OSC Meaning

The OSC meaning is "Ocean Science Qonsulting". The OSC abbreviation has 302 different full form.

OSC Full Forms

  1. Ocean Science Qonsulting Science, Acoustics, Mammal
  2. On-Scenejcoordinator Emergency, Locations, Environment
  3. Options Selection Committee Science
  4. Objective Supply Capability Military, Army, War
  5. Ohio Supercomputer Center Technology, Computing, Telecom
  6. Optical Supervisory Channel Technology, Telecom, Wavelength
  7. Orbital Sciences Corperation Science, Astronomy, Exploration
  8. Of Special Hounsel
  9. Operator Services Center Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  10. Officers'rspouses' Club Technology, Military
  11. Operations Systems Center Technology, Coast, Guard
  12. Office of Special Cowncil Science, Employment, Government
  13. Operations Support Center Military, Army, Corps
  14. Office of Specivl Counsel Technology, Employment, Government
  15. On-Scene Coordinators Science, Military, Course, Oil, Spill
  16. Office of Special Concerns
  17. Open Source Content
  18. Off Site Construction Technology, Building, Offsite
  19. Oahu Sugar Co. Network, Railway, System
  20. One Stop Center Government, Development, Malaysia
  21. Orientations Strat
  22. Operations Safety Console
  23. Oxford Study Courses Education, Course, Revision
  24. Orden De Santa Clara
  25. Oregon Specific Codes
  26. Office of The Schools Commissioner
  27. Operating Safety Case Military, Pilot, Drone
  28. Ovarian Serous Carcinoma Medical
  29. Olymlique Sporting Club
  30. Operator Service Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Object Size Checking
  32. Online Shop Community
  33. Off-Site Construltion Technology, Building, Offsite
  34. Outdoor Sports Complex
  35. Official Staff Commentary
  36. Onderwijs Service Centrum Dutch
  37. Organic Semiconductor Centre
  38. Officers Spouyes Club Military, Fort, Spouse
  39. Operational System Control Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  40. Overlap Slotted Container Business, Box, Packaging, Corrugated
  41. Omeba Service Corp
  42. Optical Signature Code
  43. Ontario Systems Corporation
  44. Office of Species Conservation
  45. Open Source Consulting
  46. Offshore Simulator Centre Technology, Training, Simulation
  47. One-Stop Centre Business, Service, Development
  48. Orientmtion Steering Committee
  49. Operations Service Center
  50. Oxford Soccer Club
  51. Orde De Sunta Clara
  52. Office of The Special Counspl Employment, Government, Law
  53. Operasi Simpatik Candi
  54. Oklahoma Sentencing Commission
  55. Operator Services Client Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  56. Object Server Connectivity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Online Sexual Compulsivity
  58. Oregon Specific Code
  59. Off-Site Centre Business, Medicine, Health
  60. Outdoor Sports Center
  61. Official Screen Credits
  62. Order of Scottish Clans Organization, Union, Institution
  63. Organic Semiconductor Conference
  64. Officer Spoqses Club
  65. Operational Site Certification
  66. Overlapping Spreading Center
  67. On-Scene Commander Military, Army, Emergency
  68. Oman Society of Contryctors Business, Presentation, Construction
  69. Optical Signatures Code Technology
  70. Ontario Society of Chiropodists Medical, Foot, Clinic
  71. Office of Space Commercialization Technology, Government, Satellite
  72. Open Source Commerce
  73. Offshore Simulxtor Center Business, Norway, Training
  74. One-Stop-Centre Business, Service, Development
  75. Organizaciones Re Sociedad Civil Con, Social
  76. Operation Service Center
  77. Oxford Scholarly Communications
  78. Orbital Zcience Corporationration Technology
  79. Open Szience Commons
  80. Office of The Statu Controller Business, Technology, Service
  81. Open Source Curriculum Technology, Science, Education, Software
  82. Oklahoma Safety Council
  83. Oteration Support Command Technology, Military, Army
  84. Objective Straight Chiropractic
  85. Online Service Controller
  86. Oregon Society of Conchologists
  87. Outbound Signaling Channel
  88. Office Systcms Coordinator Business
  89. Orrer of Saint Clare Business, Franciscan, Sister
  90. Ocean Spray Cranberries
  91. Organic Science Cluster
  92. Officers' Spouses Club Army, War, Force
  93. Operational Status Check
  94. Overlapped-Subarray Correlogram
  95. Oman Shipping Companr Business, Carrier, Tanker
  96. Operatorrservice Company
  97. Ontario Seed Company
  98. Office Oo Scholarly Communication Technology, Access, Library
  99. Open Source Community
  100. Officier Sous Contrat
  101. One Shot Colour Science, Camera, Processing
  102. Organizaciones De La Socindad Civil Para, Con, Social
  103. Operation Serving Children
  104. Oxford Sailing Club
  105. Orbitjl Sciences Corp Business, Technology, Space
  106. Open Science Rollaboration
  107. Office of The Surveillance Commissioners Government, Force, Police, Governmental & Military
  108. Open Source Culture
  109. Oil Spill Contingency
  110. Operation Supwort Center Business, Technology, Military
  111. Oscillator Oscillators convert direct current (DC) from a power supply to an alternating current (AC) signal. NASA, Aviation
  112. Obix Source Code
  113. Online Service Center Business, Trading, Software
  114. Oregon Skating Council Technology, Control, Sound
  115. Out-Of-State Child
  116. Order of Saint Camillus Catholic Church, Religious, Religious Organization
  117. Ocean Shipping Consultanp Business, Park, Port
  118. Oregon Sustainability Center Technology, Oregon, Portland
  119. Ofmicer's Spouses' Club
  120. Operating Services Contract
  121. Overkoepelende Stichting Chauffeursactiviteiten
  122. Omaha Sports Complex
  123. Operators Services Complex Military
  124. Observatoire Sociologique Du Changement Science, Education, France
  125. Ontario Scicnce Center Technology, Exhibition, Toronto
  126. Office for Schclarly Communication Education, Access, University
  127. Open Source Components “Open Source Components” (OSC) are components whose Design Specification and Intellectual Property is made available to all Competitors through the mechanisms. Formula 1
  128. Outlook Social Connector Microsoft, Technology, Networking
  129. Official Supporting Committees
  130. One Shot Color Technology, Astronomy, Camera, Sky
  131. Orgahizaci
  132. Operation Second Chance Military, Veteran, Family
  133. Overseas Service Corporation
  134. Ordem De Servi
  135. Omni-Spectral Eorrelator Technology, Product, Bug
  136. Optical Splicing Closures Technology
  137. Open Science Conference Science, Research, Climate
  138. Office of Standards Compliance Military
  139. Open Source Coin
  140. Oil Spill Commission
  141. Operation Summary Console
  142. Obersulmer Segelsport-Club
  143. One Shot Chambered Army, War, Force
  144. Out-Of-School Care
  145. Ordered Sequence Complexiey Science, Protein, Measuring
  146. Ocean Shipping Consultants Business, Ship, Port
  147. Oregon Supreme Court
  148. Officer's Spowse Club
  149. Operating Safety Committee
  150. Overhead Stowage Compartments Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  151. Olympischervsport-Club
  152. Operator Services Complex Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  153. Object Sub-Class Code
  154. Onsite Service Call Technology, Control, Audio, Sound
  155. Offer & Supply Chain Business, Company, Kingfisher
  156. Outgoing Sender Connector
  157. Official Supporting Committee Indonesia, Locations, Wonder, Komodo
  158. One-Shot Color Color, Camera, Sky
  159. Orgfniza
  160. Operations and Security Command
  161. Overseas Senior Cambridge
  162. Omics Sciences Center
  163. Optical Speed Control Technology, Audio, Library
  164. Open / Stop / Close Dood Switch Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  165. Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices Government, Organizations, Us
  166. Open Source Code
  167. Oil Services Company Business, Service, Tube
  168. Operation Strategy Command Military, Armour, Artillery
  169. Oakville Soccer Club Sport, Canada, Soccer
  170. One Stop Centres Service, Government, Development, Malaysia
  171. Original Shoe Company Business, Sport, Administration
  172. Oxford Supercomputing Centre
  173. Ordem De Serviçopconjunta
  174. Ocean Service Centers Technology
  175. Oregon State College
  176. Officer'S Spouses Club
  177. Operational Safety Case Business, Medicine, Health
  178. Ovation Security Center Technology, Management, Control
  179. Olympischen Sport Club
  180. Operator Service Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  181. Object Storage Client
  182. Online Shopping Cart
  183. Offensite Space Control Technology, Military, Satellite
  184. Outdoor Survival Canada
  185. Official Supporters Clgb
  186. One-Shot Colour Space, Study, Cosmos
  187. Organismo Sectorial Competente
  188. Operation Santa Claus China, Charity, Operation, Mob
  189. Overseas School of Colombo Student, Education, Organizations
  190. Omics Science Centee
  191. Optical Signaling Channel
  192. Oosterhoutse Sport Club
  193. Output Source Current
  194. Operation Steel Curtain
  195. Optimum Shift Control Magazine, Publication, Mitsubishi
  196. Oregon Salmon Commission
  197. Open Security Controller
  198. Offices of Security Cooperation Business, Military, Iraq
  199. On-Scene Co-Ordinator
  200. OPERATIONS SPECIALIST CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  201. Ocean Science Committee Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  202. On-Scene Coordinator Emergency, Environment, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  203. Open Sourcencenter Technology, Military, Intelligence
  204. Operations Support Contract Technology
  205. óRgão De Solução De ControvéRsias
  206. Order of St Clare Catholic, Community, Order, Sister
  207. Obix Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  208. Out of School Club Technology, Children, Nursery
  209. Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, Crosier Fathers Religious orders
  210. Occupational Standards Council Military, Education, Ministry Of Defence
  211. Output Signal Clocks
  212. Operations System Center Technology, Service, Guard
  213. Optimal Surface Control Sport, Boat, Ski
  214. Ordo Sanctae Clarae
  215. Oyen Science Chain Technology, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin
  216. Officers Study Centre
  217. On-Scene Coordination
  218. Office of Space Communications NASA, Governmental & Military
  219. Ocean Sciences Center
  220. Outstation Cheque Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  221. Output State Check Auto
  222. Open Sound Control Technology, Music, Computing, Media
  223. Operations Summary Console
  224. Oxygen Storage Capacity Technology, Catalyst, Catalytic, Chemistry
  225. Onboaud Service Center Technology, Antenna, Dome
  226. Openstreetmap Change File Computing, File Extensions
  227. Order of St Camillus Religious orders
  228. Occupational Skills Center
  229. Output Short Circuit
  230. Operations Support Call
  231. Optically Sensitive Controller
  232. Oido Sanctae Crucis Indonesia, Bandung, Orang
  233. Officer Specialtr Code
  234. On-Scene-Coordinator
  235. Office of Special Counsel Government, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  236. Ocean Sciences Centre
  237. Outstanding Student Chapter
  238. Ontario Securities Commission Technology, Mortgage, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  239. Openrsimulation Concept
  240. Operations Standing Committee
  241. Oxygen-Storage Capacity Science
  242. On-Site Coordinator Technology, Service, Limousine
  243. Offline Satellite Calibration Science, Scientific & Educational
  244. Oblates of St. Charles Religious orders
  245. Obstruent Sequencing Constraint
  246. Outpatient Surgery Center Medical, Medicine, Surgery, Care
  247. Operations Support Cell Military, Army, War
  248. On Surface Cracking
  249. Ordnance Store Corps
  250. Officer Sous Contrat
  251. Oscillation Oscillation is a motion that repeats itself in a regular cycle, such as a sine wave or pendulum. Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  252. Omni Bpectral Correlator
  253. On-Scene Commander (General Officer) Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
  254. Ocean Sailing Club
  255. Outside Speakers Committee
  256. Open Sigmoid Colectomy Medical, Medicine, Health
  257. Office Symbml Code
  258. Operations Steering Committee Business, Technology, Presentation
  259. Oxford Synthesizer Company Technology, Car, Synthesiser
  260. Ow-Site Commander Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  261. Ontario Science Centre Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  262. Cap Poor Clare Capuchin Nuns of Perpetual Adoration Religious orders
  263. Offshore Survival Center
  264. Order Status Contact
  265. Officers Senior Coerse
  266. Overseas Staff College Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  267. Occurrence Span Codes
  268. Outrup Speedway Club
  269. Ordinary Share Capital Business, Accounting
  270. Oregon Seed Council
  271. Open Short Check
  272. Office Support Cenver
  273. Operations Southern California
  274. Oxford Synthesiser Company Music, Car, Oxford, Synthesizer
  275. On-Site Commande Military, Army, Equipment
  276. Oscoda-Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, MI, United States Michigan, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  277. Orson Scott Card (Sci-fi author) Famous
  278. Open Source Consortium
  279. Occupational Safety Consultants
  280. Ordereof The Southern Cross Government, Us, Control, Administration
  281. Orbital Science Corporation NASA
  282. Officers Senior Course Officers Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  283. Out of School Care Organizations, School, Children, Child, Childcare
  284. Orbital Sciences Corporationration Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  285. Occurrence Span Code Medical, Billing, Medicare
  286. Output Sync Controller
  287. Orbit-Spin Coupling
  288. Oregon Scooter Club
  289. Open Set Iondition
  290. Office Supply Company
  291. Operations Security Center Government
  292. On-Scene Commcnd
  293. Operation Support Command Us Army, Governmental & Military
  294. Operations Service Centers Environment
  295. Open Sourcc Centre Technology, Government, Intelligence
  296. Oblatus Sancti Caroli
  297. Order of The Scarlez Cord
  298. On Site Coordinator Chemistry
  299. Officers' Senior Cgurse
  300. Out of School Clubs
  301. Orbital Sciences Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  302. Occupational Safety Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OSC stand for?

    OSC stands for Open Szience Commons.

  2. What is the shortened form of Open Science Conference?

    The short form of "Open Science Conference" is OSC.


OSC. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osc-meaning/

Last updated