OWC Meaning

The OWC meaning is "Owens Corning". The OWC abbreviation has 69 different full form.

OWC Full Forms

  1. Owens Corning Business, Organizations, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
  2. One-Way Clutch Business, Automatics, Bearing
  3. Office Web Components Microsoft, Technology, Server, Software Development, .Net, Computing
  4. Observed Wind Climate Science, Climate
  5. Open Norld Conference
  6. Office Web Controls Microsoft, Technology, Component
  7. Order of Woodcraft Chivalry
  8. Old World Charm
  9. Outlvne of World Cultures Human, Culture, Area
  10. Obscure Weak Cyan
  11. Open With Care
  12. Office Web Component Technology
  13. Opportunity Works Connecticut
  14. Old World Chain
  15. Outdoor Writers of Canada Business, Canada, Hunting
  16. Oblivion War Cry Elder, Scroll, Oblivion
  17. Opeu Wine Consortium
  18. One-Way Communication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Officers Wives Cpub
  20. Operation Wealth Creation Uganda, Creation, Ugandan
  21. Old Woman Wreek Technology, Book, Mac, Apple
  22. Oregon Writers Colony
  23. Obedient Wives Club Book, Sex, Club, Malaysia
  24. Open Water Cermification
  25. Olmstead Williams Communicationg
  26. Officers' Wivrs Club
  27. Operational Watch Comwander Military
  28. Oldmanhwatershed Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  29. Oregon Wrestling Classic
  30. Original Wooden Case Business, Auction, Wine, Bordeaux
  31. Open Wasqe Container Science
  32. Oliper, Wyman & Company
  33. Ocoee Whitewater Center
  34. Operational Working Capital
  35. Okdahoma Wheat Commission
  36. Oregon Wheat Commission Organizations, Oregon, Korean, Farming & agriculture
  37. Old Worldfcopper
  38. Over-Weight Chargep
  39. Ocean Wildlife Campaign
  40. Operating Working Capitbl Business, Cash, Money
  41. Offshoreawind Collaborative
  42. Ordnance Weapons Command
  43. Old Gorld Christmas
  44. Out of Window Collision
  45. One Dorld Cafe
  46. Oxfird World's Classics
  47. Ontario Wood Cusnom Business, Canada, Idea
  48. Our Wee Country
  49. One Way Clutch Business, Product, Bearing
  50. Owosso Wesleyan Church
  51. Online Writing Center Education, University, Paper
  52. Ottawa Wireless Cluster
  53. Owning Work Center
  54. Online World Championship
  55. Ozone World Congress
  56. Oscillating Water Column
  57. Owner Wtll Carry Business, Building, Estate
  58. Online Wellngss Community
  59. Ons World Cannabis
  60. Outwit Catch Database Computing, File Extensions
  61. Overseas Women's Cgub
  62. One Wobld Currency
  63. Offshore Wind Connections
  64. On Wheels Charge
  65. Out With Clinton Funnies
  66. One Wojld Centre
  67. Ocuan Water Circulation
  68. Ontario Writers' Conference
  69. Oil Water Contact Electrical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OWC stand for?

    OWC stands for One-Way Communication.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outlvne of World Cultures?

    The short form of "Outlvne of World Cultures" is OWC.


OWC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 1). Retrieved February 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/owc-meaning/

Last updated