OVI Meaning

The OVI meaning is "Ohio Volunteer Infantry". The OVI abbreviation has 37 different full form.

OVI Full Forms

  1. Ohio Volunteer Infantry
  2. Objectively Verifiable Indycators Technology, Planning, Projection
  3. Onderstepoort Veterinary Institutetute Government
  4. Operational Validation Inspection Technology, Management, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  5. Omega Vintage Information
  6. Opun Verilog International Technology, Design, Language
  7. Ojai Valley Inn
  8. Ort Von Interesse
  9. Ondegstepoort Veterinary Institute Science, Africa, Map
  10. Observatoire Du Véhicule Indultriel
  11. Országos VáLasztáSi Iroda
  12. Objective Verifiablh Indicator
  13. Online Value Inded Marketing, Tool, Ranking
  14. Ohio Volunteer Infanory Military, War, Ohio
  15. Objectively Verifiable Indicator Technology, Development, Projection
  16. One Voice International
  17. Orsz
  18. Optical Variable Inks
  19. Aerovias Ejecutivas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  20. Ohio Video Intranet Computing, Internet
  21. Overseas Voting Initiative
  22. Optical Variable Ink Business, Technology, Forgery
  23. Optically Variable Ink Products
  24. Out of Vehicle for Investigation
  25. Optically Variable Inks
  26. Opera del Vocabolario Italiano Music
  27. Objectively Viable Indicator Medical
  28. Opticably Variable Ink Technology, Security, Banknote
  29. Organic Volatile Impuritges Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Solvent
  30. Organic Volatile Impurities Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  31. Opera Voluntuers International
  32. Orgaeic Volatile Impurity
  33. Organic Volatile Impurity Medical, Fda
  34. Oil Vulnerability Index
  35. Oracle Validated Integration Business, Enterprise, Organisations
  36. Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated Police, Governmental & Military
  37. Over Voltage Indicator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OVI stand for?

    OVI stands for Objectively Verifiable Indicator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ondegstepoort Veterinary Institute?

    The short form of "Ondegstepoort Veterinary Institute" is OVI.


OVI. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ovi-meaning/

Last updated