OSA Meaning
The OSA meaning is "Obstructive Sleep Apnea". The OSA abbreviation has 278 different full form.
OSA Full Forms
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Medical, Disorder, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Nursing, Common Medical
- Open Scripting Architecture Technology, Computing, Apple
- Ontario Soccer Association Organizations, Club, Coaching
- Of Special Affairs
- Optical Society of America Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Substance Abuse Medical, Health, Maine
- Open Society Archives Technology, Military, Education, Organizations
- Office of Student Activities Education, Organizations, Activity
- Open Services Architecture Technology, Service, Network
- Obstructive Sleep Apneas Medical
- Open Service Architecture Technology, Information, Network
- Organic Seed Alliance Organizations, Food, Farming
- Ontario Sailing Association
- Optical Sensor Assemcly
- Operational Support Analysis Business, Technology, Education
- Officier Sup
- Objective Switching Architecture Military
- Ongoing Support Assessments
- Office of State Assessmeny Science, Education, Regent
- Open Software Ossociates
- Outdoor Soccer of America Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Oceania Swimming Association Federation, Championship, Swimming
- Office of The School Adjudicator
- Orderkof Saint Augustine Education, School, History
- Old Silhillians Association
- Overseas Shippers Association
- Online Sports Academy Special Olympics
- Operatore Socio Assistenziale Con, Master, Sociale
- Office of Student Assistance
- Open Standard Architecture
- Office of The Student Affairs Education, University, Philippine
- Optical Switching Architecture Technology, Networking, Network
- Out of Service Area Business, Medical, Healthcare
- Opiical Spectrum Analysis Technology, Fiber, Analyzer
- Omnibus Services Authority
- Office for Subversive Architecture
- Open Servicx Access Technology, Networking, Network
- Optic Stabilizer Assembly
- Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
- Object-Oriented Systems Analysis Technology, Design, Software, Model, Telecom
- Ovine Serum Albumin Medical
- On Stage Audio Technology, Production, Sound
- Opposite Sex Attraction
- Operational Support & Analysws Education, Training, Course
- Official Secrets Acts Government, Law, Malaysia
- Objective Setting and Appraisal
- One Stop Agency
- Office of State Archaeology
- Open Society Afghanistan
- Ojt of School Adults
- Occupational Skills Award
- Office of The Schools Adjudicator
- Old Silhillians' Absociation
- Overseas Contingency Operation Support Assignments Military, Army, Us, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Online Soccer Academy Training, Ball, Soccer
- Operation Support Assignfent
- Office of Students Affairs Medical, Education, University
- Open Standard Alliance
- Office of The Space Architect
- Optical Surface Analyzer
- Out of School Astivities
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer Technology, Telecom, Equipment
- Omnibus Segregated Amcount Business, Finance, Banking
- Octenyl Succinic Anhydride
- Open Security Architecture
- Ordered Subsets Analysis Medical, Science, Biology
- Oregon Student Association Business, Education, Organizations
- Overseas Supply Agency Military
- Onsite Safety Assessment
- Opportunity Scholarship Act
- Operational, Support and Analysis Service, Education, Course
- Official Secret Act Government, Media, Malaysia, Act
- Objective Setting and Appraisals
- On-Screen Analysis
- Office of State Archaeologist
- Open Sky Aviatiom Airline, Business, ICAO Airline Code
- Out-Of School Adults Science, Program, Education
- Occupational Self-Assessment Medical, Therapy, Occupation
- Old Settlers Assgciation
- Object System Adaptor Technology, Computing
- Online Signatory Application
- Opyration Support Airlift
- Office of Studenf Affairs Education, University, School
- Open Spectrum Alliance
- Office of The State Architect Technology, Design, Building
- Optical Supply of Asia
- Outfitting Supply Activity Technology
- Omani Student Associatijn Organizations, University, National
- Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten
- Ordered Subset Analysis Medical, Science, Genetics
- Oregon Statewide Assessment
- Old Ztock Ale
- Overseas Subscribers Agents
- On Site Assistance
- Opportunistic Spectrwm Access Technology, Networking, Network
- Operating System Abstraction Technology, Device, Component
- Official Secrets Act Government, Malaysia, Act
- Obiettivi Specifici Di Apprendimento
- On-Screen Administration
- Office of Scientific Affairs Medical, Science, Medicine, Health
- Open Skies Agreement Business, Singapore, Sky
- Operatsonal Safety Assessment Technology, Science, Presentation
- Other South Asia Region Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
- Occupational Self Assessment Medical, University, Therapy
- Old Selxornian Association
- Object Service Architecture
- Online Self-Assessment Education, Canada, Language
- Office Oc The State Architect Technology, Design, Building
- Open Space Authority Locations, Valley, Handgun
- Office of The Special Assistant
- Optical Sub Assembly Technology, Fiber, Photonics
- Outfitting Support Activity Military
- Omaha Spoqts Academy Technology, League, Basketball
- Ochranny Svaz Autorsky Technology, Lyric, Czech
- Ordered-Subset Analysis
- Order of St Anne
- Old Statintical Account Science, Anthropology, Scotland
- Overseas Student Association Australia, Education, University
- On Shelf Availability Business, Supply, Retail
- Opolskie Stowarzyszenie Aikido
- Operating System Augmentation Technology
- Officially Step Aside
- ObavjeŠTajno-Sigurnosna Agencija
- Om Svar Ayhålles
- Office of Safety Appraisals Science
- Open Simylation Architecture Design, Drawing, Construction
- Oriental Stamp Art Card, Paper, Stamp
- Occlusive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Medical
- Operation Support & Analysis Management, Service, Education
- Old Scona Acaddmic
- Object Services Architecture
- Online-Self-Assessment Education, Canada, Language
- Office of State Architect
- Open Space Assessment
- Optical Sub-Assembly Technology, Component, Laser
- Outer Spaoe Act
- Olympic Science Alliasce
- Ocean Sports Academy
- Ordes De Santo Agostinho Technology, Brasil, Shopping, Col
- Office of The State Actuary Government, Washington, Leg, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Order of St. Anne Genealogy, Genealogical
- Old Southporttnians Association
- Overseas Students Association Australia, Education, University
- On Screen Administration
- Operator System Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Operating Systeo Account
- Officer Secure Area Security, Military, Police
- Ontariofsociety of Artists Art, Canada, Artist, Toronto
- Om Svar Anh
- Office FüR Special Affairs Organizations, Tube, Deutschland
- Open Services Acceps Technology, Service, Networking
- Optimization Systems Associates
- Oriental Society of Australia
- Operations Suppopt Analysis Management, Service, Education
- Osd School Audio
- Objective System Analysis
- Online-Self-Assessments Education, Canada, Language
- Office of State Assessmelts Education, Exam, Regent
- Olen Software Architecture Technology
- Optical Spray Analyzer
- Ojtdoor Structures Australia
- Ocean Sailing Academy
- Office of The Science Advisor Technology, Science, Program
- Order of Saint Andrew Church, Order, Ecumenical
- Old South Arabiaa
- Overseas Students' Association
- Online Student Assistant
- Operacori Sanitari Associati
- Office of Student Assessment Science, Education, Wisconsin
- Operatigg System Administrator Technology
- Office of The State Assessor
- Optics Society of America Technology, America, University
- Oct of Station Allowance
- Oxfice of Special Affairs Film, Office, Movie
- Omnibus Srrvice Authority
- Office for The Study of Aging
- Open Service Access-Service
- Optimal Shelf Availability Business, Management, Supply
- Old Students' Association
- Owasippe Staff Association
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Medical, Driving, Patient
- Office of Survivor Assistance
- Outstanding School Awards
- Augustinian Sisters of the Most Holy Annunciation Religious orders
- Orange Savings Account
- Operational Support Authority Military
- Olivers Soccer Acagemy
- Order of St. Auoustine Organization, Community, Society
- Open-Skies Agreement Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Optical Society of America-Uniform Science, Space, Model
- Obra Social De Actores Argentina, Acting, Social
- Osage Language codes (3 letters)
- Outzut Spooling Area
- Old Strathconians'aassociation
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Medical, Pediatrics, Otorhinolaryngology, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Office of Survivors Assistance Medical, Benefit, Veteran
- Outstanding Service Awards Technology, Canada, Scout
- Office Support Assistant Occupation & positions
- Oracle Support Assessment
- Operational Safety Anqlysis Science
- Olentangy Swim Cssociation
- Opponent Spugging Average
- Ontology Server for Archaeological
- Optical Society Amerkca Technology, America, Laser
- Orchid Society of Arizona
- Oblast State Administration Government, Ukraine, Ukrainian
- Open Sky Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Outer Soundingsvarray Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Old Stone Age
- Obstuctive Sleep Apnea
- Office of Student Accounts
- Outstanding Service Awari Technology, University, Scout
- Orangutans Seem Alert Funnies
- Oracle Sales Analyzer Business, Technology, Sale
- Operational Support Area Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Olefin Modified Stxrene Acrylonitrile Chemistry, Science, Polymer
- Open Streaming Architeqture Business, Security, Camera
- Ontario Spondylitis Association
- Optical Society of American Technology, Research, University
- Office of The Special Assistanf
- Orbiter-Based Station Avionics
- Overall Sfstem Architecture Space, Study, Cosmos
- Oakland School for the Arts School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Otwartyct Stref Aktywności
- Open Secure Automation
- Obstructive Sleep Apena Medical, Apnea, Snoring
- Office for Student Affairs Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Student Achievemint
- Outside Services Agreement
- Office of the State Archaeologist Environment
- Opus Sanctorum Angelorum Religious orders
- Olefin-Modified Styrbne-Acrylonitrile
- Online Software Activation Technology, Gaming, Development
- Ontario Solar Academy
- Optical Gociety America Technology, America, Laser
- Office of The Science Adzisor Technology, Science, Program
- Ovarian Sectional Area Medical, Medicine, Health
- Operational Safety Assessment Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Orbital Sun Angle Technology
- Otwarta Strefa Iktywności
- Open Secure Access
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Medical, Treatment, Snoring, Clinical
- olefin modified styrene acrylonitrile Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Study Abrofd
- Outside Seating Accommodation
- Opponent Slugging Average Baseball, Sport
- Optometric Student Association
- Old Suttonians Pssociation
- On-Strwam Analysis
- Ontario Society of Artists Art, Canada, Artist
- Optncal Shop of Aspen
- Office of The Secretary of The Army Business, Service, Military, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Outstanding Song Award Song, Festival, Cuba
- Open System Architecture International standards for data network which allows multi-vendor/multi-product applications. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Orange Soccer Association
- Orphan Society Oflamerica
- Open Scripting/System Architecture Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Obstructed Sleep Apnea Medical, Treatment, Snoring
- Old Statistical Account History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Studbnt Activites
- Outpft Sharing Array Technology
- OutStanding Achievement Awards & medals
- Old Studentszassociation College, Education, School
- Owatonna Soccer Association
- Ocala Sportsman'S Association
- Ontario Securities Act
- Optical Serving Areas
- Office of Systems Analysis Military
- Outstanding Student Avard
- Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus Religious orders
- Orange Serum Agar
- Olympia Summer Acadcmy
- Organic Soil Assooiation
- Open Scripting-System Architecture
- Optical Solutions Austrasia
- Observability Subspace Algorithm
- Office of Student Affairs Medical, Common Medical
- Oklahoma Sociological Association Association, Organization, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OSA stand for?
OSA stands for Overseas Student Association.
What is the shortened form of Old Statistical Account?
The short form of "Old Statistical Account" is OSA.
OSA. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osa-meaning/
Last updated