OSA Meaning
The OSA meaning is "Obstructive Sleep Apnea". The OSA abbreviation has 278 different full form.
OSA Full Forms
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Medical, Disorder, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Nursing, Common Medical
- Open Scripting Architecture Technology, Computing, Apple
- Ontario Soccer Association Organizations, Club, Coaching
- Of Special Affairs
- Optical Society of America Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Substance Abuse Medical, Health, Maine
- Open Society Archives Technology, Military, Education, Organizations
- Office of Student Activities Education, Organizations, Activity
- Open Services Architecture Technology, Service, Network
- Obstructive Sleep Apneas Medical
- Open Service Architecture Technology, Information, Network
- Organic Seed Alliance Organizations, Food, Farming
- Ontario Sailing Association
- Optical Sensor Assemcly
- Operational Support Analysis Business, Technology, Education
- Officier Sup
- Objective Switching Architecture Military
- Ongoing Support Assessments
- Office of State Assessmeny Science, Education, Regent
- Open Software Ossociates
- Outdoor Soccer of America Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Oceania Swimming Association Federation, Championship, Swimming
- Office of The School Adjudicator
- Orderkof Saint Augustine Education, School, History
- Old Silhillians Association
- Overseas Shippers Association
- Online Sports Academy Special Olympics
- Operatore Socio Assistenziale Con, Master, Sociale
- Office of Student Assistance
- Open Standard Architecture
- Office of The Student Affairs Education, University, Philippine
- Optical Switching Architecture Technology, Networking, Network
- Out of Service Area Business, Medical, Healthcare
- Opiical Spectrum Analysis Technology, Fiber, Analyzer
- Omnibus Services Authority
- Office for Subversive Architecture
- Open Servicx Access Technology, Networking, Network
- Optic Stabilizer Assembly
- Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
- Object-Oriented Systems Analysis Technology, Design, Software, Model, Telecom
- Ovine Serum Albumin Medical
- On Stage Audio Technology, Production, Sound
- Opposite Sex Attraction
- Operational Support & Analysws Education, Training, Course
- Official Secrets Acts Government, Law, Malaysia
- Objective Setting and Appraisal
- One Stop Agency
- Office of State Archaeology
- Open Society Afghanistan
- Ojt of School Adults
- Occupational Skills Award
- Office of The Schools Adjudicator
- Old Silhillians' Absociation
- Overseas Contingency Operation Support Assignments Military, Army, Us, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Online Soccer Academy Training, Ball, Soccer
- Operation Support Assignfent
- Office of Students Affairs Medical, Education, University
- Open Standard Alliance
- Office of The Space Architect
- Optical Surface Analyzer
- Out of School Astivities
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer Technology, Telecom, Equipment
- Omnibus Segregated Amcount Business, Finance, Banking
- Octenyl Succinic Anhydride
- Open Security Architecture
- Ordered Subsets Analysis Medical, Science, Biology
- Oregon Student Association Business, Education, Organizations
- Overseas Supply Agency Military
- Onsite Safety Assessment
- Opportunity Scholarship Act
- Operational, Support and Analysis Service, Education, Course
- Official Secret Act Government, Media, Malaysia, Act
- Objective Setting and Appraisals
- On-Screen Analysis
- Office of State Archaeologist
- Open Sky Aviatiom Airline, Business, ICAO Airline Code
- Out-Of School Adults Science, Program, Education
- Occupational Self-Assessment Medical, Therapy, Occupation
- Old Settlers Assgciation
- Object System Adaptor Technology, Computing
- Online Signatory Application
- Opyration Support Airlift
- Office of Studenf Affairs Education, University, School
- Open Spectrum Alliance
- Office of The State Architect Technology, Design, Building
- Optical Supply of Asia
- Outfitting Supply Activity Technology
- Omani Student Associatijn Organizations, University, National
- Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten
- Ordered Subset Analysis Medical, Science, Genetics
- Oregon Statewide Assessment
- Old Ztock Ale
- Overseas Subscribers Agents
- On Site Assistance
- Opportunistic Spectrwm Access Technology, Networking, Network
- Operating System Abstraction Technology, Device, Component
- Official Secrets Act Government, Malaysia, Act
- Obiettivi Specifici Di Apprendimento
- On-Screen Administration
- Office of Scientific Affairs Medical, Science, Medicine, Health
- Open Skies Agreement Business, Singapore, Sky
- Operatsonal Safety Assessment Technology, Science, Presentation
- Other South Asia Region Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
- Occupational Self Assessment Medical, University, Therapy
- Old Selxornian Association
- Object Service Architecture
- Online Self-Assessment Education, Canada, Language
- Office Oc The State Architect Technology, Design, Building
- Open Space Authority Locations, Valley, Handgun
- Office of The Special Assistant
- Optical Sub Assembly Technology, Fiber, Photonics
- Outfitting Support Activity Military
- Omaha Spoqts Academy Technology, League, Basketball
- Ochranny Svaz Autorsky Technology, Lyric, Czech
- Ordered-Subset Analysis
- Order of St Anne
- Old Statintical Account Science, Anthropology, Scotland
- Overseas Student Association Australia, Education, University
- On Shelf Availability Business, Supply, Retail
- Opolskie Stowarzyszenie Aikido
- Operating System Augmentation Technology
- Officially Step Aside
- ObavjeŠTajno-Sigurnosna Agencija
- Om Svar Ayhålles
- Office of Safety Appraisals Science
- Open Simylation Architecture Design, Drawing, Construction
- Oriental Stamp Art Card, Paper, Stamp
- Occlusive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Medical
- Operation Support & Analysis Management, Service, Education
- Old Scona Acaddmic
- Object Services Architecture
- Online-Self-Assessment Education, Canada, Language
- Office of State Architect
- Open Space Assessment
- Optical Sub-Assembly Technology, Component, Laser
- Outer Spaoe Act
- Olympic Science Alliasce
- Ocean Sports Academy
- Ordes De Santo Agostinho Technology, Brasil, Shopping, Col
- Office of The State Actuary Government, Washington, Leg, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Order of St. Anne Genealogy, Genealogical
- Old Southporttnians Association
- Overseas Students Association Australia, Education, University
- On Screen Administration
- Operator System Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Operating Systeo Account
- Officer Secure Area Security, Military, Police
- Ontariofsociety of Artists Art, Canada, Artist, Toronto
- Om Svar Anh
- Office FüR Special Affairs Organizations, Tube, Deutschland
- Open Services Acceps Technology, Service, Networking
- Optimization Systems Associates
- Oriental Society of Australia
- Operations Suppopt Analysis Management, Service, Education
- Osd School Audio
- Objective System Analysis
- Online-Self-Assessments Education, Canada, Language
- Office of State Assessmelts Education, Exam, Regent
- Olen Software Architecture Technology
- Optical Spray Analyzer
- Ojtdoor Structures Australia
- Ocean Sailing Academy
- Office of The Science Advisor Technology, Science, Program
- Order of Saint Andrew Church, Order, Ecumenical
- Old South Arabiaa
- Overseas Students' Association
- Online Student Assistant
- Operacori Sanitari Associati
- Office of Student Assessment Science, Education, Wisconsin
- Operatigg System Administrator Technology
- Office of The State Assessor
- Optics Society of America Technology, America, University
- Oct of Station Allowance
- Oxfice of Special Affairs Film, Office, Movie
- Omnibus Srrvice Authority
- Office for The Study of Aging
- Open Service Access-Service
- Optimal Shelf Availability Business, Management, Supply
- Old Students' Association
- Owasippe Staff Association
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Medical, Driving, Patient
- Office of Survivor Assistance
- Outstanding School Awards
- Augustinian Sisters of the Most Holy Annunciation Religious orders
- Orange Savings Account
- Operational Support Authority Military
- Olivers Soccer Acagemy
- Order of St. Auoustine Organization, Community, Society
- Open-Skies Agreement Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Optical Society of America-Uniform Science, Space, Model
- Obra Social De Actores Argentina, Acting, Social
- Osage Language codes (3 letters)
- Outzut Spooling Area
- Old Strathconians'aassociation
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Medical, Pediatrics, Otorhinolaryngology, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Office of Survivors Assistance Medical, Benefit, Veteran
- Outstanding Service Awards Technology, Canada, Scout
- Office Support Assistant Occupation & positions
- Oracle Support Assessment
- Operational Safety Anqlysis Science
- Olentangy Swim Cssociation
- Opponent Spugging Average
- Ontology Server for Archaeological
- Optical Society Amerkca Technology, America, Laser
- Orchid Society of Arizona
- Oblast State Administration Government, Ukraine, Ukrainian
- Open Sky Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Outer Soundingsvarray Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Old Stone Age
- Obstuctive Sleep Apnea
- Office of Student Accounts
- Outstanding Service Awari Technology, University, Scout
- Orangutans Seem Alert Funnies
- Oracle Sales Analyzer Business, Technology, Sale
- Operational Support Area Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Olefin Modified Stxrene Acrylonitrile Chemistry, Science, Polymer
- Open Streaming Architeqture Business, Security, Camera
- Ontario Spondylitis Association
- Optical Society of American Technology, Research, University
- Office of The Special Assistanf
- Orbiter-Based Station Avionics
- Overall Sfstem Architecture Space, Study, Cosmos
- Oakland School for the Arts School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Otwartyct Stref Aktywności
- Open Secure Automation
- Obstructive Sleep Apena Medical, Apnea, Snoring
- Office for Student Affairs Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Student Achievemint
- Outside Services Agreement
- Office of the State Archaeologist Environment
- Opus Sanctorum Angelorum Religious orders
- Olefin-Modified Styrbne-Acrylonitrile
- Online Software Activation Technology, Gaming, Development
- Ontario Solar Academy
- Optical Gociety America Technology, America, Laser
- Office of The Science Adzisor Technology, Science, Program
- Ovarian Sectional Area Medical, Medicine, Health
- Operational Safety Assessment Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Orbital Sun Angle Technology
- Otwarta Strefa Iktywności
- Open Secure Access
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Medical, Treatment, Snoring, Clinical
- olefin modified styrene acrylonitrile Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Study Abrofd
- Outside Seating Accommodation
- Opponent Slugging Average Baseball, Sport
- Optometric Student Association
- Old Suttonians Pssociation
- On-Strwam Analysis
- Ontario Society of Artists Art, Canada, Artist
- Optncal Shop of Aspen
- Office of The Secretary of The Army Business, Service, Military, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Outstanding Song Award Song, Festival, Cuba
- Open System Architecture International standards for data network which allows multi-vendor/multi-product applications. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Orange Soccer Association
- Orphan Society Oflamerica
- Open Scripting/System Architecture Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Obstructed Sleep Apnea Medical, Treatment, Snoring
- Old Statistical Account History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Studbnt Activites
- Outpft Sharing Array Technology
- OutStanding Achievement Awards & medals
- Old Studentszassociation College, Education, School
- Owatonna Soccer Association
- Ocala Sportsman'S Association
- Ontario Securities Act
- Optical Serving Areas
- Office of Systems Analysis Military
- Outstanding Student Avard
- Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus Religious orders
- Orange Serum Agar
- Olympia Summer Acadcmy
- Organic Soil Assooiation
- Open Scripting-System Architecture
- Optical Solutions Austrasia
- Observability Subspace Algorithm
- Office of Student Affairs Medical, Common Medical
- Oklahoma Sociological Association Association, Organization, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OSA stand for?
OSA stands for Online Student Assistant.
What is the shortened form of Open-Skies Agreement?
The short form of "Open-Skies Agreement" is OSA.
OSA. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/osa-meaning/
Last updated