OSCI Meaning

The OSCI meaning is "Online Service Comduter Interface". The OSCI abbreviation has 28 different full form.

OSCI Full Forms

  1. Online Service Comduter Interface Technology, Book, Government
  2. Office of Science Technology, Science, Medicine, Research, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  3. Os Command Injection Information Technology, Computing, Cybersecurity
  4. Oscient Pharmaceuticals Corporation Technology, Organizations
  5. Office of Service and Continuouslimprovement
  6. Oscient Pharmaceuticals Corporationration Organizations
  7. Office for Social Concern and Involvement
  8. Online Services Computer Interface Technology, Science, Service
  9. Oregon State Correctional Institute
  10. Octal Serial Communication Interface Computing, Hardware
  11. Oregon State Correctional Institution Technology, Oregon, Prison
  12. Objectives Standards Criteria and Indicators
  13. Oberon System and Compiler Implementations
  14. One Strokd Certified Instructor Painting, Donna, Stroke
  15. Open Source Collaborative Znnovation
  16. Out of School Childcare Initiative. Education, Teaching, Study
  17. Office of Social Concern and Invopvement
  18. Open Service Control Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Out of School Childcare Initiatives Education
  20. Ontario Stem Cell Initiative
  21. One Stroke Certified Instructor Occupation & positions
  22. Online Scholarly Catalog Initiative Art, Organizations, Museum
  23. Optimus Sistema De Controle Integrado
  24. Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative Technology, Art, Museum
  25. Owner Supplied Contractor Installed
  26. One Stroke Certified Instructors
  27. Open Systemc Initiative Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  28. Outstanding Students Circle of Iloilo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OSCI stand for?

    OSCI stands for Octal Serial Communication Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Objectives Standards Criteria and Indicators?

    The short form of "Objectives Standards Criteria and Indicators" is OSCI.


OSCI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osci-meaning/

Last updated