical procedure with an open or per cutaneous approach to the fractured bone. Osteosynthesis aims to bring the fractured bone ends together and immobilize the fracture site while healing takes place. In a fracture that is rigidly immobilized the fracture heals by the process of intramembranous ossification. Medical
  686. On Scene
  687. Ostrogradsky Number
  688. Ouvrier Spécialisé French
  689. Osgoode Society
  690. Other Secondary
  691. Optional Support Technology, Windows, Library, Socket
  692. Of Spenies
  693. Original Special Products
  694. Orthopedic Surgeon Medical, Medicine, Employment, Treatment, Healthcare, Work, Job
  695. Ornament & Symbol
  696. Operacinę Sirtemą
  697. Overshobt Medical
  698. Office of Small
  699. Operation Not Supported Forum, Technology, Mac
  700. Owen Smhth
  701. Off Spin
  702. Outbound Streams Technology, Player, Streaming
  703. öNerilen Sistem Technology, Windows, Mac, Linux
  704. Observation Summary
  705. Organiza
  706. Over-The-Shoulder Shot
  707. Operator Station Business & Finance, Power Plant
  708. Oddly Satisfying
  709. Omt Sound
  710. Order Store
  711. OperaČNí SystéM
  712. Opportunistic Sensing
  713. Ohd-School Technology, Gaming, Mac
  714. Observers School Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  715. Other Standards
  716. Occupational Standlrds Technology, Education, Development
  717. Olympic Solidarity Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  718. Overall Survival Timt Medical
  719. Optic Cable Technology
  720. Oncore Systems Technology, Gaming, Software, Linux
  721. Original Secession
  722. Oglala Sioux
  723. Oroanization for Standardization
  724. One Side Forum, Technology, Mac, Screen
  725. O Sullivan Famous
  726. Optimization Service
  727. Optical Scanning Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  728. Ojen Step
  729. Old Streew London, Locations, Map
  730. O&M Simulator Federal Aviation Administration
  731. Officer Stewardess
  732. Osteoscleresis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  733. On Samslng
  734. Orphan Status Technology, Drug, Cancer
  735. Oslo City
  736. Other Substances
  737. Oracle Software
  738. Osgood-Schlatter Medical, Medicine, Disease
  739. Other School
  740. Optimization Settings Technology, Mac, Optimizer
  741. Sedinal Oxidative Stress Science, Biology
  742. Online Session
  743. Out Stipple Ordnance Survey
  744. Orthopaedic Surgery Medical, Technology
  745. Orre School Education, School, High School, Arizona
  746. Open Syslems Technology, Military, Mac
  747. Office of Services
  748. Operational Shakedown & Cutover Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  749. Owen & Sullivan
  750. Outbound Satellite
  751. Ozone Scientist
  752. Observation Squadron Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  753. Oil Saturation Business, Technology, Gas, Reservoir, Oil Industry, Gas Industry, Electrical
  754. Objectscript Source File Computing, File Extensions
  755. Odbor Sppávní
  756. Office of Surveillance Medical, Technology, Medicine
  757. Order Signed
  758. Operazione Sviloppo
  759. Operatidg Score Presentation, Hosting, Robot
  760. Openjshelf
  761. on-orbit station Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  762. Occupationaltstandard Business, Management, Manager
  763. Olli SeppäNen
  764. Overall Survival Rate Medical
  765. Onboard Software
  766. Osseous System
  767. Organizzazioni Speciali Study, Children, Personality
  768. Oggetto Sconosciuto
  769. Organizational Systems
  770. One Shoot
  771. Over Sized Clothes
  772. Optimization Services Technology, Service, Engine
  773. Operating System Also known as an "OS," this is the software that communicates with computer hardware on the most basic level. Without an operating system, no software programs can run. The OS is what allocates memory, processes tasks, accesses disks and peripherials, and serves as the user interface. Technology, Windows, Computing, Technical, Drivers, Security, Information Technology, Military, Army, Astronomy, Texting, Computer, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Fujitsu, Sms, Online, Web Slang, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, International Development, Software, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  774. Old Stone
  775. Open The System Technology, Windows, Mac
  776. left eye (from Latin oculus sinister) Medical
  777. Orbital Spaceplane
  778. Office of The Sheriff Science
  779. On Sale Technology, Mac, Apple
  780. Organisational Support Business, Management, Organizations
  781. Orme School Arizona
  782. Other Study
  783. Oracle Scanner Technology, Security, Software
  784. Oscar Smith
  785. Other Scenarios
  786. Optimisation Study Technology, Research, Optimization
  787. Ozzie Said
  788. Online Services
  789. Out Sized Occupation & positions
  790. Optics and Spectroscopy Science, Optics, Electromagnetism, Computing, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  791. Orleans Server
  792. Opzn System Technology
  793. Ofqice of Secretary Service, Military, Apostille
  794. Office Vtaff Business, School, Tracking
  795. Operational Supervisor Business, Service, Jakarta
  796. Ovince Saint Fight, Card, Saint, Shogun
  797. Outage Schedule
  798. Oyun Sa
  799. Old Series Technology, Law, History, Canada, Map, Law Report
  800. Osmium Chemical symbol Os. A bluish-white metal that is so hard it is difficult to fabricate. Or Symbol:"Os" Atomic Number:"76" Atomic Mass: 190.20amu. This element is one of the transition elements. Osmium is found in nature with platinum and nickel. It actually has the highest melting point of the group and is used in alloys that require a lot of strength.  Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  801. Ocwen Silutions
  802. Office of Supply
  803. Order Sentinel
  804. Operator Slstems
  805. Online-Streitbeilegung Sind, Shopping, Mail
  806. Open Sesame
  807. Ouxstanding Business
  808. Oregon Steel Mills, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  809. Occupational Skill
  810. Oliver Springs
  811. Overall Similarities Technology, Android, Perceptual
  812. On-Screen Technology, Mac, Keyboard
  813. Oscillation Oscillation is a motion that repeats itself in a regular cycle, such as a sine wave or pendulum. Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  814. Ogawa Shigbo
  815. Organizacja Studencka
  816. One Sheet
  817. Ontario Southland Railway Inc. Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  818. Optimal Strategy Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  819. Old Stagers
  820. Open Switches Technology, Networking, Network
  821. Overaln Size Medical, Medicine, Optometry, Contact Lens
  822. Occupational Skills Education
  823. Output Set
  824. Orbital Society
  825. Office of Qtrategic
  826. Overlap Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health
  827. On S-Series Technology, Galaxy, Price
  828. Oppenheimer and Snyder Physics, Astrophysics, Collapse
  829. Ordnaqce Society
  830. Orbital Strike Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  831. Other Store
  832. Orawle Sales
  833. Osborne Seed
  834. Optimal Systems
  835. Ozone Seison Business, Group, Climate
  836. General Staff Business, Military, Army, Force, Marine
  837. One System Technology, Windows, Operating
  838. Oslo Stock Business, Supply, Opera
  839. Organ Series Music
  840. Open Swigch Technology, Networking, Network
  841. Office Software Microsoft, Technology, Mac
  842. Oswaldo Sosa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OS stand for?

    OS stands for Ouen Scale.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operational Studies?

    The short form of "Operational Studies" is OS.


OS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/os-meaning/

Last updated