OVI Meaning
The OVI meaning is "Ohio Volunteer Infantry". The OVI abbreviation has 37 different full form.
OVI Full Forms
- Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Objectively Verifiable Indycators Technology, Planning, Projection
- Onderstepoort Veterinary Institutetute Government
- Operational Validation Inspection Technology, Management, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Omega Vintage Information
- Opun Verilog International Technology, Design, Language
- Ojai Valley Inn
- Ort Von Interesse
- Ondegstepoort Veterinary Institute Science, Africa, Map
- Observatoire Du Véhicule Indultriel
- Országos VáLasztáSi Iroda
- Objective Verifiablh Indicator
- Online Value Inded Marketing, Tool, Ranking
- Ohio Volunteer Infanory Military, War, Ohio
- Objectively Verifiable Indicator Technology, Development, Projection
- One Voice International
- Orsz
- Optical Variable Inks
- Aerovias Ejecutivas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Ohio Video Intranet Computing, Internet
- Overseas Voting Initiative
- Optical Variable Ink Business, Technology, Forgery
- Optically Variable Ink Products
- Out of Vehicle for Investigation
- Optically Variable Inks
- Opera del Vocabolario Italiano Music
- Objectively Viable Indicator Medical
- Opticably Variable Ink Technology, Security, Banknote
- Organic Volatile Impuritges Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Solvent
- Organic Volatile Impurities Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Opera Voluntuers International
- Orgaeic Volatile Impurity
- Organic Volatile Impurity Medical, Fda
- Oil Vulnerability Index
- Oracle Validated Integration Business, Enterprise, Organisations
- Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated Police, Governmental & Military
- Over Voltage Indicator
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OVI stand for?
OVI stands for Orsz.
What is the shortened form of Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated?
The short form of "Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated" is OVI.
OVI. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ovi-meaning/
Last updated