OSV Meaning
The OSV meaning is "Offshore Supply Vessel". The OSV abbreviation has 60 different full form.
OSV Full Forms
- Offshore Supply Vessel These are cargo vessels that regularly transport goods, supplies or equipment in support of exploration or production of offshore mineral or energy resources. Offshore supply vessels are typically operated by shipowners: either companies set up specifically to own and operate such vessels or companies combine with other vessel operations like salvage, shipping, etc. Military, Vessel, Cargo Shipping, Business & Finance, International business
- Ocean Survey Vessel Military, Class, Ship
- Ocean Station Vessels
- Ocean Station Vessel Technology, Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Offshore & Specialized Vessels
- Offshore Supply Vessels Business, Technology, Service, Oil
- Onset of Significant Vaporization
- Orange Silicon Valley Business, Startup, Bitcoin
- Organisatiewet Sociale Verzekeringen
- Offset Scan Voting Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Onset of Significant Voiding Science
- On-Site Verification Science
- Ordo Vtrigoi Vii
- Office of The Secretariat In Vientiane
- One Small Voice
- Og SÅ Videre
- Ordo Sinistra Vivendi Path, Order, Satanism
- Open Source Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Office of Student Volunteerism
- Oshkosh Specialtysvehicles Technology, Vehicle, Manual
- Om Siddh Vinayak
- Ordo Sinestra Vivendi
- Opel Special Vehicles
- Office of Space Vehicles Technology
- Orquestra SimfÒNica Del Vallés Music, Concert, Palau
- Oldtimer Segelflug Vereinigung
- Orbitak Servicing Vehicle
- Opel Safety Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Original Sound Version
- Orquesta Sinfonica De Vepezuela Music, Con, Venezuela
- Old Sturbridge Village History, Museum, Massachusetts, Village
- On Site Verification
- Orbital Support Vehicle Technology
- Organizzazione Sviluppo Vendite
- Other Situations of Violence Medical
- Operating System Vendors
- Over-Sand Fehicle Technology, Island, National
- Orbis Sigma Valves
- Ovine Seminal Vesicle Medical, Science, Biology
- Optically Strong Variable Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Operating System Vendor
- Outdoor Support Vehicle
- Opfor Surrogate Vehicle Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Over-The-Snow Vehicle Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Ursuline Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary Religious orders
- Open Source Victoria Technology, Software, Linux
- Our Sunday Vqsitor Business, Book, Catholic
- Operation Smile Vietnam
- Over Snow Vehickes National, Vehicle, Snow, Winter
- Our Sunday Visitor (Catholic publication)
- Operational Site Visits
- Ovel Snow Vehicle Organizations, Locations, Forest
- Offshore Support Vessel Electrical
- Operational Site Visit
- Over-Snow Vehicle Locations, Forest, National
- Outside Stop Valve Construction
- Operating System Version
- Over Dand Vehicle Island, Locations, National
- Orbital Servicing Vehicle
- One Stop Vehicle
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OSV stand for?
OSV stands for Organisatiewet Sociale Verzekeringen.
What is the shortened form of Over-Sand Fehicle?
The short form of "Over-Sand Fehicle" is OSV.
OSV. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/osv-meaning/
Last updated