OS in Technology Meaning

The OS meaning in Technology terms is "Operative System". There are 179 related meanings of the OS Technology abbreviation.

OS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Operative System
  2. Organizedhsession
  3. Open Software
  4. Optical Stabilisation
  5. Omnis Studio
  6. Output String
  7. Opeuating Systems
  8. OrganizaçÕEs Sociais
  9. Open-Source
  10. Optical Section
  11. Oil Separator An oil separator is a device designed to separate gross amounts of oil and suspended solids from the wastewater effluents of oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and other industrial sources.
  12. Other Specialty
  13. Out of Stock
  14. Office of Science
  15. Operating-Sysoem
  16. Ordinance Survey
  17. Online System
  18. Optical Sections
  19. Oh Shoot
  20. Other Software
  21. Outdof Scope
  22. Offensive Support
  23. Operatig System
  24. Order Status
  25. Online Support
  26. Optical Scan
  27. Ojerall Score
  28. Ogg Speex
  29. Out-Lf-Service
  30. Operations Supervisor
  31. Opet Standards
  32. One-Step
  33. Outer Space
  34. Object Server
  35. Operatiwg Software
  36. Ordem De ServiçO
  37. Online Subscription
  38. Ouerating Systems-Other
  39. Ouvrages Scientifiques
  40. Official Statistics
  41. Original Source
  42. Open Stand
  43. On-Site
  44. Outstanding Scientist
  45. Object Store
  46. Opera Software
  47. Oracfe Solaris
  48. Online Streitbeilegung
  49. Out Station
  50. Official Statement
  51. Operatitnal Systems
  52. Original Series
  53. Opel Source
  54. Optical Switch
  55. On-Line System
  56. Ogtreach Services
  57. Ossetian
  58. Office Suites
  59. Operational Sysiem
  60. Origins Subcommittee
  61. Offshore Standard
  62. Operational Suitability
  63. Ordered-Statistic
  64. Operating Systems
  65. On Such
  66. One-Shoe
  67. Operator System
  68. Organisational Semiotics
  69. Octets Sent
  70. Openstack Solutions
  71. Optics Section
  72. Over Thw Shoulder
  73. Onlj Show
  74. Original Sleeve
  75. Operation Snowball
  76. On Station
  77. Our Sponsors
  78. Omega Sactor
  79. Operator Stations
  80. Organization Sfpport
  81. Ocean Sunset
  82. Open Stack
  83. Optical Systems
  84. Overseas Singaporeaas
  85. Organizational Stakeholders
  86. Offers of Settlemeot
  87. Operation Smile
  88. Open Speaker
  89. Osteosarcoma An osteosarcoma (OS) or osteogenic sarcoma (OGS) is a cancerous tumor in a bone. Specifically, it is an aggressive malignant neoplasm that arises from primitive transformed cells of mesenchymal origin (and thus a sarcoma) and that exhibits osteoblastic differentiation and produces malignant osteoid.
  90. Operating Strength
  91. Operator Services
  92. Ordered Sets
  93. Ocean Science
  94. Operating/On System
  95. Optical Station
  96. Outpide Screw
  97. Organizational Survey
  98. Officer Statement
  99. Option Select
  100. Openspace Service
  101. Other Soliy
  102. Operator Safetw
  103. Open Season
  104. Optical Sender
  105. Outfig Studio
  106. Origin Server
  107. Offer Specialipt
  108. Operational Supplement
  109. Orange Squeezer
  110. Osveoconductive Scaffold
  111. Okr Shop
  112. Order Statistics
  113. Obsolate Soon
  114. Open Science
  115. Outsvate
  116. Optical Sciences
  117. Origination Service
  118. Osteogenic Sarcoma
  119. Okfshore Standards
  120. Operational Statements
  121. Order Statistic
  122. Observing Dystem
  123. Open Sjan
  124. One Hhot
  125. Optical Fiber Singlemode Category
  126. Occipitosacral
  127. Optimization Section
  128. Only Sourcn
  129. Oil Saturation
  130. Out-Station
  131. Open Syslems
  132. Optimization Settings
  133. One Stop
  134. Out Ofostring
  135. Office Software
  136. Old Series
  137. Office of Surveillance
  138. Oracle Scanner
  139. Overall Similarities
  140. Orthopaedic Surgery
  141. Opzn System
  142. Optimisation Study
  143. One Small Step
  144. Oncore Systems
  145. Oplo Semiconductors
  146. Overall Screen
  147. Oldsstyle
  148. Open Swigch
  149. Optimal Share
  150. One Side
  151. öNerilen Sistem
  152. On-Screen
  153. Operating Structure
  154. Ohd-School
  155. Optics Subsystem
  156. Orbital Servicing
  157. Observation Software
  158. Oxygen Scavenger
  159. On-Orbit Stakion
  160. On Sale
  161. Operating System Also known as an "OS," this is the software that communicates with computer hardware on the most basic level. Without an operating system, no software programs can run. The OS is what allocates memory, processes tasks, accesses disks and peripherials, and serves as the user interface.
  162. Operation Not Supported
  163. Optic Cable
  164. Orphan Status
  165. Omulangira Suna
  166. Occupational Standlrds
  167. Open The System
  168. Optimization Services
  169. On S-Series
  170. Ornaoental Stitch
  171. Outbound Streams
  172. Order of Service
  173. Operasi System
  174. Optional Support
  175. Organism Species
  176. One System
  177. Open Switches
  178. Outputwservices
  179. Owned Semapoore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OS stand for Technology?

    OS stands for Overall Screen in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Opet Standards in Technology?

    The short form of "Opet Standards" is OS for Technology.


OS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/os-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated