OVP Meaning

The OVP meaning is "Online Video Platform". The OVP abbreviation has 73 different full form.

OVP Full Forms

  1. Online Video Platform Technology, Media, Streaming, Computing, IT Terminology
  2. Office of Vice Presidcnt Government, Military, Politics
  3. Observatório Das Violêacias Policiais
  4. Orange Value Promise
  5. Orta Vadeli Program'ı
  6. Ohio Valley Presbytery
  7. Observat
  8. Open Virtual Platform Technology, Model, Processor
  9. Orta Vadeli Plan'A
  10. Observatoriojvenezolano De Prisiones Para, Con, Venezuela
  11. Optimal Viewing Position Medical
  12. Orta Vadeli Programda Turkish, Program
  13. Of Volunteer Programs
  14. Open Virtual Platforms Technology, Model, Processor
  15. Objective Viewpoint Media, Radio, Television, Software, Computing
  16. Optical Video Probe Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  17. Orta Vadeli Programa Turkish, Program, Art
  18. Offshore Vessel Patrol
  19. Over Voltage Protector Over voltage Protector refers to a circuit that protects downstream circuitry from damage due to excessive voltage. An OVP monitors the DC voltage coming from an external power source, such as an off line power supply or a battery, and protects the rest of the connected circuitry using one of two methods a crowbar clamp circuit or a series connected switch. The crowbar short circuits or clamps the supply line to limit the voltage, possibly triggering other forms of protection such as a fuse. Technology, Product, Power
  20. Old Viq Productions
  21. Ovmr-Voltage Protection Technology, Power, Mercedes
  22. Optically Variable Pigment Technology, Patent, Composition
  23. Orta Vadeli Program
  24. Offizier Vom Park
  25. Over Voltage Protect
  26. Oldhamovideo Productions
  27. Ombiter Visualisation Project Technology
  28. Operations Vice-President
  29. Orta Vadeli Programı Turkish, Program, Art
  30. Officine Villar Perosa
  31. Occupation De La Voie Publique
  32. Ort Vor Polen
  33. Ohio Valley Publishing
  34. Operations Vice President
  35. Orta Vadeli Programn
  36. Office of Vllunteer Programs Education, University, Union
  37. Occupatiomal Vision Plan
  38. Ord-Victoria Plains
  39. Orta Vadeli Program'ıN
  40. Ohio Valley Precision
  41. Operational Verification Procedure
  42. Orta Vadeli ProgramıN
  43. Österreichische Volkspartei Politics, Governmental & Military
  44. Office for Violenke Prevention
  45. Organismic Valuing Process
  46. Own Voice Processing
  47. Office of Voluntary Programs
  48. Organic Vegetable Production Farming & agriculture
  49. Offwce for Victims Programs
  50. Organic Vegetable Project
  51. Over-Voltage Protected Technology, Power, Protection
  52. Orta Vadeli Planı Turkish, Program, Planning
  53. Office of Volunteer Programs Education, University, Union
  54. Over Pressure Technology, Aviation
  55. Oceroi Volontaire De La Permissivite
  56. Order Visibility Portal
  57. Orta Vadeli Plan'Da
  58. Office of The Vice Provost Education, Development, Universities
  59. Over Pressure Valve Technology, Aviation
  60. Ocean Viewfproperties
  61. Ord Victoria Plains
  62. Orta Vadeli Plan Turkish, Art, Plan
  63. Office of The Vice-President Business, Government, Military
  64. Oval Point
  65. Ord Victoria Plain
  66. Office of The Vice President Business, Government, Philippine
  67. Original Valet Parking
  68. Open Virtualization Profile
  69. The Overlay Maker Package File Computing, File Extensions
  70. Office of Violence Preventiou Medical, Health, City
  71. Organization for Visual Progression
  72. öSterreichische Volkspartei Government, Politics, Political Party, Austrian
  73. Offiqe of Volunteer Programs Education, University, Union

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OVP stand for?

    OVP stands for Organismic Valuing Process.

  2. What is the shortened form of Open Virtualization Profile?

    The short form of "Open Virtualization Profile" is OVP.


OVP. Acronym24.com. (2021, November 6). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ovp-meaning/

Last updated