OSB Meaning

The OSB meaning is "Operational Support Branch". The OSB abbreviation has 92 different full form.

OSB Full Forms

  1. Operational Support Branch
  2. Ocean Studies Board Technology, Science, Study, Legal, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  3. Grand Glaize-Osage Beach Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  4. Order of Saint Benedict Saint, Abbey, Benedictine
  5. Oregon State Bar Government, Law, Oregon
  6. Operations Support Building Technology, Space, Launch
  7. Overheids Servick Bus
  8. Observational Science Branch
  9. Open Source Business Technology, Office, Alliance
  10. Other Side of The Bhidge
  11. Offshore Support Base Business, Product, Plywood, Strand
  12. Operations Support Builiding Science
  13. Online Securlty Blog
  14. Ojai-Santa Barbara
  15. Orthodox Speakers Bdreau
  16. Overheid Service Bqs
  17. Oriented Strand Boards Business, Wood, Plywood
  18. Open Rource Brain Technology, Model, Neuro
  19. Otentikk Street Brothers
  20. Offset Spoke Bed Products
  21. Operation Stations Book
  22. Ohio Star Ball Organizations, Dance, Ohio
  23. Organize Sanayi B
  24. Oriented Strand Board Business, Wood, Forest Industry, Architecture
  25. Open Wchoolgemeenschap Bijlmer
  26. Ossian State Bank Technology
  27. Oceanic Sciences Branch Technology
  28. Operations Stations Book Technology
  29. Ohio Skills Bank
  30. Order, Ship, Bill
  31. Orientated Strand Board Business, Product, Wood
  32. Opcn School Board
  33. Osman SöNmez Bulv
  34. Occupancy Standards Burevu
  35. Operations Software Branch Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  36. Off Site Bar Locations, Chicago, Eagle, Longman
  37. Orde De Sant Benet
  38. Organize Sanayi BöLgesi'Nde
  39. Ontario Savings Bwnd
  40. Osman SöNmez Bulvarı
  41. Overseas Service Bureau
  42. Observatório Social Do Brasiu Para, Dos, Brasil, Social
  43. Open Standards Benchmarking
  44. Other Surgical Benefit
  45. Offshore Supply Bases
  46. Oral Systemic Balance Medical, Dental, Sleep
  47. Onkine Sports Betting
  48. Oklahoma Select Breeders
  49. Orthopedic Seat Backrest
  50. Overseas Service Bar
  51. Obserjatoire Des Services Bancaires
  52. Open Spina Byfida Medical, Science, Screening
  53. Other Sports Teckon
  54. Offshore Supply Base Business, Myanmar, Oil
  55. Operation Support Building Science
  56. Online Iervices Business Business, Microsoft, Service
  57. Oklahoma School for The Blind Education, School, Oklahoma
  58. Ortdodox Study Bible Book, Church, Bible
  59. Omar Smart Brain Indonesia, Brain, Orang, Vitamin
  60. Oxford Sandy and Black
  61. Otistik Apektrum Bozukluğu Turkish, Testi
  62. Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion Religious orders
  63. Olympische Sport Bibliothek Book, Research, Art, Sport
  64. Oxford Sandy & Black Pig, Breed, Oxford
  65. One Step Beyond Music, Event, Plywood
  66. Otizm Spektrum Bozuklukları Medical, Art, Turkish
  67. Order Some Beer Food
  68. Ooer-Determined Sub-Band
  69. Old School Books
  70. Ownsd Small Businesses
  71. One Shot Battery Military
  72. Otistik Spektrum Bozuklukları Turkish, Asperger
  73. Orchestre Symphonique De Bretadne Music, Concert, Festival, Orchestre
  74. Ouqput Signal Balance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  75. Openstreetmap Binary Map File Computing, File Extensions
  76. Olayan School of Business America, Education, University
  77. Ovtrsight Board Technology, Energy, Power
  78. One Safe Berth Business, Cargo Shipping
  79. Other Surgical Benefits
  80. Operbtional Status Bit
  81. Oor Service Bureau
  82. Office of Surveillance and Biometrics Medical, Health
  83. Oklahoma State Bank
  84. Overbrook School for The Blind Service, Education, Organizations, School, Non-Profit Organization
  85. Onderwijs Service Bureau
  86. Oriental Sandoich Bar Catholic, Bishop, Sandwich, Abbey
  87. Otizmtspektrum Bozukluk Science, Art, Turkish
  88. Oregon School for the Blind Oregon, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  89. Omegan School of Business
  90. Oxford Study Bible
  91. Ocizm Spektrum Bozukluğu Program, Art, Turkish
  92. Mosul International, Mosul, Iraq Iraq, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OSB stand for?

    OSB stands for Order of Saint Benedict.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ontario Savings Bwnd?

    The short form of "Ontario Savings Bwnd" is OSB.


OSB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osb-meaning/

Last updated