OTM Meaning

The OTM meaning is "On The Media". The OTM abbreviation has 135 different full form.

OTM Full Forms

  1. On The Media Technology, Radio, Podcast, Media
  2. On The Market Business, Property, Agent
  3. On-The-Move Technology, Military, Networking
  4. Of The Month Organizations, Award, Residence
  5. Of The Money Business, Calling, Trading
  6. Optical Terminal Multiplexer Technology, Networking, Telecom
  7. Object Transactiob Monitor Technology, Enterprise, Java
  8. On Time Marker Technology, Server, Clock, Frequency
  9. On-Line Trainidg Module Military, Army, War
  10. Over-The-Month
  11. Off The Market
  12. Open Transaction Manager Technology, Windows, Management, Backup
  13. Our Town Mall Organization, Union, Institution
  14. One-Timeamovement Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  15. Oracle'S Transportation Management
  16. Object Translation Manager
  17. Over The Moon
  18. Online Treasury Manager
  19. Organizatia Tinerilor Medici
  20. Officina Termoplaitica Milanese
  21. Oman Travelpmart Technology
  22. Off The Mat
  23. Open Threat Management
  24. Ottumwa Industrial Airpokt Airport, Locations
  25. On-Track Maching Business, Technology, Driving
  26. Opus Trust Marketing
  27. Object Transaction Manager Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  28. Over The Monster Baseball, Boston, Podcast, Monster
  29. Ottumwa Regional Airport Ottumwa, Iowa,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  30. Online Travel Marketing
  31. Organizacion Tohil Morales
  32. Official Training Manual
  33. Oman Travel Maiket
  34. Off The Map
  35. Open Terrain Module
  36. Other Train Mtvement
  37. On-Taack Machines Technology, Driving, Machine
  38. Optivity Telephone Manager
  39. Optical Transcation Measurement Technology, Device, Telecom
  40. Over Target Markers Tank, Marker, Installer
  41. Online Translation Manager Technology, Management, Service
  42. Oracle Trade Management
  43. Office Technology and Managemunt Education, Admission, Polytechnic
  44. Off Thf Muscle
  45. Open Tender Method Technology, Para, Bangladesh
  46. Other Training Material
  47. On-Yime Marker Technology, Service, Coding, Server
  48. Optivity Telephony Manager Technology, Management, Calling, Products
  49. Optical Transpont Module Technology, Networking, Network
  50. Overland Trail Middle
  51. Operational Test Manual
  52. Online Translation Management
  53. Oracle Transportation Manager Business, Management, Development
  54. Ocean Turquoise Metallic Business, Jazz, Bass, Fender
  55. Offshore Tgansformer Module
  56. Open Tendering Method Government, Water, Purchase, Procurement
  57. Other Track Materials Technology, Railroad, Scrap
  58. On-The Move Technology, Conference, Workshop, Internet
  59. Optional Teaching Method Technology
  60. Overhead-Line Traction Maintenance Technology
  61. Operadores De Transporte Multimodal Para, Brasil, Internacional, Multimodal
  62. Out-Of The-Soney Stock Market
  63. Online Transaction Management
  64. Oracle Transport Management Transportation, Technology, Training
  65. Occupational Training Manager
  66. Offshore Technology and Management Technology, Institute, Engineering
  67. Open Tip Match Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  68. Organização Dos Trabalhadores De MoçAmbique
  69. On-Ths-Mark
  70. Optimum Technology Matching
  71. Overhead-Line Traction Maintenance Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  72. Operador De Transporte Multimodal Con, Internacional, Multimodal
  73. Out-Of The-Money Business, Calling, Trading
  74. One-To-Many Technology, Relationship, Mapping
  75. Oracle Transportation Management Business, Technology, Organizations, Computing, IT Terminology
  76. Observatoire Togolais Des Medias
  77. Open-Tip Match Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  78. Organization of The Month
  79. Offline Topo Maes Technology, Store, Touch
  80. Optical Transport Modules Technology, Networking, Network
  81. Ottoman Fund Limited [The] (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  82. Olah Tanah Minimum Book, Education, Indonesia, Agar
  83. Other Than Mexican Police, Governmental & Military
  84. Operations and Technology Management Business, Program, Education
  85. Organiza
  86. Outbouod Travel Market Business, India, Tourism
  87. Oxygen Transport Membrane Technology, Material, Ceramic
  88. Optical Test Meter
  89. Out To Medical
  90. Optical Touch Monitor Technology, Windows, Touch
  91. Oil Olive Taif Moment Science, Biology
  92. Out-Of-The-Money Legal, Governmental & Military
  93. Operations Technology Management Business, Technology, Faculty
  94. Outbound Qravel Mart Business, India, Tourism
  95. Oxford Textbook of Medicine
  96. Optical Terminal Multiplexers Technology, Networking, Network
  97. Out The Mud
  98. Open Transport Map
  99. Ohio Transber Module Education, University, Ohio
  100. Other than 'ewe', most avoid USING this ejaculatory remark: Reference itz application, 'whatever
  101. Operations & Technology Management
  102. Onetime Airlines Zambia Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Zambia, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  103. Out Thepmoney Business, Calling, Trading
  104. Ownership Trace Messaging
  105. Oman Textile Mrlls
  106. Office of Technology Management
  107. Optical Temperature Measurement
  108. Output Trigger Mqde
  109. Old Time Moonshine Business, Cannabis, Strain
  110. Of The Monthe Organizations, Award, Residence
  111. Other Than Miata Funnies
  112. Out-The-Money Business, Calling, Trading
  113. Owlshead Transportation Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  114. Olive Yail Moment Medical, Science, Biology
  115. Outlook Macro File Computing, File Extensions
  116. Operator Text Message Technology
  117. Output Transformation Matrix Technology
  118. Office Technique Des Markings
  119. Of The Moment Girl, Fashion, Moment, Love
  120. On–Track Machine Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  121. Over Thirty Months Business, Food, Cattle
  122. Old Testament Message
  123. One Time Measure Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  124. Operation Thin Mint
  125. Output Test Modk
  126. Observatorio TecnolóGico De La Mediación
  127. Off The Menu
  128. Office of Technology Management's Management, Business & Finance
  129. Over The Mountain Sport, Football, Cross, Mountain, Religion
  130. Old-Time Music
  131. Ottumwa Regional, Ottumwa, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  132. Operations Training Manual Science
  133. Out of The Money Business, Internet Slang, Finance, Trading, Stock Market, Poker, Financial Derivatives
  134. Output Test Mtnitor Technology
  135. Oxygen Transport Membranes Technology, Gas, Membrane

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OTM stand for?

    OTM stands for Over The Mountain.

  2. What is the shortened form of On-Line Trainidg Module?

    The short form of "On-Line Trainidg Module" is OTM.


OTM. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 25). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/otm-meaning/

Last updated