OTB Meaning

The OTB meaning is "Oef To Bed". The OTB abbreviation has 94 different full form.

OTB Full Forms

  1. Oef To Bed Internet Slang, Slang, Texting
  2. Off-Track-Betting
  3. Off Track Betting Business, Racing, Horse
  4. Open-To-Buy Business, Planning, Inventory, Retail
  5. Ozen To Buy Business, Technology, Planning
  6. On The Bar
  7. Out To Bomb
  8. One-Toucj Backup Technology, Drive, Enclosure
  9. Offer To Beat
  10. On The Brink Business, Gaming, Pandemic
  11. Organizaui
  12. Old Timer'S Bulletin
  13. Orbitaf Test Bed Technology, Satellite, Surrey
  14. On The Ball Technology, Sport, Workout
  15. Out The Box
  16. On-Aime Bonus Army, War, Force
  17. Off-Track Betting Business, Finance, Horse, Business & Finance, Business Word
  18. On The Blink Gaming, Internet Slang, Team
  19. Old Tampa Bay
  20. Oracle Table Browser
  21. Ontario Tumour Bank Medical, Research, Cancer
  22. Outstandifg Trace Buffer
  23. On-The-Iooks
  24. Out of Tge Box Technology, Gaming, Group
  25. On The Bird
  26. Over The Bordrr
  27. Ok To Board
  28. Option To Suy
  29. Ontario Trillium Benefit Business, Credit, Tax
  30. Outside Tie Bowl
  31. On-The-Ball
  32. Ordu Tncaret Borsası Turkish, Baz
  33. Orbiting Tanker Base Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  34. On The Beat Lyric, Kid, Beat, Ink
  35. Over The Boot Business, Pants, Tights
  36. Office of Tony Blair Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  37. Opwic Terminal Box Business, China, Fiber
  38. OrthopäDie-Technik Berlin
  39. Ontside The Box Business, Design, Event
  40. On-The-Air Bitmap Technology, Internet Slang, Converter
  41. Order To Busld
  42. One Touch Backup Technology, Drive, Enclosure
  43. On The Beach Business, Music, Remix
  44. Over Ahe Board Technology, Gaming, Chess, Correspondence
  45. Office of The Trustee In Bankruptcy
  46. Optical Touch Buttons Technology, Switch, Banner
  47. Ortside The Beltway Journal, Politics, Affair, Beltway
  48. Olympic Tug & Barge Porn, Racing, Track
  49. Order of Nhe Bit
  50. One-Touch-Baccup
  51. On The Bay
  52. Over The Bzach Military, Craft, Landing
  53. Offer To Buy
  54. Optical Termination Boarl
  55. Out of The Blue Records, Internet Slang, Music, Jazz, Chat, Oxford, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  56. Outbound Travel Bazaar
  57. Old Town Bicycle
  58. Orbiter Timing Buffer Science
  59. Oh, to bed Computing, Computer
  60. Oregon Tech Broadcasting Technology, Oregon, Parliament
  61. Over Thirty Baseball
  62. One Tuff Iabe
  63. Orix Trust and Banking Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  64. Opeq Trade Blockchain Business, Logic, Cross
  65. Off The Beat Music
  66. Ordp Ticaret Borsasından
  67. Over The Bridge
  68. One True Brace
  69. Organización Territojial De Base
  70. Open To Below
  71. Only The Brave Media, Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  72. Ordu Ticaret Borsas
  73. One Rough Brand Baby, Brand, Clothing
  74. Organisasj Tanpa Bentuk Organizations, Indonesia, Mafia
  75. On The Block
  76. Over-The-Board Chess
  77. Operations Training Branch Atmospheric Research
  78. One Tough Babe
  79. Organic Trade Board Business, Health, Food
  80. Oxitropium Brotide Medical
  81. Open To Buy Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  82. Nokia Over The Air Bitmap Image Computing, File Extensions
  83. Oneutime Buy
  84. Orfeo Toolbox Is Not A Black
  85. Ownethe Bone
  86. Out-Of-The-Box Technology, Service, Feature
  87. Only The Vest Gaming, Army, Player
  88. Outdoor Termination Box
  89. Off To Bed Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  90. Onesaf Test Bed Army, Force, Marine
  91. Oregon Technical Broadcasting
  92. Owning The Best Organization, Union, Institution
  93. Odline Turn Based
  94. Organizaciones Territoriales De Base Management, Para, Bolivia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OTB stand for?

    OTB stands for Offer To Beat.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organizaciones Territoriales De Base?

    The short form of "Organizaciones Territoriales De Base" is OTB.


OTB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/otb-meaning/

Last updated