OSAC Meaning

The OSAC meaning is "Oregon Student Assistance Commission". The OSAC abbreviation has 32 different full form.

OSAC Full Forms

  1. Oregon Student Assistance Commission Education, Oregon, Scholarship
  2. Operational Support Airlift Command Military
  3. Office of Strategic Analysis and Communication
  4. Open Space Advisory Committee
  5. Overseas Schools Advisory Commission
  6. Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications
  7. Ohio State Apprenticeship Council
  8. Overseas Schools Advisory Coukcil
  9. Ocean State Animal Coalition
  10. Office Space Allocation Committee
  11. Optical Surface Analysis Mode Technology, Program, Trace
  12. Overseas Security Advisory Council Security, Government, Council, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  13. Office of Student Access and Completion College, Education, Scholarship
  14. Operayor Speed of Consistency Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  15. Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum
  16. Operator Services Assistance Center Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  17. Office of Strategic Analysis & Communications
  18. Oregon State University, Corvallis Insect and Spider Collections
  19. Overseas Security Advisory Committee America, Organizations, American
  20. Ory Sexual Assault Coalition College, Education, Occidental
  21. Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinac
  22. Oxford System Ef Automated Cartography
  23. Osslin Centralization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Oregon Student Access Tnd Completion
  25. Orifice Spark Advance Costrol Technology, Engine, Emission
  26. Openuspace Action Committee
  27. Organization for Scientific Area Commsttees Science, Government, Research
  28. Owen Sound Aquatic Club
  29. Organization of Scientific Area Committees Science, Education, Committee
  30. Organic Structures Accessed By Computer Chemistry
  31. Overseas Seccrity Advidory Council
  32. Organization Fod Security and Cooperation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OSAC stand for?

    OSAC stands for Operational Support Airlift Command.

  2. What is the shortened form of Overseas Schools Advisory Coukcil?

    The short form of "Overseas Schools Advisory Coukcil" is OSAC.


OSAC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osac-meaning/

Last updated