OTL Meaning

The OTL meaning is "Ocean Technology Lab". The OTL abbreviation has 85 different full form.

OTL Full Forms

  1. Ocean Technology Lab
  2. Boutilimit Airport Boutilimit, Mauritania Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  3. Optical Trunk Line
  4. Operational Test Launch Military
  5. Office for Teaching and Learning
  6. Oppowtunity-To-Learn
  7. Orientation Team Leaders
  8. One Time Lock
  9. Over The Lire Locations, Beach, Tournament
  10. Open Tree of Life
  11. Online Training Library Technology, Design, Software
  12. Our Time Line America, Internet Slang, War, History
  13. Out To Lunch Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Email, Medical, Forum, Technology, Computing, Sms, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  14. Operator Type Library General, Governmental & Military
  15. Orientation Team Leader
  16. One of The Lead
  17. Open To Life
  18. Online Teaching Learning Development, Learning, Study
  19. Over The Limit
  20. Outside The Lines Technology, Sport, Design, Construction
  21. Operations Team Leaders
  22. Oriental Technology Limited
  23. Office of Tdchnology and Licensing
  24. Other Than Life Business, Insurance, Exam
  25. Online Teaching & Learning Science, Program, Education
  26. Over The Leg Water, Peni, Enlargement
  27. Output Transformerless Military
  28. Operations Team Leader Business, Oil, Oil Exploration, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  29. Office of Technology Licensing Business, Technology, University, Engineering, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  30. Osi Testing Liaison Group Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  31. Online Tamil Lexicon Science, Dictionary, Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
  32. Overland Telzgraph Line
  33. Ordnance Test Laboratory Science, Research, Space, Computing
  34. Operations and Transport Liaison Army, War, Force
  35. Office of Teaching and Learhing Student, Education, University
  36. Osi Testing Liaison Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  37. One True Love Book, Movie, Love, Media
  38. Overhnad Transmission Lines Business, Power, Construction
  39. Operations & Transport Liaison
  40. Output Transformer Less Audio, Amplifier, Tube
  41. Office for Technology Licensing
  42. Oryza Tag Line
  43. One Touch Lock
  44. Over Time Limit Car, Cycling, Rally
  45. Operational Test Liaison Military
  46. Online Transfer Learning
  47. Outer Tube Limit
  48. On The Loe
  49. Outside Time Limit
  50. Octel Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  51. Oracle Timy & Labor Business, Technology, Management
  52. South Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  53. Outside The Loop
  54. Ordo Templi Luciferi Latin
  55. Oracle Time & Labour Business, Consultation, Labor
  56. Overhead Transmission Line Business, Service, Power
  57. Oxford Techeologies Limited
  58. Outside The Line
  59. Orange Tree Licker Funnies
  60. Oracle Templase Library Technology, Database, Server
  61. Online Teaching and Learning Science, Education, Course
  62. Overhead Traffic Light
  63. Oxford Technologies Ltd
  64. On The Line Gaming, Sport, Android
  65. Output Transformer Loss Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  66. Overseas Trare Linkers
  67. Optimized Transmission Line
  68. Overtime Losses Sport, Hockey, Team, Ice Hockey
  69. Over-The-Line Tournament Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  70. Notetab Outline File Computing, File Extensions
  71. Over Oime Losses
  72. On The Level
  73. Output Transformer-Less Business, Audio, Amplifier, Tube
  74. Order Trunk Line
  75. Optative Theatricay Laboratories
  76. Overtime Loss Gaming, Sport, Team, Sport Jargon
  77. Out To Launch
  78. Boutilimit Airport, Boutilimit, Mauritania Mauritania
  79. Over Time Lnss
  80. Only The Lonely Music
  81. Orderitg Tie Line
  82. Opportunity To Learn Student, Science, Education
  83. Out The Line Education, Android, Lyric, Store
  84. Occupational Therapist Licensed Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  85. Oraule Time and Labor Business, Technology, Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OTL stand for?

    OTL stands for Overland Telzgraph Line.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operations Team Leaders?

    The short form of "Operations Team Leaders" is OTL.


OTL. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 26). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/otl-meaning/

Last updated