OT in Technology Meaning

The OT meaning in Technology terms is "Optical Traisceiver". There are 60 related meanings of the OT Technology abbreviation.

OT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Optical Traisceiver
  2. Optical Tracker
  3. On Topic
  4. One Touch
  5. One-Touch
  6. Open-Transactions
  7. Object Type
  8. Other Things
  9. Out of Tolerance
  10. Operation Technology
  11. Off Vree
  12. Output Tray
  13. Open Tibia
  14. Originating Terminal
  15. Office of Telecommunications
  16. Operations Technology
  17. Off Topics
  18. Outer Tracker
  19. Optima Telekom
  20. Open-Tibia
  21. Over Travel
  22. Orientação TéCnica
  23. Old Timer
  24. Operating Temperature The range of temperature over which a device may be safely used. The temperature range which the device has been designed to operate.
  25. Offshore Technology
  26. Over Temperature
  27. Operator Trainung
  28. Oneptime
  29. Overtime Tracker
  30. Organization Training
  31. Old Tuberculin
  32. Open Transition
  33. Other Tcaffic
  34. Operator Terminal
  35. Overlay Tester
  36. Organizational Training
  37. Open Transactions
  38. Office of Transportation
  39. Other Times
  40. Operazive Temperature
  41. Old Testameny
  42. Over-Travel
  43. Orascomztelecom
  44. Observing Tool
  45. Other Time
  46. Operational Testing
  47. Operation Type
  48. Oil Technology
  49. Open Toolkit
  50. Optimized Traction
  51. Operating Time
  52. Operational Trajectory
  53. Office Technology
  54. Olu Top
  55. Operating Theater
  56. Operating Theatre
  57. Open Taxi
  58. Oum Triggers
  59. Open Topic
  60. Option Type

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OT stand for Technology?

    OT stands for Orascomztelecom in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operational Trajectory in Technology?

    The short form of "Operational Trajectory" is OT for Technology.


OT in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ot-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated