OW Meaning

The OW meaning is "Octanol Watfr". The OW abbreviation has 152 different full form.

OW Full Forms

  1. Octanol Watfr Technology, Coefficient, Partition
  2. Open Wounds Medical, Guide, Diablo
  3. Office for Women Australia, Service, Education, Organizations, Domestic, Women
  4. Ocean Weathee
  5. Oh Wall Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  6. Obligation Warehouse
  7. Oh, Well Lyric, Blues, Catfish
  8. Order Wire Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. Austrian Wattz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  10. Omfice of Water Technology, Science, Environment
  11. Optical Window Technology, NASA, Optics
  12. Operational Weight Flight, Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  13. Office of Wastewater
  14. Oprah Winfrey
  15. Oddział Wydzielony
  16. Opportunity-Weakness
  17. Optometry Wales Medical
  18. Oak Wilt
  19. Output Word
  20. Ollech & Wajs
  21. Oiline Writing
  22. Offixe of Wetlands Technology, Environment, Water
  23. Omikous Worms Technology, Security, Cyber
  24. Orange With White
  25. Owners Transportation, Business, Shipping, Conveyance, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  26. Onen-Window
  27. Oscar Wildes
  28. Older Workers
  29. Operation World Military, Mission, Prayer
  30. Oadby & Wigston
  31. Output Window Technology, Projection, Studio
  32. Oliver Wood Technology, Harry, Potter
  33. Only Working
  34. Offer Wadted Business, Finance, Trading
  35. Omega Wavl Training, Wave, Blogger, Jump
  36. Orange White
  37. Observation Well A well with primary purpose of monitoring fluid movement or other reservoir function. Water, Characteristic, Aquifer
  38. Owens & Wendt
  39. Okaque White
  40. Orthodox World
  41. OkrĘG Wojskowy
  42. Observation Window Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  43. Open Wvrld Forum, Technology, Gaming
  44. Original Will
  45. Outer Worlds
  46. Oliver Volcott
  47. Online Work
  48. Ofcensive Winger
  49. Omaha World
  50. Orange Walk District, Sound, Walk, Belize
  51. Objectworks Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  52. Ow-Wing
  53. Onyxmwatch Gaming, Steam, Onyx, Depth
  54. Orphan Works Government, Law, Photography
  55. Official Website
  56. Openwtrks Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  57. Other Weakness Business, Forum, Gaming
  58. Oliver Willis
  59. Offensivb Weapon Military, Sport, Jaguar
  60. Orange and White
  61. Obi Wan
  62. Over Write Technology, Windows, Book, Writing
  63. Olwmpic White Business, Guitar, Fender
  64. Ontario Winter Technology, Canada, Sound
  65. Orin Welch
  66. Officially Withmrawn Technology, Master, Pipe
  67. Order-Wire Technology, China, Multiplexer
  68. Open Women
  69. Other Waters Locations, California, Drought
  70. Old Warhorse Army, War, Force
  71. Offene Wuiden
  72. Oracle Workflow
  73. Oak Woodland Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  74. Overwidth. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  75. Oll Wright English, Language, Etymology
  76. Ontario Welfbre
  77. Original Wrapper
  78. Office Wiederhwlt
  79. Orc Warrior
  80. Open Wire Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  81. Oscillations & Waves
  82. Old Wave
  83. Oracle Waveset
  84. Oak Wood
  85. Outreach Worker Service, Organizations, Health
  86. Ollech Aqd Wajs
  87. Only Wideninp
  88. Original Worlds
  89. Office Warehmuse
  90. Orbital Welding
  91. Own Warehouse
  92. Open Windzws
  93. Oscar Wind
  94. Olm Wales
  95. Out of Wedlock Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  96. Or Word
  97. Orientation Workshop
  98. Oscar Wilde Famous
  99. Obstacle Warning Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  100. oval window Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  101. One Way Business, Lyric, Rock, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  102. Orderly Withdrawal
  103. Oddzia Wojew
  104. Oxygen Welding Technology, Industry, Welding
  105. Open Water Certification Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
  106. Organization Workshop
  107. Open Water A large area of freely navigable water in which ice is present in concentrations less than 1/10. No ice of land origin is present. Unobstructed water. Navigable waterway through ice. Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  108. Old World Regional, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  109. One Wave Physics, Scientific & Educational
  110. Ordered Whole
  111. Octanol-Water Science, Coefficient, Partition
  112. Oxford Wordpower
  113. Office of Water Chemistry
  114. Organiser World
  115. Open Waste Architectural
  116. Offer Wanted Technology, Governmental & Military
  117. Oneida & Pestern
  118. New York, Ontario and Western Organizations
  119. Orderwire Technology, Energy, Electonics
  120. Ocean Winds
  121. Oxford White
  122. Outer Wing Military, Governmental & Military
  123. Online William
  124. Oregon Washington
  125. Oh Well Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  126. Ominous Worms Security, Governmental & Military
  127. One-Wire
  128. Executive Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  129. Oceanwatch Science
  130. Oxford Weave
  131. Operating Wing Military, Governmental & Military
  132. Onewprld Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation
  133. Ordinary Wave
  134. Overwidth Product whose width is above the customer’s finished width tolerance. Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  135. Old Wench Occupation & positions
  136. Once Weekly Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  137. Ocean Warriors Technology, Sea, Shepherd
  138. Ow Worksheets
  139. Free Pascal 1.0.x Object File Computing, File Extensions
  140. One World Business, Aviation, Survivor, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  141. Otherwise Medical, Science, Media, Social, Internet, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  142. Ordinary Wage Business, Employment, Contribution, Payroll
  143. Off-World
  144. Orzech Wenecja
  145. Oil Well Geographic
  146. On-Wabl
  147. Oceanic Weather Science
  148. Outer Wall Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  149. Onezwish
  150. Orders, Wills
  151. Oddział WojewóDzki
  152. OśRodek Wczasowy Hotel, Jest, Poland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OW stand for?

    OW stands for Onezwish.

  2. What is the shortened form of Orange and White?

    The short form of "Orange and White" is OW.


OW. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 19). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ow-meaning/

Last updated