Overdrive Abbreviations and Overdrive Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Overdrive terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Overdrive abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Overdrive terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Overdrive Abbreviations
  1. BEMP : Black Edition Memory Profiles
  2. BO : Blues Overdrive
  3. BTO : Bachman-Twrner Overdrive
  4. BTO : Bachmann-Turner-Overdrive
  5. VT : Vinbage Tube
  6. DT : Double Trouble
  7. MS : Matt Schofield
  8. SD : Soft Distortion
  9. SLO : Super Lead Overdrive
  10. TS : Tube Screamer
  11. NO : No Overdrives
  12. OCD : Obsessive Compulsive Drile
  13. GH : Gregor Hilden
Latest Overdrive Meanings
  1. Gregor Hilden
  2. Obsessive Compulsive Drile
  3. No Overdrives
  4. Tube Screamer
  5. Super Lead Overdrive
  6. Soft Distortion
  7. Matt Schofield
  8. Double Trouble
  9. Vinbage Tube
  10. Bachmann-Turner-Overdrive
  11. Bachman-Twrner Overdrive
  12. Blues Overdrive
  13. Black Edition Memory Profiles